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Unified Diff: chrome/content/watcher.js

Issue 29331940: Issue 3225 - Make Diagnostics compatible with the upcoming Adblock Plus 2.7 release (Closed)
Patch Set: Created Dec. 4, 2015, 3:28 p.m.
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Index: chrome/content/watcher.js
--- a/chrome/content/watcher.js
+++ b/chrome/content/watcher.js
@@ -18,29 +18,20 @@ function abprequire(module)
Services.obs.notifyObservers(result, "adblockplus-require", module);
return result.exports;
let {Policy} = abprequire("contentPolicy");
let {RequestNotifier} = abprequire("requestNotifier");
let {Filter} = abprequire("filterClasses");
-let policyGlobal = Cu.getGlobalForObject(Policy);
-let PolicyPrivate = null;
-if ("PolicyImplementation" in policyGlobal) // ABP 2.1+ with scope separation
- PolicyPrivate = policyGlobal.PolicyImplementation;
-else if ("require" in policyGlobal) // ABP 2.1+ without scope separation
- PolicyPrivate = policyGlobal.require.scopes.contentPolicy.PolicyImplementation;
+let origShouldAllow = Policy.shouldAllow;
+if (!origShouldAllow)
-let origShouldLoad = PolicyPrivate.shouldLoad;
-let origProcessNode = Policy.processNode;
let currentData = null;
let processingQueue = [];
let notifier = null;
// Randomize URI to work around bug 719376
let stringBundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://abpwatcher/locale/global.properties?" + Math.random());
let clipboardHelper = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"].getService(Ci.nsIClipboardHelper);
@@ -50,219 +41,110 @@ function init()
let list = document.getElementById("list");
list.view = treeView;
updateProcessingTime(treeView, "refresh");
// Make sure the tree view has correct filters
- document.getElementById("ignore-early").doCommand();
notifier = new RequestNotifier(null, handleFilterHit);
Wladimir Palant 2015/12/07 12:17:55 I realized that I didn't test the Filter column -
- PolicyPrivate.shouldLoad = replacementShouldLoad;
- Policy.processNode = replacementProcessNode;
+ Policy.shouldAllow = replacementShouldAllow;
setInterval(processQueue, 200);
function E(id)
return document.getElementById(id);
-function replacementShouldLoad(contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, node, mimeTypeGuess, extra)
+function replacementShouldAllow({contentType, location, frames, isPrivate})
let startTime = null;
- currentData = {internal: false, earlyReturn: true, filters: []};
+ currentData = {
+ filters: [],
+ type: contentType,
+ location: location,
+ frames: frames,
+ isPrivate: isPrivate
+ };
startTime = Date.now();
- if (contentLocation)
- currentData.location = contentLocation.spec;
- if (requestOrigin)
- currentData.origin = requestOrigin.spec;
- currentData.type = contentType;
- } catch(e) {}
- let ret;
- try
- {
- ret = origShouldLoad.apply(this, arguments);
- return ret;
- }
- finally
- {
- if (startTime !== null)
- currentData.processingTime = (Date.now() - startTime);
- currentData.result = (ret == Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT);
- processingQueue.push(currentData);
- currentData = null;
- }
-function replacementProcessNode(wnd, node, contentType, location, collapse)
- let startTime = null;
- try
- {
- if (currentData && !("context" in currentData))
- {
- currentData.earlyReturn = false;
- currentData.context = node;
- currentData.window = wnd;
- currentData.internalType = contentType;
- if (location)
- currentData.internalLocation = location.spec;
- }
- else
- {
- // shouldLoad wasn't called - this isn't being called by content policy
- let locationString = (location instanceof Filter ? location.text : location.spec);
- currentData = {
- internal: true,
- earlyReturn: false,
- filters: [],
- location: locationString,
- internalLocation: locationString,
- context: node,
- window: wnd,
- type: contentType,
- internalType: contentType
- };
- startTime = Date.now();
- }
let ret;
- ret = origProcessNode.apply(this, arguments);
+ ret = origShouldAllow.apply(this, arguments);
return ret;
if (startTime !== null)
currentData.processingTime = (Date.now() - startTime);
