1 {% set people = [ | 1 {% set people = [ |
2 ("2011-08-22", "de", "palant.png", "Wladimir Palant", "Founder & Developer", "
Computer scientist and the original developer of Adblock Plus"), | 2 ("2011-08-22", "de", "de", "palant.png", "Wladimir Palant", "Founder & Develop
er", "Computer scientist and the original developer of Adblock Plus"), |
3 ("2011-08-22", "de", "faida.png", "Till Faida", "Founder & CEO", "Entrepreneur
with a professional background in online marketing"), | 3 ("2011-08-22", "de", "de", "faida.png", "Till Faida", "Founder & CEO", "Entrep
reneur with a professional background in online marketing"), |
4 ("2011-12-01", "de", "schumacher.jpeg", "Tim Schumacher", "Investor & Advisor"
, "Serial entrepreneur with a passion for challenging Internet projects"), | 4 ("2011-12-01", "de", "de", "schumacher.jpeg", "Tim Schumacher", "Investor & Ad
visor", "Serial entrepreneur with a passion for challenging Internet projects"), |
5 ("2012-09-03", "de", "dahlke.png", "Felix Dahlke", "CTO", "Obsessive programme
r passionate about open source and games"), | 5 ("2012-09-03", "de", "de", "dahlke.png", "Felix Dahlke", "CTO", "Obsessive pro
grammer passionate about open source and games"), |
6 ("2012-08-13", "de", "dommers.jpg", "Christian Dommers", "Head of Business Dev
elopment", "Business developer, entrepreneur and project manager with a backgrou
nd in Internet publishing"), | 6 ("2012-08-13", "de", "de", "dommers.jpg", "Christian Dommers", "Head of Busine
ss Development", "Business developer, entrepreneur and project manager with a ba
ckground in Internet publishing"), |
7 ("2012-08-21", "de", "arthur.jpg", "Arthur Kawa", "IT Officer Trainee", "Longt
ime Adblock Plus contributor who loves music, concerts and bacon"), | 7 ("2012-08-21", "de", "de", "arthur.jpg", "Arthur Kawa", "IT Officer Trainee",
"Longtime Adblock Plus contributor who loves music, concerts and bacon"), |
8 ("2012-07-16", "nl", "plas.png", "Job Plas", "Manager of Global Partnerships",
"Geek-in-training who loves The Office, Gangnam Style and schnitzel. Has MSc &
BBA in international business."), | 8 ("2012-07-16", "nl", "nl", "plas.png", "Job Plas", "Manager of Global Partners
hips", "Geek-in-training who loves The Office, Gangnam Style and schnitzel. Has
MSc & BBA in international business."), |
9 ("2012-11-29", "us", "hughes.png", "Eric Hughes", "Developer", "Writes code, p
referably though of necessity not exclusively, in strongly typed languages"), | 9 ("2012-11-29", "us", "us", "hughes.png", "Eric Hughes", "Developer", "Writes c
ode, preferably though of necessity not exclusively, in strongly typed languages
"), |
10 ("2013-06-30", "de", "noack.png", "Sebastian Noack", "Developer", "Longtime op
en source developer who loves playing volleyball and board games"), | 10 ("2013-06-30", "de", "de", "noack.png", "Sebastian Noack", "Developer", "Longt
ime open source developer who loves playing volleyball and board games"), |
11 ("2013-01-08", "de", "wilms.png", "Nadja Wilms", "Office Assistant", "Trained
paralegal who keeps the administration and accounting in order"), | 11 ("2013-01-08", "de", "de", "wilms.png", "Nadja Wilms", "Office Assistant", "Tr
ained paralegal who keeps the administration and accounting in order"), |
