Index: pages/coding-style.html |
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+++ b/pages/coding-style.html |
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<li>{{html-css-order CSS rule declaration order should follow the <a href="">WordPress CSS Coding Standards</a>.}}</li> |
<li>{{html-css-units CSS number values should specify units where possible.}}</li> |
<li>{{html-css-leading-zero Don't omit the optional leading 0 for decimal numbers.}}</li> |
</ul> |
<h2 id="python">{{s19 Python}}</h2> |
<ul> |
<li>{{python-general Follow <a href="">PEP-8</a> and the recommendations in the offical Python documentation.}}</li> |
+ <li>Make the code compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 (see <a href="">this guide</a>). Use <a href="">__future__ imports</a> to address syntactic differences but avoid <a href="">six</a>, <a href="">python-future</a>, etc. to not introduce additional dependencies.</li> |
Sebastian Noack
2016/05/17 17:51:00
You forgot to use the boilerplate to make this str
Sebastian Noack
2016/05/17 17:51:00
Perhaps we shouldn't even make Python 2.7 mandator
Vasily Kuznetsov
2016/05/18 08:50:50
Oops, that's embarrassing. Fixed.
Vasily Kuznetsov
2016/05/18 08:50:50
While I support the intention of dropping Python 2
Wladimir Palant
2016/05/18 18:28:09
So what we are talking about is merely the transit
Wladimir Palant
2016/05/18 18:47:47
Matze says that there is a plan to upgrade the ser
Sebastian Noack
2016/05/18 19:06:32
Whichever Python version is available on the serve
Vasily Kuznetsov
2016/05/19 09:03:31
So we all agree that we would like to eventually m
Sebastian Noack
2016/05/19 10:10:24
Yes, Python 3.6+ will in theory be backwards compa
Vasily Kuznetsov
2016/05/19 10:52:28
Wladimir Palant
2016/05/19 11:33:26
As long as this is about automated testing - yes,
Sebastian Noack
2016/05/19 11:51:53
I agree, that when manually testing it's important
<li>{{python-strings Write string literals so that they match the behaviour of <a href=""><code><fix>repr()</fix></code></a> in Python 2, or <a href=""><code><fix>ascii()</fix></code></a> in Python 3, i.e. use single quotes except to avoid escaping of embedded quotes and escape special and non-ascii characters. For docstrings, however, follow <a href="">PEP-257</a>.}}</li> |
<li>{{python-prefix In modules, prefix private functions and variables with a single underscore.}}</li> |
<li>{{python-concatenation Use the <code><fix>+</fix></code> operator when concatenating exactly two strings, use the <a href=""><code><fix>format()</fix></code> method</a> for more complex string formatting, use the <a href=""><code><fix>join()</fix></code> method</a> when concatenating pre-existing sequences.}}</li> |
<li>{{python-tuple-vs-list Use tuples for data that have structure, use lists for data that have order.}}</li> |
<li>{{python-builtins Don't override builtins except for <a href="">non-essential builtins</a> and <code><fix>file</fix></code> which is superfluos in modern code as well.}}</li> |
<li>{{python-map-filter Use list comprehensions or generator expressions instead of calling <code><fix>map()</fix></code> or <code><fix>filter()</fix></code> with a lambda function.}}</li> |
<li>{{python-regexp Use <a href=""><code><fix></fix></code></a> instead of <code><fix>re.match()</fix></code> to avoid <a href="">confusion</a> about implied beginning of the string but not the ending.}}</li> |
<li>{{python-flake8 Run <a href="">flake8</a> with the <a href="">flake8-abp</a> and <a href="">pep8-naming</a> extensions and fix any warning.}}</li> |