- currentData.result = (ret == true);
+ currentData.result = ret;
currentData = null;
function destroy()
if (notifier)
- if (origShouldLoad)
- PolicyPrivate.shouldLoad = origShouldLoad;
- if (origProcessNode)
- Policy.processNode = origProcessNode;
+ if (origShouldAllow)
+ Policy.shouldAllow = origShouldAllow;
-function handleFilterHit(wnd, node, data)
+function handleFilterHit(data)
if (data.filter && currentData)
- currentData.filters.push(data.filter.text);
+ currentData.filters.push(data.filter);
function processQueue()
if (!processingQueue.length)
+ function stringify(value)
+ {
+ if (typeof value == "undefined" || value == null)
+ return "";
+ else
+ return String(value);
+ }
for each (let entry in processingQueue)
- entry.cols = {};
- if (typeof entry.location != "undefined")
- entry.cols.address = String(entry.location);
- if (typeof entry.type != "undefined")
- {
- entry.cols.type = String(entry.type);
- try {
- // Nasty hack: try to get type name from ABP
- if (entry.type in Policy.localizedDescr)
- entry.cols.type = String(Policy.localizedDescr[entry.type]);
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- entry.cols.result = stringBundle.GetStringFromName(entry.result ? "decision.allow" : "decision.block");
- if (typeof entry.context != "undefined")
- entry.cols.context = (entry.context ? getNodeLabel(entry.context) : String(entry.context));
- if (typeof entry.window != "undefined")
- entry.cols.document = (entry.window ? getNodeLabel(entry.window) : String(entry.window));
- if (typeof entry.origin != "undefined")
- entry.cols.origin = String(entry.origin);
- if (entry.filters.length)
- entry.cols.filter = entry.filters.join(", ");
- if (typeof entry.processingTime != "undefined")
- entry.cols.time = String(entry.processingTime);
- let additional = [];
- if (entry.internal)
- additional.push(stringBundle.GetStringFromName("additional.internalInvocation"));
- if (typeof entry.internalType != "undefined" && entry.type != entry.internalType)
- {
- let internalType = String(entry.internalType);
- try {
- // Nasty hack: try to get type name from ABP
- if (entry.internalType in Policy.localizedDescr)
- internalType = String(Policy.localizedDescr[entry.internalType]);
- } catch(e) {}
- additional.push(stringBundle.formatStringFromName("additional.typeChanged", [internalType], 1));
- }
- if (typeof entry.internalLocation != "undefined" && entry.location != entry.internalLocation)
- additional.push(stringBundle.formatStringFromName("additional.locationChanged", [String(entry.internalLocation)], 1));
- if (additional.length > 0)
- entry.cols.additional = additional.join(", ");
+ entry.cols = {
+ address: stringify(entry.location),
+ type: stringify(entry.type),
+ result: stringBundle.GetStringFromName(entry.result && entry.result.allow ? "decision.allow" : "decision.block"),
+ origin: stringify(entry.frames && entry.frames[0] && entry.frames[0].location),
+ filters: stringify(entry.filters && entry.filters.join(", ")),
+ time: stringify(entry.processingTime)
+ };
processingQueue = [];
-function getNodeLabel(node)
- try
- {
- if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow)
- return stringBundle.formatStringFromName("NodeLabel.window", [node.location.href], 1);
- if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMDocument)
- return stringBundle.formatStringFromName("NodeLabel.document", [node.URL], 1);
- else if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMXULElement)
- return stringBundle.formatStringFromName("NodeLabel.xulElement", [node.tagName], 1);
- else if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLElement)
- return stringBundle.formatStringFromName("NodeLabel.htmlElement", [node.tagName], 1);
- else if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMSVGElement)
- return stringBundle.formatStringFromName("NodeLabel.svgElement", [node.tagName], 1);
- else if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement)
- return stringBundle.formatStringFromName("NodeLabel.element", [node.tagName], 1);
- else
- return stringBundle.formatStringFromName("NodeLabel.unknown", [String(node)], 1);