12 ("2013-06-18", "us", "ben.jpeg", "Ben Williams", "Comms/Ops Manager", "Previou
sly worked in government, but likes wearing jeans better. Also likes writing, re
cords and pork."), | 12 ("2013-06-18", "us", "us", "ben.jpeg", "Ben Williams", "Comms/Ops Manager", "P
reviously worked in government, but likes wearing jeans better. Also likes writi
ng, records and pork."), |
13 ("2012-09-03", "at", "greiner.jpeg", "Thomas Greiner", "Developer", "Web enthu
siast and developer with strong beliefs on openness, transparency and accessibil
ity"), | 13 ("2012-09-03", "at", "at", "greiner.jpeg", "Thomas Greiner", "Developer", "Web
enthusiast and developer with strong beliefs on openness, transparency and acce
ssibility"), |
14 ("2012-11-26", "ua", "paraska.jpeg", "Oleksandr Paraska", "Developer", "Longti
me Adblock Plus for IE developer (yes, seriously). Loves making crêpes."), | 14 ("2012-11-26", "ua", "ua", "paraska.jpeg", "Oleksandr Paraska", "Developer", "
Longtime Adblock Plus for IE developer (yes, seriously). Loves making crêpes."), |
15 ("2013-07-02", "es", "caballero.jpeg", "Manuel Caballero", "Acceptable Ads Rel
ations Manager", "PhD candidate in art history, PR for Spain & LatAm, Germanophi
le and metal head"), | 15 ("2013-07-02", "es", "es", "caballero.jpeg", "Manuel Caballero", "Acceptable A
ds Relations Manager", "PhD candidate in art history, PR for Spain & LatAm, Germ
anophile and metal head"), |
16 ("2014-02-03", "de", "hill.png", "Philip Hill", "QA & Project Manager", "Tries
to improve the quality of nearly everything, especially food, music, photos and
software"), | 16 ("2014-02-03", "de", "de", "hill.png", "Philip Hill", "QA & Project Manager",
"Tries to improve the quality of nearly everything, especially food, music, phot
os and software"), |
17 ("2014-02-04", "am", "saroyanm.jpg", "Manvel Saroyan", "Developer", "Open sour
ce-minded web developer always looking for good ideas to implement"), | 17 ("2014-02-04", "am", "am", "saroyanm.jpg", "Manvel Saroyan", "Developer", "Ope
n source-minded web developer always looking for good ideas to implement"), |
18 ("2014-03-04", "de", "jeschke.jpg", "René Jeschke", "Developer", "Coder by nat
ure, optimization zealot, member of the anonymous NIH-aholics"), | 18 ("2014-03-04", "de", "de", "jeschke.jpg", "René Jeschke", "Developer", "Coder
by nature, optimization zealot, member of the anonymous NIH-aholics"), |
19 ("2014-04-01", "de", "recke.png", "Kai Recke", "General Counsel", "Attorney sp
ecialized in online law and guidance for creative IT companies"), | 19 ("2014-04-01", "de", "de", "recke.png", "Kai Recke", "General Counsel", "Attor
ney specialized in online law and guidance for creative IT companies"), |
20 ("2014-04-01", "de", "schuster.png", "Tom Schuster", "Developer", "Computer sc
ience student with a passion for open source and low-level stuff"), | 20 ("2014-04-01", "de", "de", "schuster.png", "Tom Schuster", "Developer", "Compu
ter science student with a passion for open source and low-level stuff"), |
21 ("2014-05-01", "de", "maren.jpg", "Maren Böger", "People Operations Manager",
"People person who's seriously addicted to sports. Always hunting for talent ...
