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Issue 8560083: adblockplusopera: Port UI code from Chrome (Closed)
Patch Set: Created Oct. 12, 2012, 1:11 p.m.
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new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+var backgroundPage = opera.extension.bgProcess;
+var imports = ["FilterStorage", "FilterNotifier", "Subscription", "SpecialSubscription",
+ "DownloadableSubscription", "Filter", "WhitelistFilter",
+ "Synchronizer", "Prefs", "Utils", "require"];
+for (var i = 0; i < imports.length; i++)
+ window[imports[i]] = backgroundPage[imports[i]];
+// Loads options from localStorage and sets UI elements accordingly
+function loadOptions()
+ // Set page title to i18n version of "Adblock Plus Options"
+ document.title = i18n.getMessage("options");
+ // Set links
+ $("#acceptableAdsLink").attr("href", Prefs.subscriptions_exceptionsurl);
+ $("#acceptableAdsDocs").attr("href", Prefs.documentation_link.replace(/%LINK%/g, "acceptable_ads").replace(/%LANG%/g, Utils.appLocale));
+ // Add event listeners
+ window.addEventListener("unload", unloadOptions, false);
+ $("#updateFilterLists").click(updateFilterLists);
+ $("#startSubscriptionSelection").click(startSubscriptionSelection);
+ $("#subscriptionSelector").change(updateSubscriptionSelection);
+ $("#addSubscription").click(addSubscription);
+ $("#acceptableAds").click(allowAcceptableAds);
+ $("#whitelistForm").submit(addWhitelistDomain);
+ $("#removeWhitelist").click(removeSelectedExcludedDomain);
+ $("#customFilterForm").submit(addTypedFilter);
+ $("#removeCustomFilter").click(removeSelectedFilters);
+ $("#rawFiltersButton").click(toggleFiltersInRawFormat);
+ $("#importRawFilters").click(importRawFiltersText);
+ FilterNotifier.addListener(onFilterChange);
+ // Display jQuery UI elements
+ $("#tabs").tabs();
+ $("button").button();
+ $(".refreshButton").button("option", "icons", {primary: "ui-icon-refresh"});
+ $(".addButton").button("option", "icons", {primary: "ui-icon-plus"});
+ $(".removeButton").button("option", "icons", {primary: "ui-icon-minus"});
+ // Popuplate option checkboxes
+ initCheckbox("shouldShowIcon");
+ initCheckbox("shouldShowBlockElementMenu");
+ initCheckbox("disableInlineTextAds");
+ initCheckbox("hidePlaceholders");
+ // Load recommended subscriptions
+ loadRecommendations();
+ // Show user's filters
+ reloadFilters();
+// Reloads the displayed subscriptions and filters
+function reloadFilters()
+ // Load user filter URLs
+ var container = document.getElementById("filterLists");
+ while (container.lastChild)
+ container.removeChild(container.lastChild);
+ var hasAcceptable = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < FilterStorage.subscriptions.length; i++)
+ {
+ var subscription = FilterStorage.subscriptions[i];
+ if (subscription instanceof SpecialSubscription)
+ continue;
+ if (subscription.url == Prefs.subscriptions_exceptionsurl)
+ {
+ hasAcceptable = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ addSubscriptionEntry(subscription);
+ }
+ $("#acceptableAds").prop("checked", hasAcceptable);
+ // User-entered filters
+ showUserFilters();
+// Cleans up when the options window is closed
+function unloadOptions()
+ FilterNotifier.removeListener(onFilterChange);
+function initCheckbox(id)
+ var checkbox = document.getElementById(id);
+ checkbox.checked = typeof localStorage[id] == "undefined" ? true : localStorage[id] == "true";
+ checkbox.addEventListener("click", function()
+ {
+ localStorage[id] = checkbox.checked;
+ }, false);
+function showUserFilters()
+ var filters = [];
+ var exceptions = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < FilterStorage.subscriptions.length; i++)
+ {
+ var subscription = FilterStorage.subscriptions[i];
+ if (!(subscription instanceof SpecialSubscription))
+ continue;
+ for (var j = 0; j < subscription.filters.length; j++)
+ {
+ var filter = subscription.filters[j];
+ if (filter instanceof WhitelistFilter && /^@@\|\|([^\/:]+)\^\$document$/.test(filter.text))
+ exceptions.push(RegExp.$1)
+ else
+ filters.push(filter.text);
+ }
+ }
+ populateList("userFiltersBox", filters);
+ populateList("excludedDomainsBox", exceptions);
+var delayedSubscriptionSelection = null;
+function loadRecommendations()
+ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ request.open("GET", "subscriptions.xml");
+ request.onload = function()
+ {
+ var selectedIndex = 0;
+ var selectedPrefix = null;
+ var matchCount = 0;
+ var list = document.getElementById("subscriptionSelector");
+ var elements = request.responseXML.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("subscription");
+ for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
+ {
+ var element = elements[i];
+ var option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.text = element.getAttribute("title") + " (" + element.getAttribute("specialization") + ")";
+ option._data = {
+ title: element.getAttribute("title"),
+ url: element.getAttribute("url"),
+ homepage: element.getAttribute("homepage")
+ };
+ var prefix = require("utils").Utils.checkLocalePrefixMatch(element.getAttribute("prefixes"));
+ if (prefix)
+ {
+ option.style.fontWeight = "bold";
+ option.style.backgroundColor = "#E0FFE0";
+ option.style.color = "#000000";
+ if (!selectedPrefix || selectedPrefix.length < prefix.length)
+ {
+ selectedIndex = i;
+ selectedPrefix = prefix;
+ matchCount = 1;
+ }
+ else if (selectedPrefix && selectedPrefix.length == prefix.length)
+ {
+ matchCount++;
+ // If multiple items have a matching prefix of the same length:
+ // Select one of the items randomly, probability should be the same
+ // for all items. So we replace the previous match here with
+ // probability 1/N (N being the number of matches).
