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Side by Side Diff: ensure_dependencies.py

Issue 5168251361296384: Issue 170 - Replacing Mercurial subrepositories (Closed)
Patch Set: Better safe_join(), usage info, additional parameters Created Sept. 5, 2014, 6:25 p.m.
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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # coding: utf-8
4 # This file is part of the Adblock Plus build tools,
5 # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Eyeo GmbH
6 #
7 # Adblock Plus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
9 # published by the Free Software Foundation.
10 #
11 # Adblock Plus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
15 #
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with Adblock Plus. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 import sys
20 import os
21 import posixpath
22 import re
23 import io
24 import errno
25 import logging
26 import subprocess
27 import urlparse
28 from collections import OrderedDict
30 usage = """
Felix Dahlke 2014/09/06 20:48:32 Nit: I'd argue that this is a "constant", so I thi
Wladimir Palant 2014/09/09 15:47:36 Done.
31 A dependencies file should look like this:
33 # VCS-specific root URLs for the repositories
34 _root = hg:https://hg.adblockplus.org/ git:https://github.com/adblockplus/
35 # File to update this script from (optional)
36 _self = buildtools/ensure_dependencies.py
37 # Check out elemhidehelper repository into extensions/elemhidehelper directory
38 # at tag "1.2".
39 extensions/elemhidehelper = elemhidehelper 1.2
40 # Check out buildtools repository into buildtools directory at VCS-specific
41 # revision IDs.
42 buildtools = buildtools hg:016d16f7137b git:f3f8692f82e5
43 """
45 class Mercurial():
46 def istype(self, repodir):
47 return os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, ".hg"))
49 def clone(self, source, target):
50 if not source.endswith("/"):
51 source += "/"
52 subprocess.check_call(["hg", "clone", "--quiet", "--noupdate", source, targe t])
54 def get_revision_id(self, repo, rev=None):
55 command = ["hg", "id", "--repository", repo, "--id"]
56 if rev:
57 command.extend(["--rev", rev])
59 # Ignore stderr output and return code here: if revision lookup failed we
60 # should simply return an empty string.
61 result = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess .PIPE).communicate()[0]
62 return result.strip()
64 def pull(self, repo):
65 subprocess.check_call(["hg", "pull", "--repository", repo, "--quiet"])
67 def update(self, repo, rev):
68 subprocess.check_call(["hg", "update", "--repository", repo, "--quiet", "--c heck", "--rev", rev])
70 class Git():
71 def istype(self, repodir):
72 return os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir, ".git"))
74 def clone(self, source, target):
75 source = source.rstrip("/")
76 if not source.endswith(".git"):
77 source += ".git"
78 subprocess.check_call(["git", "clone", "--quiet", "--no-checkout", source, t arget])
80 def get_revision_id(self, repo, rev="HEAD"):
81 command = ["git", "-C", repo, "rev-parse", "--revs-only", rev]
82 return subprocess.check_output(command).strip()
84 def pull(self, repo):
85 subprocess.check_call(["git", "-C", repo, "fetch", "--quiet", "--all", "--ta gs"])
87 def update(self, repo, rev):
88 subprocess.check_call(["git", "-C", repo, "checkout", "--quiet", rev])
90 repo_types = {
91 "hg": Mercurial(),
92 "git": Git(),
93 }
95 def parse_spec(path, line):
96 if "=" not in line:
97 logging.warning("Invalid line in file %s: %s" % (path, line))
98 return None, None
100 key, value = line.split("=", 1)
101 key = key.strip()
102 items = value.split()
103 if not len(items):
104 logging.warning("No value specified for key %s in file %s" % (key, path))
105 return key, None
107 result = OrderedDict()
108 if not key.startswith("_"):
109 result["_source"] = items.pop(0)
111 for item in items:
112 if ":" in item:
113 type, value = item.split(":", 1)
114 else:
115 type, value = ("*", item)
116 if type in result:
117 logging.warning("Ignoring duplicate value for type %s (key %s in file %s)" % (type, key, path))
118 else:
119 result[type] = value
120 return key, result
122 def read_deps(repodir):
123 result = {}
124 deps_path = os.path.join(repodir, "dependencies")
125 try:
126 with io.open(deps_path, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as handle:
127 for line in handle:
128 # Remove comments and whitespace
129 line = re.sub(r"#.*", "", line).strip()
130 if not line:
131 continue
133 key, spec = parse_spec(deps_path, line)
134 if spec:
135 result[key] = spec
136 return result
137 except IOError, e:
138 if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
139 raise
140 return None
142 def safe_join(path, subpath):
143 # This has been inspired by Flask's safe_join() function
144 normpath = posixpath.normpath(subpath)
145 forbidden = set([os.sep, os.altsep]) - set([posixpath.sep, None])
146 if any(sep in normpath for sep in forbidden):
Felix Dahlke 2014/09/06 20:48:32 I think we should do this check on subpath, before
Wladimir Palant 2014/09/09 15:47:36 Done.
