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Issue 29360001: Issue #5109 - Create stylelintrc for websites and ui modules (Closed)
Patch Set: Changes outlined in comments Created Nov. 10, 2016, 11:39 a.m.
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Index: stylelintrc.json
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stylelintrc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+ "rules": {
+ "color-hex-length": "short",
+ "color-named": "never",
+ "color-no-invalid-hex": true,
+ "font-family-name-quotes": "always-where-recommended",
+ "font-weight-notation": "numeric",
+ "function-calc-no-unspaced-operator": true,
+ "function-comma-newline-before": "never-multi-line",
+ "function-comma-space-after": "always-single-line",
+ "function-comma-space-before": "never-single-line",
+ "function-linear-gradient-no-nonstandard-direction": true,
+ "function-max-empty-lines": 0,
+ "function-name-case": "lower",
+ "function-parentheses-space-inside": "never",
+ "function-url-quotes": "always",
+ "function-whitespace-after": "always",
+ "number-leading-zero": "always",
+ "number-no-trailing-zeros": true,
+ "string-no-newline": true,
+ "string-quotes": "double",
+ "time-no-imperceptible": true,
+ "unit-case": "lower",
+ "unit-no-unknown": true,
+ "value-keyword-case": "lower",
+ "value-no-vendor-prefix": true,
+ "value-list-comma-newline-before": "never-multi-line",
+ "value-list-comma-space-after": "always-single-line",
+ "value-list-comma-space-before": "never-single-line",
+ "value-list-max-empty-lines": 0,
+ "custom-property-empty-line-before": "never",
+ "custom-property-no-outside-root": true,
+ "property-case": "lower",
+ "property-no-unknown": true,
+ "property-no-vendor-prefix": true,
+ "declaration-bang-space-after": "never",
+ "declaration-bang-space-before": "always",
+ "declaration-colon-newline-after": "always-multi-line",
+ "declaration-colon-space-after": "always",
+ "declaration-colon-space-before": "never",
+ "declaration-empty-line-before": "never",
+ "declaration-no-important": true,
+ "declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties": true,
+ "declaration-block-no-ignored-properties": true,
+ "declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties": true,
+ "declaration-block-no-shorthand-property-overrides": true,
+ "declaration-block-properties-order": [
+ "display",
+ "visibility",
+ "position",
+ "top",
+ "right",
+ "bottom",
+ "left",
+ "float",
+ "clear",
+ "z-index",
+ "flex",
+ "flex-direction",
+ "flex-order",
+ "flex-pack",
+ "flex-align",
+ "box-sizing",
+ "table-layout",
+ "empty-cells",
+ "border-spacing",
+ "border-collapse",
+ "overflow",
+ "overflow-x",
+ "overflow-y",
+ "width",
+ "min-width",
+ "max-width",
+ "height",
+ "min-height",
+ "max-height",
+ "margin",
+ "margin-top",
+ "margin-right",
+ "margin-bottom",
+ "margin-left",
+ "padding",
+ "padding-top",
+ "padding-right",
+ "padding-bottom",
+ "padding-left",
+ "border",
+ "border-collapse",
+ "border-width",
+ "border-style",
+ "border-color",
+ "border-top",
+ "border-top-width",
+ "border-top-style",
+ "border-top-color",
+ "border-right",
+ "border-right-width",
+ "border-right-style",
+ "border-right-color",
+ "border-bottom",
+ "border-bottom-width",
+ "border-bottom-style",
+ "border-bottom-color",
+ "border-left",
+ "border-left-width",
+ "border-left-style",
+ "border-left-color",
+ "border-radius",
+ "border-top-left-radius",
+ "border-top-right-radius",
+ "border-bottom-right-radius",
+ "border-bottom-left-radius",
+ "border-image",
+ "border-image-source",
+ "border-image-slice",
+ "border-image-width",
+ "border-image-outset",
+ "border-image-repeat",
+ "outline",
+ "outline-width",
+ "outline-style",
+ "outline-color",
+ "outline-offset",
+ "box-shadow",
+ "text-shadow",
+ "color",
+ "opacity",
+ "background",
+ "background-color",
+ "background-image",
+ "background-repeat",
+ "background-attachment",
+ "background-position",
+ "background-position-x",
+ "background-position-y",
+ "background-clip",
+ "background-origin",
+ "background-size",
+ "font",
+ "font-family",
+ "font-size",
+ "font-weight",
+ "font-style",
+ "font-variant",
+ "line-height",
+ "text-align",
+ "text-align-last",
+ "vertical-align",
+ "white-space",
+ "text-decoration",
+ "text-transform",
+ "letter-spacing",
