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Unified Diff: test/browser/elemHideEmulation.js

Issue 29984555: Issue 6959 - Use async/await in test/browser/elemHideEmulation.js (Closed) Base URL: https://hg.adblockplus.org/adblockpluscore/
Patch Set: Swap order of test parameter Created Jan. 17, 2019, 7:35 a.m.
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Index: test/browser/elemHideEmulation.js
--- a/test/browser/elemHideEmulation.js
+++ b/test/browser/elemHideEmulation.js
@@ -143,301 +143,356 @@
function createElementWithStyle(styleBlock, parent)
let element = createElement(parent);
insertStyleRule("#" + element.id + " " + styleBlock);
return element;
// Create a new ElemHideEmulation instance with @selectors.
-function applyElemHideEmulation(selectors)
+async function applyElemHideEmulation(test, selectors)
- return Promise.resolve().then(() =>
+ await Promise.resolve();
+ let elemHideEmulation = null;
+ try
- let elemHideEmulation = new ElemHideEmulation(
+ elemHideEmulation = new ElemHideEmulation(
elems =>
for (let elem of elems)
elem.style.display = "none";
elemHideEmulation.document = testDocument;
selector => ({selector, text: selector})
return elemHideEmulation;
- });
+ }
+ catch (error)
+ {
+ unexpectedError.call(test, error);
+ }
-exports.testVerbatimPropertySelector = function(test)
+exports.testVerbatimPropertySelector = async function(test)
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
[":-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testVerbatimPropertySelectorWithPrefix = function(test)
+exports.testVerbatimPropertySelectorWithPrefix = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}", parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div > :-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testVerbatimPropertySelectorWithPrefixNoMatch = function(test)
+exports.testVerbatimPropertySelectorWithPrefixNoMatch = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #fff}", parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div > :-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testVerbatimPropertySelectorWithSuffix = function(test)
+exports.testVerbatimPropertySelectorWithSuffix = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}", parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
[":-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)) > div"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testVerbatimPropertyPseudoSelectorWithPrefixAndSuffix = function(test)
+exports.testVerbatimPropertyPseudoSelectorWithPrefixAndSuffix = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
let middle = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}", parent);
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}", middle);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div > :-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)) > div"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, middle);
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
// Add the style. Then add the element for that style.
// This should retrigger the filtering and hide it.
-exports.testPropertyPseudoSelectorAddStyleAndElement = function(test)
+exports.testPropertyPseudoSelectorAddStyleAndElement = async function(test)
let styleElement;
let toHide;
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
[":-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
styleElement = testDocument.createElement("style");
styleElement.sheet.insertRule("#toHide {background-color: #000}");
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
toHide = createElement();
toHide.id = "toHide";
expectVisible(test, toHide);
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPropertySelectorWithWildcard = function(test)
+exports.testPropertySelectorWithWildcard = async function(test)
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
[":-abp-properties(*color: rgb(0, 0, 0))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPropertySelectorWithRegularExpression = function(test)
+exports.testPropertySelectorWithRegularExpression = async function(test)
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
[":-abp-properties(/.*color: rgb\\(0, 0, 0\\)/)"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPropertySelectorWithEscapedBrace = function(test)
+exports.testPropertySelectorWithEscapedBrace = async function(test)
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
[":-abp-properties(/background.\\7B 0,6\\7D : rgb\\(0, 0, 0\\)/)"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPropertySelectorWithImproperlyEscapedBrace = function(test)
+exports.testPropertySelectorWithImproperlyEscapedBrace = async function(test)
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
[":-abp-properties(/background.\\7B0,6\\7D: rgb\\(0, 0, 0\\)/)"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testDynamicallyChangedProperty = function(test)
+exports.testDynamicallyChangedProperty = async function(test)
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
[":-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, toHide);
insertStyleRule("#" + toHide.id + " {background-color: #000}");
- return timeout(0);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(0);
// Re-evaluation will only happen after a delay
expectVisible(test, toHide);
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassWithPropBeforeSelector = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassWithPropBeforeSelector = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let child = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}", parent);
insertStyleRule(`#${child.id}::before {content: "publicite"}`);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-properties(content: \"publicite\")"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectHidden(test, child);
expectVisible(test, parent);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelector = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelector = async function(test)
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
- ["div:-abp-has(div)"]
- ).then(() =>
- {
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(test, ["div:-abp-has(div)"]))
expectVisible(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithPrefix = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithPrefix = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let child = createElementWithStyle("{}", parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
- ["div:-abp-has(div)"]
- ).then(() =>
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(test, ["div:-abp-has(div)"]))
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffix = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffix = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let middle = createElementWithStyle("{}", parent);
let child = createElementWithStyle("{}", middle);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