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- Cu.reportError(e);
- return stringBundle.formatStringFromName("NodeLabel.unknown", [""], 1);
- }
function fillInTooltip(event)
let entry = treeView.getEntryAt(event.clientX, event.clientY);
if (!entry)
return false;
let rows = document.getElementById("tooltip-rows");
while (rows.firstChild)
@@ -277,17 +159,20 @@ function fillInTooltip(event)
let row = document.createElement("row");
let label = document.createElement("description");
label.setAttribute("class", "tooltip-label");
label.setAttribute("value", cols[i].getAttribute("label"));
let value = document.createElement("vbox");
- setMultilineContent(value, entry.cols[col]);
+ let data = entry.cols[col];
+ if (col == "origin")
+ data = entry.frames.map(f => f.location).join("\n");
+ setMultilineContent(value, data);
return true;
@@ -312,24 +197,23 @@ function copyLocation()
function copyFilters()
let entry = treeView.getCurrentEntry();
if (entry && entry.filters.length)
-function setMultilineContent(box, text) {
- // The following is sufficient in Gecko 1.9 but Gecko 1.8 fails on multiline
- // text fields in tooltips
- // box.textContent = text.replace(/\S{80}(?=\S)/g, "$& ");
- for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i += 80) {
+function setMultilineContent(box, text)
+ let lines = text.split(/\n+/);
+ for (let line of lines)
+ {
let description = document.createElement("description");
- description.setAttribute("value", text.substr(i, 80));
+ description.textContent = line.replace(/\S{80}(?=\S)/g, "$& ");
var totalProcessingTime = 0;
function updateProcessingTime(view, operation, entry)
if (operation == "add")
@@ -345,17 +229,16 @@ function updateProcessingTime(view, oper
let summary = document.getElementById("summary");
let template = summary.getAttribute("_template");
summary.textContent = template.replace(/\*NUMITEMS\*/g, numItems).replace(/\*TIME\*/, (totalProcessingTime / 1000).toFixed(3));
var treeView = {
currentItems: [],
displayedItems: [],
- _ignoreEarlyReturns: false,
_filterString: "",
_sortColumn: null,
_sortDirection: null,
boxObject: null,
atoms: {},
observers: [],
@@ -381,17 +264,17 @@ var treeView = {
setTree: function(boxObject)
if (!boxObject)
this.boxObject = boxObject;
let atomService = Cc["@mozilla.org/atom-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsIAtomService);
- for each (let col in ["address", "type", "result", "context", "document", "origin", "additional", "filter", "time"])
+ for each (let col in ["address", "type", "result", "origin", "filter", "time"])
let atomStr = "col-" + col;
this.atoms[atomStr] = atomService.getAtom(atomStr);
for each (let flag in ["selected", "blocked"])
let atomStr = flag + "-true";
this.atoms[atomStr] = atomService.getAtom(atomStr);
@@ -456,17 +339,17 @@ var treeView = {
getRowProperties: function(row, properties)
if (row < 0 || row >= this.displayedItems.length)
return "";
let entry = this.displayedItems[row];
return this.generateProperties([
"selected-" + this.selection.isSelected(row),
- "blocked-" + !entry.result
+ "blocked-" + !(entry.result && entry.result.allow)
], properties);
getCellProperties: function(row, col, properties)
return this.getRowProperties(row, properties) + " " + this.getColumnProperties(col, properties);
@@ -526,41 +409,28 @@ var treeView = {
performActionOnRow: function() {},
performActionOnCell: function() {},
selectionChanged: function() {},
// Custom methods
- get ignoreEarlyReturns()
- {
- return this._ignoreEarlyReturns;
- },
- set ignoreEarlyReturns(value)
- {
- this._ignoreEarlyReturns = value;
- this.refilter();
- },
get filterString()
return this._filterString;
set filterString(value)
this._filterString = value.toLowerCase();
filter: function(entry)
- if (this._ignoreEarlyReturns && entry.earlyReturn)
- return false;
if (this._filterString)
let foundMatch = false;
for each (let label in entry.cols)
if (label.toLowerCase().indexOf(this._filterString) >= 0)
foundMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch)
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