+ if (Math.random() * matchCount < 1)
+ {
+ selectedIndex = i;
+ selectedPrefix = prefix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ list.appendChild(option);
+ }
+ var option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.text = i18n.getMessage("filters_addSubscriptionOther_label") + "\u2026";
+ option._data = null;
+ list.appendChild(option);
+ list.selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
+ if (delayedSubscriptionSelection)
+ startSubscriptionSelection.apply(null, delayedSubscriptionSelection);
+ };
+ request.send(null);
+function startSubscriptionSelection(title, url)
+ var list = document.getElementById("subscriptionSelector");
+ if (list.length == 0)
+ {
+ delayedSubscriptionSelection = [title, url];
+ return;
+ }
+ $('#tabs').tabs('select', 0);
+ $("#addSubscriptionContainer").show();
+ $("#addSubscriptionButton").hide();
+ $("#subscriptionSelector").focus();
+ if (typeof url != "undefined")
+ {
+ list.selectedIndex = list.length - 1;
+ document.getElementById("customSubscriptionTitle").value = title;
+ document.getElementById("customSubscriptionLocation").value = url;
+ }
+ updateSubscriptionSelection();
+ document.getElementById("addSubscriptionContainer").scrollIntoView(true);
+function updateSubscriptionSelection()
+ var list = document.getElementById("subscriptionSelector");
+ var data = list.options[list.selectedIndex]._data;
+ if (data)
+ $("#customSubscriptionContainer").hide();
+ else
+ {
+ $("#customSubscriptionContainer").show();
+ $("#customSubscriptionTitle").focus();
+ }
+function addSubscription()
+ var list = document.getElementById("subscriptionSelector");
+ var data = list.options[list.selectedIndex]._data;
+ if (data)
+ doAddSubscription(data.url, data.title, data.homepage);
+ else
+ {
+ var url = document.getElementById("customSubscriptionLocation").value.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
+ if (!/^https?:/i.test(url))
+ {
+ alert(i18n.getMessage("global_subscription_invalid_location"));
+ $("#customSubscriptionLocation").focus();
+ return;
+ }
+ var title = document.getElementById("customSubscriptionTitle").value.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "");
+ if (!title)
+ title = url;
+ doAddSubscription(url, title, null);
+ }
+ $("#addSubscriptionContainer").hide();
+ $("#customSubscriptionContainer").hide();
+ $("#addSubscriptionButton").show();
+function doAddSubscription(url, title, homepage)
+ if (url in FilterStorage.knownSubscriptions)
+ return;
+ var subscription = Subscription.fromURL(url);
+ if (!subscription)
+ return;
+ subscription.title = title;
+ if (homepage)
+ subscription.homepage = homepage;
+ FilterStorage.addSubscription(subscription);
+ if (subscription instanceof DownloadableSubscription && !subscription.lastDownload)
+ Synchronizer.execute(subscription);
+function allowAcceptableAds(event)
+ var subscription = Subscription.fromURL(Prefs.subscriptions_exceptionsurl);
+ if (!subscription)
+ return;
+ subscription.disabled = false;
+ subscription.title = "Allow non-intrusive advertising";
+ if ($("#acceptableAds").prop("checked"))
+ {
+ FilterStorage.addSubscription(subscription);
+ if (subscription instanceof DownloadableSubscription && !subscription.lastDownload)
+ Synchronizer.execute(subscription);
+ }
+ else
+ FilterStorage.removeSubscription(subscription);
+function findSubscriptionElement(subscription)
+ var children = document.getElementById("filterLists").childNodes;
+ for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
+ if (children[i]._subscription == subscription)
+ return children[i];
+ return null;
+function updateSubscriptionInfo(element)
+ var subscription = element._subscription;
