Left: | ||
Right: |
(Empty) | |
1 # == Class: logstash | |
2 # | |
3 # Manage Logstash (https://logstash.net/) installations via APT. | |
4 # | |
5 # Please refer to the online documentation at Elastic for more information | |
6 # on the logstash software, it's usage and configuration options: | |
7 # | |
8 # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/index.html | |
9 # | |
10 # === Parameters: | |
11 # | |
12 # [*contrib*] | |
13 # Whether to realize Package['logstash-contrib']. | |
14 # | |
15 # [*ensure*] | |
16 # Either 'present'/'stopped', 'running'/'started', or 'absent'/'purged'. | |
17 # Note that Service['logstash'] is only realized implicitly when $ensure | |
18 # is neither 'absent' nor 'purged'. | |
19 # | |
20 # [*pipelines*] | |
21 # A hash to setup logstash::pipeline {$name: $parameter} resources. | |
22 # | |
23 # [*version*] | |
24 # The http://packages.elasticsearch.org/logstash/%s/debian $version. | |
25 # | |
26 # === Examples: | |
27 # | |
28 # class {'logstash': | |
29 # contrib => true, | |
30 # pipelines => { | |
31 # 'example' => { | |
32 # # see type logstash::pipeline for a parameter reference | |
33 # }, | |
34 # }, | |
35 # } | |
36 # | |
37 class logstash ( | |
38 $contrib = false, | |
39 $ensure = 'running', | |
40 $pipelines = {}, | |
41 $version = '1.4', | |
42 ) { | |
43 | |
44 $ensure_file = $ensure ? { | |
45 /^(absent|purged)$/ => 'absent', | |
46 default => 'present', | |
47 } | |
48 | |
49 apt::key {'logstash': | |
50 ensure => $ensure_file, | |
51 key => 'D88E42B4', | |
52 key_content => template('logstash/elastic-logstash-gpg-key.erb'), | |
53 } | |
54 | |
55 apt::source {'logstash': | |
56 ensure => $ensure_file, | |
57 include_src => false, | |
58 location => "http://packages.elasticsearch.org/logstash/$version/debian", | |
Felix Dahlke
2015/10/07 10:46:32
Can we use HTTPS?
2015/10/20 13:03:33
Yes we can.
| |
59 release => 'stable', | |
60 require => Apt::Key['logstash'], | |
61 } | |
62 | |
63 package {'logstash': | |
64 ensure => $ensure ? { | |
65 /^(absent|purged)$/ => $ensure, | |
66 default => 'present', | |
67 }, | |
68 require => Apt::Source['logstash'], | |
69 } | |
70 | |
71 @package {'logstash-contrib': | |
72 before => Service['logstash'], | |
73 ensure => $ensure ? { | |
74 /^(absent|purged)$/ => $ensure, | |
75 default => 'present', | |
76 }, | |
77 require => Package['logstash'], | |
78 } | |
79 | |
80 @service {'logstash': | |
81 enable => $ensure ? { | |
82 /^(absent|purged)$/ => false, | |
83 default => true, | |
84 }, | |
85 ensure => $ensure ? { | |
86 /^(running|started)$/ => 'running', | |
87 default => 'stopped', | |
88 }, | |
89 hasrestart => true, | |
90 require => Package['logstash'], | |
91 } | |
92 | |
93 file {'/usr/local/bin/logstash': | |
Felix Dahlke
2015/10/07 10:46:32
Would a symlink do?
If not: AFAIK it's a sort of
2015/10/20 13:03:33
No, a symbolic link won't do. The /opt/logstash/bi
Felix Dahlke
2015/10/30 09:43:10
| |
94 ensure => $ensure_file, | |
95 mode => 0755, | |
96 source => 'puppet:///modules/logstash/logstash.sh', | |
97 require => Package['logstash'], | |
98 } | |
99 | |
100 if $contrib { | |
101 realize(Package['logstash-contrib']) | |
102 } | |
103 | |
104 if $ensure !~ /^(absent|purged)$/ { | |
105 realize(Service['logstash']) | |
106 } | |
107 | |
108 create_resources('logstash::pipeline', $pipelines) | |
109 } | |