or chocolate."), | 21 ("2014-05-01", "de", "de", "maren.jpg", "Maren Böger", "People Operations Mana
ger", "People person who's seriously addicted to sports. Always hunting for tale
nt ... or chocolate."), |
22 ("2014-07-01", "de", "hennig.png", "Mathias J. Hennig", "DevOps Engineer", "Op
en source evangelist who doesn't only write code, but speaks it"), | 22 ("2014-07-01", "de", "de", "hennig.png", "Mathias J. Hennig", "DevOps Engineer
", "Open source evangelist who doesn't only write code, but speaks it"), |
23 ("2014-08-01", "gb", "dave.png", "Dave Barker", "Developer", "Bristol based pr
ogrammer, percussionist"), | 23 ("2014-08-01", "gb", "gb", "dave.png", "Dave Barker", "Developer", "Bristol ba
sed programmer, percussionist"), |
24 ("2014-08-01", "ru", "sergei.png", "Sergei Zabolotskikh", "Developer", "Loves
solving problems and enjoying the good things in life"), | 24 ("2014-08-01", "ru", "ru", "sergei.png", "Sergei Zabolotskikh", "Developer", "
Loves solving problems and enjoying the good things in life"), |
25 ("2013-09-01", "cn", "yu.png", "Yuxi Yu", "Country Manager China", "Enjoys cro
ss-cultural stuffs: people, food and business. Occasionally gets wanderlust."), | 25 ("2013-09-01", "cn", "cn", "yu.png", "Yuxi Yu", "Country Manager China", "Enjo
ys cross-cultural stuffs: people, food and business. Occasionally gets wanderlus
t."), |
26 ("2014-09-15", "de", "frey.png", "Peter Frey", "Design Intern", "Media student
with a hand in almost everything visual"), | 26 ("2014-09-15", "de", "de", "frey.png", "Peter Frey", "Design Intern", "Media s
tudent with a hand in almost everything visual"), |
27 ("2014-09-15", "de", "pomogajko.png", "Kirill Pomogajko", "Data Scientist", "T
akes the company on a data adventure. Breathes R, lives in a shell and avoids sp
readsheets."), | 27 ("2014-09-15", "de", "de", "pomogajko.png", "Kirill Pomogajko", "Data Scientis
t", "Takes the company on a data adventure. Breathes R, lives in a shell and avo
ids spreadsheets."), |
28 ("2014-09-01", "us", "chou.png", "Ann-Lee Chou", "User Experience Researcher",
"User-centered advocate and design thinker with a background in tech and downwa
rd dog"), | 28 ("2014-09-01", "us", "us", "chou.png", "Ann-Lee Chou", "User Experience Resear
cher", "User-centered advocate and design thinker with a background in tech and
downward dog"), |
29 ("2015-01-01", "de", "louwette.png", "Caroline Louwette", "Account Manager", "
Highly committed team player with a creative and bubbly personality who wants to
travel the world"), | 29 ("2015-01-01", "de", "de", "louwette.png", "Caroline Louwette", "Account Manag
er", "Highly committed team player with a creative and bubbly personality who wa
nts to travel the world"), |
30 ("2015-01-01", "de", "spiegel.jpg", "Frederik Spiegel", "System Administrator"
, 'Likes writing code, automating things and hanging out with "real" pirates fro
m the 18th century'), | 30 ("2015-01-01", "de", "de", "spiegel.jpg", "Frederik Spiegel", "System Administ
rator", 'Likes writing code, automating things and hanging out with "real" pirat
es from the 18th century'), |
31 ("2015-01-01", "de", "seydel.png", "Henning Seydel", "Technical Account Manage
r", "Problem solver with a passion for connecting technology and business, good
food and traveling"), | 31 ("2015-01-01", "de", "de", "seydel.png", "Henning Seydel", "Technical Account
Manager", "Problem solver with a passion for connecting technology and business,
good food and traveling"), |
32 ("2015-01-01", "de", "stelberg.png", "Christiane Stelberg", "Graphic Designer"
, "Austro-German designer who likes to keep calm and make things look better"), | 32 ("2015-01-01", "de", "de", "stelberg.png", "Christiane Stelberg", "Graphic Des
