(Empty) | |
| 1 <!-- $Id: issue.index.html,v 1.29 2007-09-18 17:44:26 jpend Exp $ --> |
| 2 <tal:block metal:use-macro="templates/page/macros/icing"> |
| 3 <title metal:fill-slot="head_title" > |
| 4 <span tal:omit-tag="true" i18n:translate="" >List of issues</span> |
| 5 <span tal:condition="request/dispname" |
| 6 tal:replace="python:' - %s '%request.dispname" |
| 7 /> - <span tal:replace="config/TRACKER_NAME" /> |
| 8 </title> |
| 9 <span metal:fill-slot="body_title" tal:omit-tag="true"> |
| 10 <span tal:omit-tag="true" i18n:translate="" >List of CONFIDENTIAL issues</span
> |
| 11 <span tal:condition="request/dispname" |
| 12 tal:replace="python:' - %s' % request.dispname" /> |
| 13 </span> |
| 14 <td class="content" metal:fill-slot="content"> |
| 15 |
| 16 <p tal:condition="python:not (context.is_view_ok() |
| 17 or request.user.hasRole('Anonymous'))" i18n:translate=""> |
| 18 You are not allowed to view this page.</p> |
| 19 |
| 20 <p tal:condition="python:not context.is_view_ok() |
| 21 and request.user.hasRole('Anonymous')" i18n:translate=""> |
| 22 Please login with your username and password.</p> |
| 23 |
| 24 <tal:block tal:define="batch request/batch" tal:condition="context/is_view_ok"> |
| 25 <table class="list"> |
| 26 <tr> |
| 27 <th tal:condition="request/show/priority" i18n:translate="">Priority</th> |
| 28 <th tal:condition="request/show/id" i18n:translate="">ID</th> |
| 29 <th tal:condition="request/show/creation" i18n:translate="">Creation</th> |
| 30 <th tal:condition="request/show/activity" i18n:translate="">Activity</th> |
| 31 <th tal:condition="request/show/actor" i18n:translate="">Actor</th> |
| 32 <th tal:condition="request/show/keyword" i18n:translate="">Keyword</th> |
| 33 <th tal:condition="request/show/title" i18n:translate="">Title</th> |
| 34 <th tal:condition="request/show/type">Type</th> |
| 35 <th tal:condition="request/show/module">Module</th> |
| 36 <th tal:condition="request/show/status" i18n:translate="">Status</th> |
| 37 <th tal:condition="request/show/creator" i18n:translate="">Creator</th> |
| 38 <th tal:condition="request/show/assignedto" i18n:translate="">Assigned T
o</th> |
| 39 </tr> |
| 40 <tal:block tal:repeat="i batch" condition=true> |
| 41 <tr tal:define="group python:[r[1] for r in request.group]" |
| 42 tal:condition="python:group and batch.propchanged(*group)"> |
| 43 <th tal:attributes="colspan python:len(request.columns)" class="group"> |
| 44 <tal:block tal:repeat="g group"> |
| 45 <tal:block i18n:translate="" tal:content="python:str(i[g]) or '(no %s set)'
%g"/> |
| 46 </tal:block> |
| 47 </th> |
| 48 </tr> |
| 49 |
| 50 <tr tal:attributes="class string:priority-${i/priority/plain}"> |
| 51 <td tal:condition="request/show/priority" |
| 52 tal:content="python:i.priority.plain() or default"> </td> |
| 53 <td tal:condition="request/show/id" tal:content="i/id"> </td> |
| 54 <td class="date" tal:condition="request/show/creation" |
| 55 tal:content="i/creation/reldate"> </td> |
| 56 <td class="date" tal:condition="request/show/activity" |
| 57 tal:content="i/activity/reldate"> </td> |
| 58 <td class="date" tal:condition="request/show/actor" |
| 59 tal:content="python:i.actor.plain() or default"> </td> |
| 60 <td tal:condition="request/show/keyword" |
| 61 tal:content="python:i.keyword.plain() or default"> </td> |
| 62 <td tal:condition="request/show/title"> |
| 63 <a tal:attributes="href string:issue${i/id}" |
| 64 tal:content="python:str(i.title.plain(hyperlink=0)) or '[no titl
e]'">title</a> |
| 65 </td> |
| 66 <td tal:condition="request/show/type" |
| 67 tal:content="python:i.type.plain() or default"> </td> |
| 68 <td tal:condition="request/show/module" |
| 69 tal:content="python:i.module.plain() or default"> </td> |
| 70 <td tal:condition="request/show/status" |
| 71 i18n:translate="" |
| 72 tal:content="python:i.status.plain() or default"> </td> |
| 73 <td tal:condition="request/show/creator" |