+ var title = element.getElementsByClassName("subscriptionTitle")[0];
+ title.textContent = subscription.title;
+ title.setAttribute("title", subscription.url);
+ if (subscription.homepage)
+ title.href = subscription.homepage;
+ else
+ title.href = subscription.url;
+ var enabled = element.getElementsByClassName("subscriptionEnabled")[0];
+ enabled.checked = !subscription.disabled;
+ var lastUpdate = element.getElementsByClassName("subscriptionUpdate")[0];
+ lastUpdate.classList.remove("error");
+ if (Synchronizer.isExecuting(subscription.url))
+ lastUpdate.textContent = i18n.getMessage("filters_subscription_lastDownload_inProgress");
+ else if (subscription.downloadStatus && subscription.downloadStatus != "synchronize_ok")
+ {
+ var map =
+ {
+ "synchronize_invalid_url": "filters_subscription_lastDownload_invalidURL",
+ "synchronize_connection_error": "filters_subscription_lastDownload_connectionError",
+ "synchronize_invalid_data": "filters_subscription_lastDownload_invalidData",
+ "synchronize_checksum_mismatch": "filters_subscription_lastDownload_checksumMismatch"
+ };
+ if (subscription.downloadStatus in map)
+ lastUpdate.textContent = i18n.getMessage(map[subscription.downloadStatus]);
+ else
+ lastUpdate.textContent = subscription.downloadStatus;
+ lastUpdate.classList.add("error");
+ }
+ else if (subscription.lastDownload > 0)
+ {
+ var timeDate = i18n_timeDateStrings(subscription.lastDownload * 1000);
+ var messageID = (timeDate[1] ? "last_updated_at" : "last_updated_at_today");
+ lastUpdate.textContent = i18n.getMessage(messageID, timeDate);
+ }
+function onFilterChange(action, item, param1, param2)
+ switch (action)
+ {
+ case "load":
+ reloadFilters();
+ break;
+ case "subscription.title":
+ case "subscription.disabled":
+ case "subscription.homepage":
+ case "subscription.lastDownload":
+ case "subscription.downloadStatus":
+ var element = findSubscriptionElement(item);
+ if (element)
+ updateSubscriptionInfo(element);
+ break;
+ case "subscription.added":
+ if (!(item instanceof SpecialSubscription) && !findSubscriptionElement(item))
+ {
+ if (item.url == Prefs.subscriptions_exceptionsurl)
+ $("#acceptableAds").prop("checked", true);
+ else
+ addSubscriptionEntry(item);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "subscription.removed":
+ if (item.url == Prefs.subscriptions_exceptionsurl)
+ $("#acceptableAds").prop("checked", false);
+ else
+ {
+ var element = findSubscriptionElement(item);
+ if (element)
+ element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "filter.added":
+ if (item instanceof WhitelistFilter && /^@@\|\|([^\/:]+)\^\$document$/.test(item.text))
+ appendToListBox("excludedDomainsBox", RegExp.$1);
+ else
+ appendToListBox("userFiltersBox", item.text);
+ break;
+ case "filter.removed":
+ if (item instanceof WhitelistFilter && /^@@\|\|([^\/:]+)\^\$document$/.test(item.text))
+ removeFromListBox("excludedDomainsBox", RegExp.$1);
+ else
+ removeFromListBox("userFiltersBox", item.text);
+ break;
+ }
+// Populates a list box with a number of entries
+function populateList(id, entries)
+ var list = document.getElementById(id);
+ while (list.lastChild)
+ list.removeChild(list.lastChild);
+ entries.sort();
+ for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++)
+ {
+ var option = document.createElement("option");
+ option.text = entries[i];
+ option.value = entries[i];
+ list.appendChild(option);
+ }
+// Add a filter string to the list box.
+function appendToListBox(boxId, text)
+ var elt = document.createElement("option");
+ elt.text = text;
+ elt.value = text;
+ document.getElementById(boxId).appendChild(elt);
+// Remove a filter string from a list box.