igner", "Austro-German designer who likes to keep calm and make things look bett
er"), |
33 ("2015-02-01", "gb", "green.jpg", "Ross Green", "Software Tester", "Constantly
breaking things and attempting to put them back together. Likes development, sk
ateboarding and cats"), | 33 ("2015-02-01", "gb", "gb", "green.jpg", "Ross Green", "Software Tester", "Cons
tantly breaking things and attempting to put them back together. Likes developme
nt, skateboarding and cats"), |
34 ("2015-04-01", "us", "jones.png", "Nicole Jones", "QA Manager", "Passionate ab
out improving processes, proactively using data and going on adventures"), | 34 ("2015-04-01", "us", "us", "jones.png", "Nicole Jones", "QA Manager", "Passion
ate about improving processes, proactively using data and going on adventures"), |
35 ("2015-04-01", "us", "bielik.png", "Lisa Bielik", "Technical Writer", "User-fo
cused technical writer who enjoys simplifying complex things. Likes animals, cof
fee and heavy metal."), | 35 ("2015-04-01", "us", "us", "bielik.png", "Lisa Bielik", "Technical Writer", "U
ser-focused technical writer who enjoys simplifying complex things. Likes animal
s, coffee and heavy metal."), |
36 ("2015-06-01", "es", "blasco.png", "Tamara Blasco", "Localization Manager", "A
perfectionist who enjoys books, video games, TV series, movies, technology and
learning new languages"), | 36 ("2015-06-01", "es", "es", "blasco.png", "Tamara Blasco", "Localization Manage
r", "A perfectionist who enjoys books, video games, TV series, movies, technolog
y and learning new languages"), |
37 ("2015-07-01", "de", "grant.png", "Marsha Grant", "Student Help Communications
", "Student of English literature. Presumably reading or writing something right
now."), | 37 ("2015-07-01", "de", "de", "grant.png", "Marsha Grant", "Student Help Communic
ations", "Student of English literature. Presumably reading or writing something
right now."), |
38 ("2015-06-01", "de", "sergeev.png", "Nicole Sergeev", "Office Assistant", "Per
fectly organized team player with a creative and dedicated personality. Loves te
nnis, likes Hip-Hop and enjoys audio books while jogging."), | 38 ("2015-06-01", "de", "de", "sergeev.png", "Nicole Sergeev", "Office Assistant"
, "Perfectly organized team player with a creative and dedicated personality. Lo
ves tennis, likes Hip-Hop and enjoys audio books while jogging."), |
39 ("2015-08-01", "de", "porz.jpg", "Stephan Porz", "Data Scientist", "Physicist
devoted to programming and data analysis. Loves clear structure and elegant visu
alization."), | 39 ("2015-08-01", "de", "de", "porz.jpg", "Stephan Porz", "Data Scientist", "Phys
icist devoted to programming and data analysis. Loves clear structure and elegan
t visualization."), |
40 ("2015-08-19", "eg", "amr.png", "Amr Makram", "Student Help", "A traveler who
hasn't arrived yet. An international citizen who dreams of being a small block f
or global peace."), | 40 ("2015-08-19", "eg", "eg", "amr.png", "Amr Makram", "Student Help", "A travele
r who hasn't arrived yet. An international citizen who dreams of being a small b
lock for global peace."), |
41 ("2015-09-01", "il", "dar.png", "Rotem Dar", "International Account Manager",
"A BizDev freak, a jurist and a verbal painter who's after the next opportunity,
subtext and Thai noodles"), | 41 ("2015-09-01", "il", "il", "dar.png", "Rotem Dar", "International Account Mana
ger", "A BizDev freak, a jurist and a verbal painter who's after the next opport
unity, subtext and Thai noodles"), |
42 ("2015-09-21", "de", "mario.png", "Mario König", "Technical Project Manager",
"A passionate project manager devoted to the art of making things happen"), | 42 ("2015-09-21", "de", "de", "mario.png", "Mario König", "Technical Project Mana
