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Unified Diff: chrome/content/tests/notification.js

Issue 11144022: Add tests for the Notification module (Closed)
Patch Set: Test downloading (changes by Wladimir) Created July 18, 2013, 5:58 p.m.
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Index: chrome/content/tests/notification.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/content/tests/notification.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ let testRunner = null;
+ let server = null;
+ let randomResult = 0.5;
+ let originalApplication;
+ let originalAddonVersion;
+ let info = require("info");
+ module("Notification",
+ {
+ setup: function()
+ {
+ testRunner = this;
+ preparePrefs.call(this);
+ setupVirtualTime.call(this, function(wrapTimer)
+ {
+ let NotificationModule = getModuleGlobal("notification");
+ NotificationModule.downloader._timer = wrapTimer(NotificationModule.downloader._timer);
+ }, "notification", "downloader");
+ server = new nsHttpServer();
+ server.start(1234);
+ originalApplication = info.application;
+ info.application = "chrome";
+ originalAddonVersion = info.addonVersion;
+ info.addonVersion = "1.4.1";
+ Prefs.notificationurl = "";
+ Prefs.notificationdata = {};
+ // Replace Math.random() function
+ let DownloaderGlobal = Cu.getGlobalForObject(getModuleGlobal("downloader"));
+ this._origRandom = DownloaderGlobal.Math.random;
+ DownloaderGlobal.Math.random = function() randomResult;
+ randomResult = 0.5;
Felix Dahlke 2013/07/19 14:30:41 This seems redundant, looks like randomResult is a
Wladimir Palant 2013/07/19 14:58:49 Actually, the point here is to reset randomResult
+ },
+ teardown: function()
+ {
+ restorePrefs.call(this);
+ restoreVirtualTime.call(this);
+ stop();
+ server.stop(function()
+ {
+ server = null;
+ start();
+ });
+ info.application = originalApplication;
+ info.addonVersion = originalAddonVersion;
+ if (this._origRandom)
+ {
+ let DownloaderGlobal = Cu.getGlobalForObject(getModuleGlobal("downloader"));
+ DownloaderGlobal.Math.random = this._origRandom;
+ delete this._origRandom;
+ }
+ Notification.init();
+ }
+ });
+ function registerHandler(notifications)
+ {
+ server.registerPathHandler("/notification.json", function(metadata, response)
+ {
+ response.setStatusLine("1.1", "200", "OK");
+ response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
+ let notification = {
+ version: 55,
+ notifications: notifications
+ };
+ let result = JSON.stringify(notification);
+ response.bodyOutputStream.write(result, result.length);
+ });
+ }
+ function fixConstructors(object)
+ {
+ // deepEqual() expects that the constructors used in expected objects and
+ // the ones in the actual results are the same. That means that we actually
+ // have to construct our objects in the context of the notification module.
+ let JSON = Cu.getGlobalForObject(Notification).JSON;
+ return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object));
+ }
+ test("No data", 1, function()
+ {
+ equal(Notification.getNextToShow(), null, "null should be returned if there is no data");
+ });
+ test("Single notification", 2, function()
+ {
+ let information = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 1,
+ severity: "information",
+ message: {en: "Information"}
+ });
+ registerHandler([information]);
+ testRunner.runScheduledTasks(1);
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), information, "The notification is shown");
+ equal(Notification.getNextToShow(), null, "Informational notifications aren't shown more than once");
+ });
+ test("Information and critical", 2, function()
+ {
+ let information = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 1,
+ severity: "information",
+ message: {en: "Information"}
+ });
+ let critical = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 2,
+ severity: "critical",
+ message: {en: "Critical"}
+ });
+ registerHandler([information, critical]);
+ testRunner.runScheduledTasks(1);
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), critical, "The critical notification is given priority");
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), critical, "Critical notifications can be shown multiple times");
+ });
+ test("No severity", 2, function()
+ {
+ let information = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 1,
+ message: {en: "Information"}
+ });
+ registerHandler([information]);
+ testRunner.runScheduledTasks(1);
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), information, "The notification is shown");
+ equal(Notification.getNextToShow(), null, "Notification is treated as severity information");
+ });
+ test("Different platforms", 2, function()
+ {
+ let information = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 1,
+ severity: "information",
+ message: {en: "Information"},
+ platforms: ["chrome", "firefox"]
+ });
+ let critical = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 2,
+ severity: "critical",
+ message: {en: "Critical"},
+ platforms: ["firefox"]
+ });
+ registerHandler([information, critical]);
+ testRunner.runScheduledTasks(1);
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), information, "Critical notification is ignored if platform doesn't match");
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), null, "Critical notification still ignored even if no other notifications available");
+ });
+ test("Min version", 2, function()
+ {
+ let information = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 1,
+ severity: "information",
+ message: {en: "Information"},
+ minVersion: "1.4"
+ });
+ let critical = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 2,
+ severity: "critical",
+ message: {en: "Critical"},
+ minVersion: "1.5"
+ });
+ registerHandler([information, critical]);
+ testRunner.runScheduledTasks(1);
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), information, "Critical notification is ignored if minVersion doesn't match");
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), null, "Critical notification still ignored even if no other notifications available");
+ });
+ test("Max version", 2, function()
+ {
+ let information = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 1,
+ severity: "information",
+ message: {en: "Information"},
+ maxVersion: "1.5"
+ });
+ let critical = fixConstructors({
+ timestamp: 2,
+ severity: "critical",
+ message: {en: "Critical"},
+ maxVersion: "1.4"
+ });
+ registerHandler([information, critical]);
+ testRunner.runScheduledTasks(1);
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), information, "Critical notification is ignored if maxVersion doesn't match");
+ deepEqual(Notification.getNextToShow(), null, "Critical notification still ignored even if no other notifications available");
+ });

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