| 74 tal:content="python:i.creator.plain() or default"> </td> |
| 75 <td tal:condition="request/show/assignedto" |
| 76 tal:content="python:i.assignedto.plain() or default"> </td> |
| 77 </tr> |
| 78 |
| 79 </tal:block> |
| 80 |
| 81 <metal:index define-macro="batch-footer"> |
| 82 <tr tal:condition="batch"> |
| 83 <th tal:attributes="colspan python:len(request.columns)"> |
| 84 <table width="100%"> |
| 85 <tr class="navigation"> |
| 86 <th> |
| 87 <a tal:define="prev batch/previous" tal:condition="prev" |
| 88 tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url(request.classname, |
| 89 {'@startwith':prev.first, '@pagesize':prev.size})" |
| 90 i18n:translate=""><< previous</a> |
| 91 |
| 92 </th> |
| 93 <th i18n:translate=""><span tal:replace="batch/start" i18n:name="start" |
| 94 />..<span tal:replace="python: batch.start + batch.length -1" i18n:name="en
d" |
| 95 /> out of <span tal:replace="batch/sequence_length" i18n:name="total" |
| 96 /></th> |
| 97 <th> |
| 98 <a tal:define="next batch/next" tal:condition="next" |
| 99 tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url(request.classname, |
| 100 {'@startwith':next.first, '@pagesize':next.size})" |
| 101 i18n:translate="">next >></a> |
| 102 |
| 103 </th> |
| 104 </tr> |
| 105 </table> |
| 106 </th> |
| 107 </tr> |
| 108 </metal:index> |
| 109 </table> |
| 110 |
| 111 <a tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url('issue', |
| 112 {'@action':'export_csv'})" i18n:translate="">Download as CSV</a> |
| 113 |
| 114 <form method="GET" class="index-controls" |
| 115 tal:attributes="action request/classname"> |
| 116 |
| 117 <table class="form" tal:define="n_sort python:2"> |
| 118 <tal:block tal:repeat="n python:range(n_sort)" tal:condition="batch"> |
| 119 <tr tal:define="key python:len(request.sort)>n and request.sort[n]"> |
| 120 <th> |
| 121 <tal:block tal:condition="not:n" i18n:translate="">Sort on:</tal:block> |
| 122 </th> |
| 123 <td> |
| 124 <select tal:attributes="name python:'@sort%d'%n"> |
| 125 <option value="" i18n:translate="">- nothing -</option> |
| 126 <option tal:repeat="col context/properties" |
| 127 tal:attributes="value col/_name; |
| 128 selected python:key and col._name == key[1]" |
| 129 tal:content="col/_name" |
| 130 i18n:translate="">column</option> |
| 131 </select> |
| 132 </td> |
| 133 <th i18n:translate="">Descending:</th> |
| 134 <td><input type="checkbox" tal:attributes="name python:'@sortdir%d'%n; |
| 135 checked python:key and key[0] == '-'"> |
| 136 </td> |
| 137 </tr> |
| 138 </tal:block> |
| 139 <tal:block tal:repeat="n python:range(n_sort)" tal:condition="batch"> |
| 140 <tr tal:define="key python:len(request.group)>n and request.group[n]"> |
| 141 <th> |
| 142 <tal:block tal:condition="not:n" i18n:translate="">Group on:</tal:block> |
| 143 </th> |
| 144 <td> |
| 145 <select tal:attributes="name python:'@group%d'%n"> |
| 146 <option value="" i18n:translate="">- nothing -</option> |
| 147 <option tal:repeat="col context/properties" |
| 148 tal:attributes="value col/_name; |
| 149 selected python:key and col._name == key[1]" |
| 150 tal:content="col/_name" |
| 151 i18n:translate="">column</option> |
| 152 </select> |
| 153 </td> |
| 154 <th i18n:translate="">Descending:</th> |
| 155 <td><input type="checkbox" tal:attributes="name python:'@groupdir%d'%n; |
| 156 checked python:key and key[0] == '-'"> |
| 157 </td> |
| 158 </tr> |
| 159 </tal:block> |
| 160 <tr><td colspan="4"> |
| 161 <input type="submit" value="Redisplay" i18n:attributes="value"> |
| 162 <tal:block tal:replace="structure |
| 163 python:request.indexargs_form(sort=0, group=0)" /> |
| 164 </td></tr> |
| 165 </table> |
| 166 </form> |
| 167 |
| 168 </tal:block> |
| 169 |
| 170 </td> |
| 171 </tal:block><tal:comment condition=false> vim: sw=1 ts=8 et si |
| 172 </tal:comment> |
| 173 <!-- SHA: 4600774f11f5947ff1f565e2fb8023125cf51fc2 --> |