ger", "A passionate project manager devoted to the art of making things happen")
, |
43 ("2015-11-16", "br", "rachel.png", "Rachel Brochado", "Community Manager", "Ve
ry sociable one that is committed to people. Has a special care for sustainable
development issues and a passion for music."), | 43 ("2015-11-16", "br", "br", "rachel.png", "Rachel Brochado", "Community Manager
", "Very sociable one that is committed to people. Has a special care for sustai
nable development issues and a passion for music."), |
44 ("2015-11-16", "ca", "vold.png", "Erik Vold", "Developer", "Loves working on n
ew features for the web"), | 44 ("2015-11-16", "ca", "ca", "vold.png", "Erik Vold", "Developer", "Loves workin
g on new features for the web"), |
45 ("2015-12-01", "ba", "cuturic.png", "Saša Čuturić", "Community Support Associa
te", "Longtime Adblock Plus fan, now part of the team. Enjoys movies, TV shows a
nd technology."), | 45 ("2015-12-01", "ba", "ba", "cuturic.png", "Saša Čuturić", "Community Support A
ssociate", "Longtime Adblock Plus fan, now part of the team. Enjoys movies, TV s
hows and technology."), |
46 ("2015-12-08", "us", "karen.png", "Karen Holt", "Community Manager", "Loves he
lping customers, drinking good coffee and traveling the world"), | 46 ("2015-12-08", "us", "us", "karen.png", "Karen Holt", "Community Manager", "Lo
ves helping customers, drinking good coffee and traveling the world"), |
47 ("2016-01-01", "gb", "scott.png", "Scott Cheer", "Software Tester", "Bug creat
or extraordinaire. Scott also loves video games and dogs, but who doesn't?"), | 47 ("2016-01-01", "gb", "gb", "scott.png", "Scott Cheer", "Software Tester", "Bug
creator extraordinaire. Scott also loves video games and dogs, but who doesn't?
"), |
48 ("2016-01-01", "fr", "jessica.png", "Jessica Peterka-Bonetta", "Data Scientist
", "Psychologist with a passion for anything related to data. Investigates Inter
net addiction in the scope of her PhD and loves to analyze social media data."), | 48 ("2016-01-01", "fr", "fr", "jessica.png", "Jessica Peterka-Bonetta", "Data Sci
entist", "Psychologist with a passion for anything related to data. Investigates
Internet addiction in the scope of her PhD and loves to analyze social media da
ta."), |
49 ("2016-01-18", "ca", "julian.png", "Julian Doucette", "Developer", "Developer,
problem-solver, creative thinker, open source advocate"), | 49 ("2016-01-18", "ca", "ca", "julian.png", "Julian Doucette", "Developer", "Deve
loper, problem-solver, creative thinker, open source advocate"), |
50 ("2016-02-01", "de", "darius.png", "Darius Kühn", "IT System Administrator", "
IT evolutionist with a fable for cooking, whiskey, reptiles and visible results
in real-time"), | 50 ("2016-02-01", "de", "de", "darius.png", "Darius Kühn", "IT System Administrat
or", "IT evolutionist with a fable for cooking, whiskey, reptiles and visible re
sults in real-time"), |
51 ("2016-02-01", "de", "kiedel.png", "Steffen Kiedel", "CFO", "Finance person, p
assionate about growing companies"), | 51 ("2016-02-01", "de", "de", "kiedel.png", "Steffen Kiedel", "CFO", "Finance per
son, passionate about growing companies"), |
52 ("2016-02-03", "us", "aaron.png", "Aaron Thornburgh", "Product Manager", "Prod
uct manager, user experience designer and automotive enthusiast"), | 52 ("2016-02-03", "us", "us", "aaron.png", "Aaron Thornburgh", "Product Manager",
"Product manager, user experience designer and automotive enthusiast"), |
53 ("2016-03-01", "ru", "vasily.png", "Vasily Kuznetsov", "Developer", "Programme
r, mathematician and rock climber who likes thinking about hard questions and ma
king things simpler"), | 53 ("2016-03-01", "ru", "ru", "vasily.png", "Vasily Kuznetsov", "Developer", "Pro