- ["div:-abp-has(div) > div"]
- ).then(() =>
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(test, ["div:-abp-has(div) > div"]))
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectHidden(test, middle);
expectHidden(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffixSibling = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffixSibling = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let middle = createElementWithStyle("{}", parent);
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
- ["div:-abp-has(div) + div"]
- ).then(() =>
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(test, ["div:-abp-has(div) + div"]))
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, middle);
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffixSiblingChild = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffixSiblingChild = async function(test)
// <div>
// <div></div>
// <div>
// <div>to hide</div>
// </div>
// </div>
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let middle = createElementWithStyle("{}", parent);
let sibling = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let toHide = createElementWithStyle("{}", sibling);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
- ["div:-abp-has(div) + div > div"]
- ).then(() =>
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(test, ["div:-abp-has(div) + div > div"]))
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, middle);
expectVisible(test, sibling);
expectHidden(test, toHide);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
function compareExpectations(test, elems, expectations)
for (let elem in expectations)
if (elems[elem])
if (expectations[elem])
expectVisible(test, elems[elem], elem);
expectHidden(test, elems[elem], elem);
-function runTestPseudoClassHasSelectorWithHasAndWithSuffixSibling(test, selector, expectations)
+async function runTestPseudoClassHasSelectorWithHasAndWithSuffixSibling(test, selector, expectations)
testDocument.body.innerHTML = `<div id="parent">
<div id="middle">
<div id="middle1"><div id="inside" class="inside"></div></div>
<div id="sibling">
<div id="tohide"><span>to hide</span></div>
@@ -451,95 +506,93 @@
inside: testDocument.getElementById("inside"),
sibling: testDocument.getElementById("sibling"),
sibling2: testDocument.getElementById("sibling2"),
toHide: testDocument.getElementById("tohide")
insertStyleRule(".inside {}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
- [selector]
- ).then(() =>
- {
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(test, [selector]))
compareExpectations(test, elems, expectations);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithHasAndWithSuffixSibling = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithHasAndWithSuffixSibling = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middile: true,
inside: true,
sibling: true,
sibling2: true,
toHide: false
test, "div:-abp-has(:-abp-has(div.inside)) + div > div", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithHasAndWithSuffixSibling2 = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithHasAndWithSuffixSibling2 = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middile: true,
inside: true,
sibling: true,
sibling2: true,
toHide: false
test, "div:-abp-has(:-abp-has(> div.inside)) + div > div", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithHasAndWithSuffixSibling3 = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithHasAndWithSuffixSibling3 = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middile: true,
inside: true,
sibling: true,
sibling2: true,
toHide: false
test, "div:-abp-has(> div:-abp-has(div.inside)) + div > div", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffixSiblingNoop = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffixSiblingNoop = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middile: true,
inside: true,
sibling: true,
sibling2: true,
toHide: true
test, "div:-abp-has(> body div.inside) + div > div", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffixSiblingContains = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithSuffixSiblingContains = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middile: true,
inside: true,
sibling: true,
sibling2: true,
toHide: true
test, "div:-abp-has(> span:-abp-contains(Advertisment))", expectations);
-function runTestPseudoClassContains(test, selector, expectations)
+async function runTestPseudoClassContains(test, selector, expectations)
testDocument.body.innerHTML = `<div id="parent">
<div id="middle">
<div id="middle1"><div id="inside" class="inside"></div></div>
<div id="sibling">
<div id="tohide">to hide \ud83d\ude42!</div>
@@ -551,407 +604,440 @@
parent: testDocument.getElementById("parent"),
middle: testDocument.getElementById("middle"),
inside: testDocument.getElementById("inside"),
sibling: testDocument.getElementById("sibling"),
sibling2: testDocument.getElementById("sibling2"),
toHide: testDocument.getElementById("tohide")
- applyElemHideEmulation(
- [selector]
- ).then(
- () => compareExpectations(test, elems, expectations)
- ).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(test, [selector]))
+ compareExpectations(test, elems, expectations);
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassContainsText = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassContainsText = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middle: true,
inside: true,
sibling: false,
sibling2: true,
toHide: true
test, "#parent div:-abp-contains(to hide)", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassContainsRegexp = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassContainsRegexp = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middle: true,
inside: true,
sibling: false,
sibling2: true,
toHide: true
test, "#parent div:-abp-contains(/to\\shide/)", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassContainsRegexpIFlag = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassContainsRegexpIFlag = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middle: true,
inside: true,
sibling: false,
sibling2: true,
toHide: true
test, "#parent div:-abp-contains(/to\\sHide/i)", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassContainsRegexpUFlag = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassContainsRegexpUFlag = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middle: true,
inside: true,
sibling: false,
sibling2: true,
toHide: true
test, "#parent div:-abp-contains(/to\\shide\\s.!/u)", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassContainsWildcardNoMatch = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassContainsWildcardNoMatch = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middle: true,
inside: true,
sibling: true,
sibling2: true,
toHide: true
// this filter shouldn't match anything as "*" has no meaning.
