(Empty) | |
| 1 const translate = { |
| 2 get: function(key) { |
| 3 try { |
| 4 return this.substring(this.values[key].replace(/"/g, '\\
"')); //The replace is to fix the issue with " and eval |
| 5 } |
| 6 catch(e) {} |
| 7 return 'ERROR'; |
| 8 }, |
| 9 substring: function(value) { |
| 10 try { |
| 11 return eval('"' + value.replace(/#([a-z_0-9]*)#/g, '" +
translate.get("$1") + "') + '"') |
| 12 } |
| 13 catch(e) {} |
| 14 return 'ERROR'; |
| 15 }, |
| 16 values: { |
| 17 //Default value, do not edit |
| 18 'ext_name':widget.name, |
| 19 'ext_fullname':'#ext_name# #ext_version#', |
| 20 'ext_descript':widget.description, |
| 21 'ext_author':widget.author, |
| 22 'ext_email':widget.authorEmail, |
| 23 'ext_website':widget.authorHref, |
| 24 'ext_version':widget.version, |
| 25 'ext_mailto':'mailto:#ext_email#?subject=#ext_fullname#', |
| 26 //licenses |
| 27 'licenses':'Licenses', |
| 28 'easy_license':"#gnu_gpl# - #cc_by_sa# - <a href='https://easyli
st.adblockplus.org/'>The EasyList authors</a>", |
| 29 'fanboy_license':"© <a href='https://fanboy.co.nz/'>Fanboy</a>", |
| 30 'no_license':'No license is provided for this list', |
| 31 'gnu_gpl':"<a href='http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html'>GNU GP
L v3</a>", |
| 32 'gnu_lgpl':"<a href='http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html'>GNU
LGPL</a>", |
| 33 'cc_by':"<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/'>
Creative Commons 3.0 BY</a>", |
| 34 'cc_by_sa':"<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/
3.0/'>Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA</a>", |
| 35 'cc_by_nc_sa':"<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
nc-sa/3.0/'>Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-SA</a>", |
| 36 //Sections |
| 37 'preferences':'Preferences', |
| 38 'to_preferences':"Go back to #ext_name#'s preferences page", |
| 39 'adblock_lists':'Ad blocking lists', |
| 40 'adblock_lists_info':'Choose which ad blocking list you wish to
subscribe to. These lists will be updated automatically to keep your browsing fr
ee of any ads. It is not recommended to subscribe to too many lists.', |
| 41 'css_filter':'CSS element filters', |
| 42 'css_filter_info':'Choose which online CSS filter you wish to su
bscribe to. These lists will help you hide ads and collapse empty spaces left be
hind.', |
| 43 'privacy_lists':'Privacy lists', |
| 44 'privacy_lists_info':'These lists aim at blocking tracking code
(Google Analytis, etc.) on websites you visit.', |
| 45 'other_preferences':'Other preferences', |
| 46 'about':'About', |
| 47 'about_text':"Go to #ext_name#'s about page", |
| 48 //Help |
| 49 'help':'Help', |
| 50 'help_text':"Go to #ext_name#'s help page", |
| 51 'help_not_working':'#ext_name# doesn\'t work', |
| 52 'help_not_working_text':"<ul><li>Make sure at least one adblocki
ng list is checked<li>#help__test_block#<li>#help__restart#<li>#help__reinstall#
</ul>", |
| 53 'help_unblocked':'Some ads are not blocked', |
| 54 'help_unblocked_text':"<ul><li>#help__test_block#<li>#help__anot
her_list#<li>Contact the <b>author of the list</b> you are subscribed to</ul>", |
| 55 'help_overblocked':'Some websites are inaccessible', |
| 56 'help_overblocked_text':"<ul><li>#help__connect#<li>#help__resta
rt#<li>#help__another_list#<li>Add the inaccessible website to your whitelist</u
l>", |
| 57 'help_my_overblocked':'My website/domain is blocked', |
| 58 'help_my_overblocked_text':"<ul><li>Make sure your website/domai
n is not an ad provider<li>#help__connect#<li>#help__restart#<li>#help__another_
list#</ul>See \"<b>#help_overblocked#</b>\" to unblock it on your computer. This
will not unblock your website on other user's computers. If you think your webs
ite shouldn't be blocked, please contact the provider of the list that blocks yo
ur website.", |
| 59 'help_unsolved':'I am unable to solve my issue', |
| 60 'help_unsolved_text':"If ever you are unable to solve your issue
, you may contact me directly by <a href='#ext_mailto#'>email</a> and I will try
to help you. Please don't contact me for unblocked ads as I am not the author o
f any of these lists and make sure you tried <b>all</b> of the steps listed befo
re contacting me.", |
| 61 'help__connect':"Make sure you can connect to other websites (eg
: <a href='http://google.com'>Google</a>)", |
| 62 'help__restart':'Restart your browser', |
| 63 'help__reinstall':'Remove the extension, restart your browser an
d reinstall the extension', |
| 64 'help__test_block':"Verify if ads are blocked on other websites
(eg: <a href='http://nytimes.com'>New York Times</a>)", |
| 65 'help__another_list':'Try another adblocking list', |
| 66 //About page |
| 67 'about_ext':'About #ext_name#', |
| 68 'about_ext_text':"After spending countless hours developing the
original Opera AdBlock, I've decided to start a new extension called #ext_name#.