+function removeFromListBox(boxId, text)
+ var elt = document.createElement("option");
+ elt.text = text;
+ elt.value = text;
+ var list = document.getElementById(boxId);
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
+ if (list.options[i].value == text)
+ list.remove(i--);
+function addWhitelistDomain(event)
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var domain = document.getElementById("newWhitelistDomain").value.replace(/\s/g, "");
+ document.getElementById("newWhitelistDomain").value = "";
+ if (!domain)
+ return;
+ var filterText = "@@||" + domain + "^$document";
+ FilterStorage.addFilter(Filter.fromText(filterText));
+// Adds filter text that user typed to the selection box
+function addTypedFilter(event)
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var filterText = Filter.normalize(document.getElementById("newFilter").value);
+ document.getElementById("newFilter").value = "";
+ if (!filterText)
+ return;
+ FilterStorage.addFilter(Filter.fromText(filterText));
+// Removes currently selected whitelisted domains
+function removeSelectedExcludedDomain()
+ var excludedDomainsBox = document.getElementById("excludedDomainsBox");
+ var remove = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < excludedDomainsBox.length; i++)
+ if (excludedDomainsBox.options[i].selected)
+ remove.push(excludedDomainsBox.options[i].value);
+ if (!remove.length)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < remove.length; i++)
+ FilterStorage.removeFilter(Filter.fromText("@@||" + remove[i] + "^$document"));
+// Removes all currently selected filters
+function removeSelectedFilters()
+ var userFiltersBox = document.getElementById("userFiltersBox");
+ var remove = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < userFiltersBox.length; i++)
+ if (userFiltersBox.options[i].selected)
+ remove.push(userFiltersBox.options[i].value);
+ if (!remove.length)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < remove.length; i++)
+ FilterStorage.removeFilter(Filter.fromText(remove[i]));
+// Shows raw filters box and fills it with the current user filters
+function toggleFiltersInRawFormat(event)
+ event.preventDefault();
+ $("#rawFilters").toggle();
+ if ($("#rawFilters").is(":visible"))
+ {
+ var userFiltersBox = document.getElementById("userFiltersBox");
+ var text = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < userFiltersBox.length; i++)
+ text += userFiltersBox.options[i].value + "\n";
+ document.getElementById("rawFiltersText").value = text;
+ }
+// Imports filters in the raw text box
+function importRawFiltersText()
+ $("#rawFilters").hide();
+ var filters = document.getElementById("rawFiltersText").value.split("\n");
+ var seenFilter = {__proto__: null};
+ for (var i = 0; i < filters.length; i++)
+ {
+ var text = Filter.normalize(filters[i]);
+ if (!text)
+ continue;
+ // Don't import filter list header
+ if (/^\[/.test(text))
+ continue;
+ FilterStorage.addFilter(Filter.fromText(text));
+ seenFilter[text] = true;
+ }
+ var remove = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < FilterStorage.subscriptions.length; i++)
+ {
+ var subscription = FilterStorage.subscriptions[i];
+ if (!(subscription instanceof SpecialSubscription))
+ continue;
+ for (var j = 0; j < subscription.filters.length; j++)
+ {
+ var filter = subscription.filters[j];
+ if (filter instanceof WhitelistFilter && /^@@\|\|([^\/:]+)\^\$document$/.test(filter.text))
+ continue;
+ if (!(filter.text in seenFilter))
+ remove.push(filter);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < remove.length; i++)
+ FilterStorage.removeFilter(remove[i]);
+// Called when user explicitly requests filter list updates
+function updateFilterLists()
+ for (var i = 0; i < FilterStorage.subscriptions.length; i++)
+ {
+ var subscription = FilterStorage.subscriptions[i];
+ if (subscription instanceof DownloadableSubscription)
+ Synchronizer.execute(subscription, true, true);
+ }
+// Adds a subscription entry to the UI.
+function addSubscriptionEntry(subscription)
+ var template = document.getElementById("subscriptionTemplate");
+ var element = template.cloneNode(true);
+ element.removeAttribute("id");
+ element._subscription = subscription;
+ var removeButton = element.getElementsByClassName("subscriptionRemoveButton")[0];
+ removeButton.setAttribute("title", removeButton.textContent);
+ removeButton.textContent = "\xD7";
+ removeButton.addEventListener("click", function()
+ {
+ if (!confirm(i18n.getMessage("global_remove_subscription_warning")))
+ return;
+ FilterStorage.removeSubscription(subscription);
+ }, false);
+ var enabled = element.getElementsByClassName("subscriptionEnabled")[0];
+ enabled.addEventListener("click", function()
+ {
+ if (subscription.disabled == !enabled.checked)
+ return;
+ subscription.disabled = !enabled.checked;
+ }, false);
+ updateSubscriptionInfo(element);
+ document.getElementById("filterLists").appendChild(element);
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