test, "#parent div:-abp-contains(to *hide)", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassContainsWildcardMatch = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassContainsWildcardMatch = async function(test)
let expectations = {
parent: true,
middle: true,
inside: true,
sibling: true,
sibling2: false,
toHide: true
test, "#parent div:-abp-contains(Ad*)", expectations);
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithPropSelector = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithPropSelector = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let child = createElementWithStyle("{background-color: #000}", parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-has(:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, child);
expectHidden(test, parent);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithPropSelector2 = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasSelectorWithPropSelector2 = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let child = createElementWithStyle("{}", parent);
insertStyleRule("body #" + parent.id + " > div { background-color: #000}");
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-has(:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, child);
expectHidden(test, parent);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testDomUpdatesStyle = function(test)
+exports.testDomUpdatesStyle = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let child = createElementWithStyle("{}", parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-has(:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, child);
expectVisible(test, parent);
insertStyleRule("body #" + parent.id + " > div { background-color: #000}");
- return timeout(0);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(0);
expectVisible(test, child);
expectVisible(test, parent);
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, child);
expectHidden(test, parent);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testDomUpdatesContent = function(test)
+exports.testDomUpdatesContent = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let child = createElementWithStyle("{}", parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div > div:-abp-contains(hide me)"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
child.textContent = "hide me";
- return timeout(0);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(0);
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectHidden(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testDomUpdatesNewElement = function(test)
+exports.testDomUpdatesNewElement = async function(test)
let parent = createElementWithStyle("{}");
let child = createElementWithStyle("{ background-color: #000}", parent);
let sibling;
let child2;
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-has(:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0)))"]
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
sibling = createElementWithStyle("{}");
- return timeout(0);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(0);
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
expectVisible(test, sibling);
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
expectVisible(test, sibling);
child2 = createElementWithStyle("{ background-color: #000}",
- return timeout(0);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(0);
expectVisible(test, child2);
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
expectHidden(test, sibling);
expectVisible(test, child2);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassPropertiesOnStyleSheetLoad = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassPropertiesOnStyleSheetLoad = async function(test)
let parent = createElement();
let child = createElement(parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))",
"div:-abp-contains(hide me)",
"div:-abp-has(> div.hideMe)"]
- ).then(() => timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL)
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
// Load a style sheet that targets the parent element. This should run only
// the "div:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))" pattern.
insertStyleRule("#" + parent.id + " {background-color: #000}");
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPlainAttributeOnDomMutation = function(test)
+exports.testPlainAttributeOnDomMutation = async function(test)
let parent = createElement();
let child = createElement(parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))",
"div:-abp-contains(hide me)",
"div:-abp-has(> div.hideMe)"]
- ).then(() => timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL)
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
// Set the "data-hide-me" attribute on the child element.
// Note: Since the "div[data-hide-me]" pattern has already been processed
// and the selector added to the document's style sheet, this will in fact
// not do anything at our end, but the browser will just match the selector
// and hide the element.
child.setAttribute("data-hide-me", "");
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectHidden(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassContainsOnDomMutation = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassContainsOnDomMutation = async function(test)
let parent = createElement();
let child = createElement(parent);
child.innerText = "do nothing";
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))",
"div:-abp-contains(hide me)",
"div:-abp-has(> div.hideMe)"]
- ).then(() => timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL)
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
// Set the child element's text to "hide me". This should run only the
// "div:-abp-contains(hide me)" pattern.