This new extension aims to replace the old Opera AdBlock by adding new features
that were missing and highly requested (whilelist, etc). The source code was co
mpletely rewritten and over a hundred hours of work was placed only on this new
version (not counting the hundreds of hours invested in the old Opera AdBlock)."
, |
| 69 'about_author':'About #ext_author#', |
| 70 'about_author_text':'Currently a university student in Canada, I
am the sole author of #ext_name#. I have also developed a few less popular exte
nsions for Opera and participated in the development of some Android application
s.', |
| 71 'about_thanks':'Special Thanks', |
| 72 'about_translators':'Translators', |
| 73 //Thanks |
| 74 'gil':'Gil Castro %g+:114144308039128455381%', |
| 75 'gil_text':"Provided me with great help during the whole develop
ment process, testing many versions and providing help on how to fix some issues
. He is also the designer of #ext_name#'s icon.", |
| 76 //Languages |
| 77 'bg':'Bulgarian', |
| 78 'cz':'Czech', |
| 79 'de':'German', |
| 80 'el':'Greek', |
| 81 'en':'English', |
| 82 'es':'Spanish', |
| 83 'fi':'Finnish', |
| 84 'fr':'French', |
| 85 'hu':'Hungarian', |
| 86 'id':'Indonesian', |
| 87 'ja':'Japanese', |
| 88 'ko':'Korean', |
| 89 'lv':'Latvian', |
| 90 'nl':'Dutch', |
| 91 'no':'Norwegian', |
| 92 'pl':'Polish', |
| 93 'pt':'Portuguese', |
| 94 'ro':'Romanian', |
| 95 'ru':'Russian', |
| 96 'sv':'Swedish', |
| 97 'tr':'Turkish', |
| 98 'vi':'Vietnamese', |
| 99 'zh':'Chinese', |
| 100 //Other lists titles |
| 101 'main_list':'Main list', |
| 102 'annoyance':'Annoyance Addon', |
| 103 'other_lists':'Other lists', |
| 104 'deprecated':'deprecated', |
| 105 //Notification |
| 106 'notif_donate_title':'Thank you!', |
| 107 'notif_donate_descript':'Thank you for your donation. It is grea
tly appreciated!', |
| 108 //Other translation |
| 109 'whitelist':'Whitelist', |
| 110 'whitelist_descript':'The adblocking rules and CSS filters will
not be applies to the websites you enter here. You may use the following special
characters:<br><b>*</b> : wildcard<br><b>^</b> : single separator character (an
y character from this list: <i>( ) { } [ ] , ; : ! ? / | \\\\ " \' # $ & * + < =
> @ ^ ` ~</i>)<br><b>||</b> : hostname mark, also covers subdomains (<i>http://
</i>, <i>http://www.</i>, <i>http://subdomain.</i>, <i>https://</i>, etc)', |
| 111 'whitelist_holder':'Example: ||google.com^*', |
| 112 'perso_css':'Personal CSS filter', |
| 113 'perso_css_descript':'These CSS rules will be applied to website
s you visit. <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/">Find out more on CSS
selectors</a>.', |
| 114 'perso_css_holder':'Example: div[id="sidebar"] > #ads { display:
none; }', |
| 115 'save_apply':'Save and apply', |
| 116 'button':'Button', |
| 117 'button_descript':"Displays a button in the Opera toolbar to all
ow you to easily know if the current website is part of your whitelist.", |
| 118 //Last update |
| 119 'update_just':'Just updated', |
| 120 'update_minute':'1 minute ago', |
| 121 'update_minutes':'% minutes ago', |
| 122 'update_hour':'1 hour ago', |
| 123 'update_hours':'% hours ago', |
| 124 'update_day':'1 day ago', |
| 125 'update_days':'% days ago', |
| 126 'update_old':'Over a month ago', |
| 127 //Intervals (milliseconds) |
| 128 'interval_title':'Update frequency', |
| 129 'interval_43200000':'Every 12 hours', |
| 130 'interval_86400000':'Daily', |
| 131 'interval_172800000':'Every 2 days', |
| 132 'interval_604800000':'Weekly', |
| 133 'interval_2592000000':'Monthly' |
| 134 } |
| 135 } |