+ "word-spacing",
+ "text-transform",
+ "text-overflow",
+ "text-overflow-ellipsis",
+ "text-overflow-mode",
+ "word-wrap",
+ "word-break",
+ "tab-size",
+ "content",
+ "quotes",
+ "cursor",
+ "counter-reset",
+ "counter-increment",
+ "list-style",
+ "list-style-position",
+ "list-style-type",
+ "list-style-image",
+ "transition",
+ "transition-delay",
+ "transition-timing-function",
+ "transition-duration",
+ "transition-property",
+ "transform",
+ "transform-origin",
+ "animation",
+ "animation-name",
+ "animation-duration",
+ "animation-play-state",
+ "animation-timing-function",
+ "animation-delay",
+ "animation-iteration-count",
+ "animation-iteration-count",
+ "animation-direction"
+ ],
+ "declaration-block-semicolon-newline-after": "always",
+ "declaration-block-semicolon-newline-before": "never-multi-line",
+ "declaration-block-semicolon-space-after": "never-single-line",
+ "declaration-block-semicolon-space-before": "never",
+ "declaration-block-single-line-max-declarations": 1,
+ "declaration-block-trailing-semicolon": "always",
+ "block-closing-brace-empty-line-before": "never",
+ "block-closing-brace-newline-after": "always",
+ "block-closing-brace-newline-before": "always",
+ "block-closing-brace-space-after": "always-single-line",
+ "block-closing-brace-space-before": "always-single-line",
+ "block-no-empty": true,
+ "block-no-single-line": true,
+ "block-opening-brace-newline-after": "always",
+ "block-opening-brace-newline-before": "always-single-line",
+ "block-opening-brace-space-after": "always-single-line",
+ "block-opening-brace-space-before": "always-single-line",
+ "selector-attribute-brackets-space-inside": "never",
+ "selector-attribute-operator-space-after": "never",
+ "selector-attribute-operator-space-before": "never",
+ "selector-attribute-quotes": "always",
+ "selector-combinator-space-after": "always",
+ "selector-combinator-space-before": "always",
+ "selector-descendant-combinator-no-non-space": true,
+ "selector-max-compound-selectors": 3,
+ "selector-no-empty": true,
+ "selector-no-qualifying-type": [true, {"ignore": "attribute"}],
+ "selector-no-vendor-prefix": true,
+ "selector-pseudo-class-case": "lower",
+ "selector-pseudo-class-no-unknown": true,
+ "selector-pseudo-class-parentheses-space-inside": "never",
+ "selector-pseudo-element-case": "lower",
+ "selector-pseudo-element-colon-notation": "single",
+ "selector-pseudo-element-no-unknown": true,
+ "selector-type-case": "lower",
+ "selector-type-no-unknown": true,
+ "selector-max-empty-lines": 0,
+ "selector-list-comma-newline-after": "always",
+ "selector-list-comma-newline-before": "never-multi-line",
+ "selector-list-comma-space-after": "always-single-line",
+ "selector-list-comma-space-before": "never",
+ "root-no-standard-properties": true,
+ "rule-nested-empty-line-before": ["always", {"except": ["first-nested"], "ignore": ["after-comment"]}],
+ "rule-non-nested-empty-line-before": ["always", {"ignore": ["after-comment"]}],
+ "media-feature-colon-space-after": "always",
+ "media-feature-colon-space-before": "never",
+ "media-feature-name-case": "lower",
+ "media-feature-name-no-unknown": true,
+ "media-feature-name-no-vendor-prefix": true,
+ "media-feature-parentheses-space-inside": "never",
+ "media-feature-range-operator-space-after": "always",
+ "media-feature-range-operator-space-before": "always",
+ "media-query-list-comma-newline-after": "never-multi-line",
+ "media-query-list-comma-newline-before": "never-multi-line",
+ "media-query-list-comma-space-after": "always",
+ "media-query-list-comma-space-before": "never",
+ "at-rule-name-case": "lower",
+ "at-rule-no-unknown": true,
+ "at-rule-no-vendor-prefix": true,
+ "at-rule-semicolon-newline-after": "always",
+ "comment-no-empty": true,
+ "indentation": 2,
+ "max-empty-lines": 1,
+ "max-nesting-depth": 3,
+ "no-duplicate-selectors": true,
+ "no-empty-source": true,
+ "no-eol-whitespace": true,
+ "no-extra-semicolons": true,
+ "no-missing-end-of-source-newline": true,
+ "no-unsupported-browser-features": [
+ true,
+ {
+ "browsers": "last 2 versions, > 1%, IE 8",
+ "ignore": ["css-gencontent", "css-mediaqueries"]
juliandoucette 2016/11/10 11:42:58 Added to ignore because we polyfill these features
+ }
+ ]
+ }
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