147 raise Exception("Illegal directory separator in dependency path %s" % subpat h)
148 if posixpath.isabs(normpath):
149 raise Exception("Dependency path %s cannot be absolute" % subpath)
150 if normpath == posixpath.pardir or normpath.startswith(posixpath.pardir + posi xpath.sep):
151 raise Exception("Dependency path %s has to be inside the repository" % subpa th)
152 return os.path.join(path, *normpath.split(posixpath.sep))
154 def get_repo_type(repo):
155 for name, repotype in repo_types.iteritems():
156 if repotype.istype(repo):
157 return name
158 return None
160 def ensure_repo(parentrepo, target, roots, sourcename):
161 if os.path.exists(target):
162 return
164 parenttype = get_repo_type(parentrepo)
165 type = None
166 for key in roots:
167 if key == parenttype or (key in repo_types and type is None):
168 type = key
169 if type is None:
170 raise Exception("No valid source found to create %s" % target)
172 url = urlparse.urljoin(roots[type], sourcename)
173 logging.info("Cloning repository %s into %s" % (url, target))
174 repo_types[type].clone(url, target)
176 def update_repo(target, revisions):
177 type = get_repo_type(target)
178 if type is None:
179 logging.warning("Type of repository %s unknown, skipping update" % target)
180 return
182 if type in revisions:
183 revision = revisions[type]
184 elif "*" in revisions:
185 revision = revisions["*"]
186 else:
187 logging.warning("No revision specified for repository %s (type %s), skipping update" % (target, type))
188 return
190 resolved_revision = repo_types[type].get_revision_id(target, revision)
191 if not resolved_revision:
192 logging.info("Revision %s is unknown, downloading remote changes" % revision )
193 repo_types[type].pull(target)
194 resolved_revision = repo_types[type].get_revision_id(target, revision)
195 if not resolved_revision:
196 raise Exception("Failed to resolve revision %s" % revision)
198 current_revision = repo_types[type].get_revision_id(target)
199 if resolved_revision != current_revision:
200 logging.info("Updating repository %s to revision %s" % (target, resolved_rev ision))
201 repo_types[type].update(target, resolved_revision)
203 def resolve_deps(repodir, level=0, self_update=True, overrideroots=None, skipdep endencies=set()):
204 config = read_deps(repodir)
205 if config is None:
206 if level == 0:
207 logging.warning("No dependencies file in directory %s, nothing to do...\n% s" % (repodir, usage))
208 return
209 if level >= 10:
210 logging.warning("Too much subrepository nesting, ignoring %s" % repo)
212 if overrideroots is not None:
213 config["_root"] = overrideroots
215 for dir, revisions in config.iteritems():
216 if dir.startswith("_") or revisions["_source"] in skipdependencies:
217 continue
218 target = safe_join(repodir, dir)
219 ensure_repo(repodir, target, config.get("_root", {}), revisions["_source"])
220 update_repo(target, revisions)
221 resolve_deps(target, level + 1, self_update=False, overrideroots=overrideroo ts, skipdependencies=skipdependencies)
223 if self_update and "_self" in config and "*" in config["_self"]:
224 source = safe_join(repodir, config["_self"]["*"])
225 try:
226 with io.open(source, "rb") as handle:
227 sourcedata = handle.read()
228 except IOError, e:
229 if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
230 raise
231 logging.warning("File %s doesn't exist, skipping self-update" % source)
232 return
234 target = __file__
235 with io.open(target, "rb") as handle:
236 targetdata = handle.read()
238 if sourcedata != targetdata:
239 logging.info("Updating %s from %s, don't forget to commit" % (source, targ et))
240 with io.open(target, "wb") as handle:
241 handle.write(sourcedata)
242 if __name__ == "__main__":
243 logging.info("Restarting %s" % target)
244 os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable, target] + sys.argv[1:])
245 else:
246 logging.warning("Cannot restart %s automatically, please rerun" % target )
248 if __name__ == "__main__":
249 logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
250 repos = sys.argv[1:]
251 if not len(repos):
252 repos = [os.getcwd()]
253 for repo in repos:
254 resolve_deps(repo)
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