grammer, mathematician and rock climber who likes thinking about hard questions
and making things simpler"), |
54 ("2016-04-01", "de", "tobias.png", "Tobias Hilleke", "QA Manager", "QA Manager
with a conviction for analyzing and optimizing processes, as well as a passion
for music and sports"), | 54 ("2016-04-01", "de", "de", "tobias.png", "Tobias Hilleke", "QA Manager", "QA M
anager with a conviction for analyzing and optimizing processes, as well as a pa
ssion for music and sports"), |
55 ("2016-04-01", "de", "laura.png", "Laura Dornheim", "Public Affairs Manager",
"Enjoys lobbying for a better Internet. Never shy of words and never seen in any
thing else but black."), | 55 ("2016-04-01", "de", "de", "laura.png", "Laura Dornheim", "Public Affairs Mana
ger", "Enjoys lobbying for a better Internet. Never shy of words and never seen
in anything else but black."), |
56 ("2016-05-02", "br", "diego.png", "Diego Lima", "Developer", "Passionate about
music and traveling, bad soccer player, open source and problem-solving enthusi
ast"), | 56 ("2016-05-02", "br", "br", "diego.png", "Diego Lima", "Developer", "Passionate
about music and traveling, bad soccer player, open source and problem-solving e
nthusiast"), |
57 ("2016-05-10", "ru", "anton.png", "Anton Smirnov", "Developer", "Has a passion
for interior design and architecture. Loves French, perfect software architectu
re, sports and electronics prototyping"), | 57 ("2016-05-10", "ru", "ru", "anton.png", "Anton Smirnov", "Developer", "Has a p
assion for interior design and architecture. Loves French, perfect software arch
itecture, sports and electronics prototyping"), |
58 ("2016-05-16", "pl", "joanna.png", "Joanna Sitarz", "Technical Recruiter", "Te
ch Recruiter who likes books, traveling, IT Crowd & good sense of humor"), | 58 ("2016-05-16", "pl", "pl", "joanna.png", "Joanna Sitarz", "Technical Recruiter
", "Tech Recruiter who likes books, traveling, IT Crowd & good sense of humor"), |
59 ("2016-05-17", "us", "sonesen.png", "Jon Sonesen", "Developer", "Open source e
nthusiast who enjoys mountains, travel, riding bikes and learning new stuff"), | 59 ("2016-05-17", "us", "us", "sonesen.png", "Jon Sonesen", "Developer", "Open so
urce enthusiast who enjoys mountains, travel, riding bikes and learning new stuf
f"), |
60 ("2016-05-17", "ro", "robert.png", "Robert Raceanu", "Software Tester", "Wants
to make a difference whilst enjoying the ride"), | 60 ("2016-05-17", "ro", "ro", "robert.png", "Robert Raceanu", "Software Tester",
"Wants to make a difference whilst enjoying the ride"), |
61 ("2016-06-01", "de", "judith.png", "Judith Nink", "Data Protection Officer", "
Attorney, passionate about data privacy and specialized in technology and online
law. Loves sports, especially handball"), | 61 ("2016-06-01", "de", "de", "judith.png", "Judith Nink", "Data Protection Offic
er", "Attorney, passionate about data privacy and specialized in technology and
online law. Loves sports, especially handball"), |
62 ("2016-06-01", "bg", "martin.png", "Martin Velchevski", "Product Designer", "D
esigner, programming enthusiast. Loves photography, plays guitar and occasionall
y fiddles with electronics"), | 62 ("2016-06-01", "bg", "bg", "martin.png", "Martin Velchevski", "Product Designe
r", "Designer, programming enthusiast. Loves photography, plays guitar and occas
ionally fiddles with electronics"), |
63 ("2016-06-20", "dk", "fink.png", "Thomas Fink", "Community Intern", "New media
enthusiast with a flair for filmmaking and other forms of eye(o)candy"), | 63 ("2016-06-20", "dk", "dk", "fink.png", "Thomas Fink", "Community Intern", "New
media enthusiast with a flair for filmmaking and other forms of eye(o)candy"), |
64 ] %} | 64 ] %} |