// Note: We need to set Node.innerText here in order to trigger the
// "characterData" DOM mutation on Chromium. If we set Node.textContent
// instead, it triggers the "childList" DOM mutation instead.
child.innerText = "hide me";
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasOnDomMutation = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasOnDomMutation = async function(test)
let parent = createElement();
let child = null;
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))",
"div:-abp-contains(hide me)",
"div:-abp-has(> div)"]
- ).then(() => timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL)
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, parent);
// Add the child element. This should run all the DOM-dependent patterns
// ("div:-abp-contains(hide me)" and "div:-abp-has(> div)").
child = createElement(parent);
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasWithClassOnDomMutation = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasWithClassOnDomMutation = async function(test)
let parent = createElement();
let child = createElement(parent);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))",
"div:-abp-contains(hide me)",
"div:-abp-has(> div.hideMe)"]
- ).then(() => timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL)
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
// Set the child element's class to "hideMe". This should run only the
// "div:-abp-has(> div.hideMe)" pattern.
child.className = "hideMe";
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testPseudoClassHasWithPseudoClassContainsOnDomMutation = function(test)
+exports.testPseudoClassHasWithPseudoClassContainsOnDomMutation = async function(test)
let parent = createElement();
let child = createElement(parent);
child.innerText = "do nothing";
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
["div:-abp-properties(background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0))",
"div:-abp-contains(hide me)",
"div:-abp-has(> div:-abp-contains(hide me))"]
- ).then(() => timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL)
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
expectVisible(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
// Set the child element's text to "hide me". This should run only the
// "div:-abp-contains(hide me)" and
// "div:-abp-has(> div:-abp-contains(hide me))" patterns.
child.innerText = "hide me";
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
// Note: Even though it runs both the :-abp-contains() patterns, it only
// hides the parent element because of revision d7d51d29aa34.
expectHidden(test, parent);
expectVisible(test, child);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
-exports.testOnlyRelevantElementsProcessed = function(test)
+exports.testOnlyRelevantElementsProcessed = async function(test)
// <body>
// <div id="n1">
// <p id="n1_1"></p>
// <p id="n1_2"></p>
// <p id="n1_4">Hello</p>
// </div>
// <div id="n2">
@@ -972,23 +1058,25 @@
// </body>
for (let i of [1, 2, 3, 4])
let n = createElement(null, "div", `n${i}`);
for (let [j, text] of [[1], [2], [4, "Hello"]])
createElement(n, "p", `n${i}_${j}`, text);
- applyElemHideEmulation(
+ if (await applyElemHideEmulation(
+ test,
"div:-abp-contains(Try me!)",
"div:-abp-has(p:-abp-contains(This is good))"]
- ).then(() => timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL)
- ).then(() =>
+ ))
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
// This is only a sanity check to make sure everything else is working
// before we do the actual test.
for (let i of [1, 2, 3, 4])
for (let j of [1, 2, 4])
let id = `n${i}_${j}`;
if (j == 4)
@@ -1003,41 +1091,41 @@
expectProcessed(test, element, element.id);
// Modify the text in <p id="n4_1">
testDocument.getElementById("n4_1").innerText = "Try me!";
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
// When an element's text is modified, only the element or one of its
// ancestors matching any selector is processed for :-abp-has() and
// :-abp-contains()
for (let element of [...testDocument.getElementsByTagName("div"),
if (element.id == "n4" || element.id == "n4_1")
expectProcessed(test, element, element.id);
expectNotProcessed(test, element, element.id);
// Create a new <p id="n2_3"> element with no text.
createElement(testDocument.getElementById("n2"), "p", "n2_3");
- return timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
- }).then(() =>
- {
+ await timeout(REFRESH_INTERVAL);
// When a new element is added, only the element or one of its ancestors
// matching any selector is processed for :-abp-has() and :-abp-contains()
for (let element of [...testDocument.getElementsByTagName("div"),
if (element.id == "n2" || element.id == "n2_3")
expectProcessed(test, element, element.id);
expectNotProcessed(test, element, element.id);
- }).catch(unexpectedError.bind(test)).then(() => test.done());
+ }
+ test.done();
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