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Unified Diff: chrome/content/elemHideEmulation.js

Issue 29383960: Issue 3143 - Filter elements with :-abp-has() (Closed) Base URL: https://hg.adblockplus.org/adblockpluscore
Patch Set: More cleanup, more robust tests Created March 22, 2017, 2:42 p.m.
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Index: chrome/content/elemHideEmulation.js
--- a/chrome/content/elemHideEmulation.js
+++ b/chrome/content/elemHideEmulation.js
@@ -1,12 +1,51 @@
// We are currently limited to ECMAScript 5 in this file, because it is being
// used in the browser tests. See https://issues.adblockplus.org/ticket/4796
var propertySelectorRegExp = /\[\-abp\-properties=(["'])([^"']+)\1\]/;
+var pseudoClassHasSelectorRegExp = /:has\((.*)\)/;
+// polyfill. We should deal with this better, but PhantomJS doesn't
+// have matches. At least not in the version we use.
+// Chrome 34, Firefox 34, Opera 21 and Safari 7.1 do have it.
+if (!Element.prototype.matches) {
+ Element.prototype.matches =
+ Element.prototype.matchesSelector ||
+ Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector ||
+ Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector ||
+ Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector ||
+ Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector
+// return the index were the simple-selector ends
+function findFirstSelector(selector)
+ var sepIndex = selector.indexOf(' ');
+ var nextIndex = selector.indexOf('>');
+ if (nextIndex != -1)
+ sepIndex = sepIndex == -1 ? nextIndex : Math.min(sepIndex, nextIndex);
+ nextIndex = selector.indexOf('+');
+ if (nextIndex != -1)
+ sepIndex = sepIndex == -1 ? nextIndex : Math.min(sepIndex, nextIndex);
+ nextIndex = selector.indexOf('~');
+ if (nextIndex != -1)
+ sepIndex = sepIndex == -1 ? nextIndex : Math.min(sepIndex, nextIndex);
+ return sepIndex;
+function extractFirstSelector(selector)
+ var sepIndex = findFirstSelector(selector);
+ if (sepIndex == -1)
+ return selector;
+ return selector.substr(0, sepIndex);
function splitSelector(selector)
if (selector.indexOf(",") == -1)
return [selector];
var selectors = [];
var start = 0;
@@ -36,132 +75,324 @@ function splitSelector(selector)
return selectors;
-function ElemHideEmulation(window, getFiltersFunc, addSelectorsFunc)
+function selectChildren(e, selector)
+ var sel = selector;
+ // XXX we should have a more elegant way
+ // also startsWith isn't available in PhantomJS.
+ var combinator = sel.substr(0, 1);
+ var subElements;
+ var nextEl = e;
+ sel = sel.substr(1).trim();
+ switch (combinator)
+ {
+ case ">":
+ subElements = e.querySelectorAll(sel);
+ break;
+ case "+":
+ do
+ {
+ nextEl = nextEl.nextSibling;
+ }
+ while (nextEl && nextEl.nodeType != 1);
+ var siblingSel = extractFirstSelector(sel);
+ var idx = findFirstSelector(sel);
+ var childSel = idx != -1 ? sel.substr(idx + 1).trim() : "";
+ if (nextEl && nextEl.matches(siblingSel))
+ {
+ if (childSel != "")
+ subElements = selectChildren(nextEl, childSel);
+ else
+ subElements = [ nextEl ];
+ }
+ break;
+ case "~":
+ do
+ {
+ nextEl = nextEl.nextSibling;
+ if (nextEl && nextEl.nodeType == 1 && nextEl.matches(sel))
+ {
+ subElements = nextEl.querySelectorAll(sel);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (nextEl);
+ break;
+ }
+ return subElements;
+function parsePattern(pattern)
+ // we should catch the :has() pseudo class first.
+ var match = pseudoClassHasSelectorRegExp.exec(pattern.selector);
+ if (match)
+ {
+ return {
+ type: "has",
+ text: pattern.text,
+ elementMatcher: new PseudoHasMatcher(match[1]),
+ prefix: pattern.selector.substr(0, match.index).trim(),
+ suffix: pattern.selector.substr(match.index + match[0].length).trim()
+ };
+ }
+ match = propertySelectorRegExp.exec(pattern.selector);
+ if (match)
+ {
+ var regexpString;
+ var propertyExpression = match[2];
+ if (propertyExpression.length >= 2 && propertyExpression[0] == "/" &&
+ propertyExpression[propertyExpression.length - 1] == "/")
+ regexpString = propertyExpression.slice(1, -1)
+ .replace("\\x7B ", "{").replace("\\x7D ", "}");
+ else
+ regexpString = filterToRegExp(propertyExpression);
+ return {
+ type: "props",
+ text: pattern.text,
+ regexp: new RegExp(regexpString, "i"),
+ prefix: pattern.selector.substr(0, match.index),
+ suffix: pattern.selector.substr(match.index + match[0].length)
+ };
+ }
+function matchStyleProps(style, rule, pattern, selectors, filters)
+ if (pattern.regexp.test(style))
+ {
+ var subSelectors = splitSelector(rule.selectorText);
+ for (var i = 0; i < subSelectors.length; i++)
+ {
+ var subSelector = subSelectors[i];
+ selectors.push(pattern.prefix + subSelector + pattern.suffix);
+ filters.push(pattern.text);
+ }
+ }
+function findPropsSelectors(stylesheet, patterns, selectors, filters)
+ var rules = stylesheet.cssRules;
+ if (!rules)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
+ {
+ var rule = rules[i];
+ if (rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE)
+ continue;
+ var style = stringifyStyle(rule.style);
+ for (var j = 0; j < patterns.length; j++)
+ {
+ matchStyleProps(style, rule, patterns[j], selectors, filters);
+ }
+ }
+function stringifyStyle(style)
+ var styles = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < style.length; i++)
+ {
+ var property = style.item(i);
+ var value = style.getPropertyValue(property);
+ var priority = style.getPropertyPriority(property);
+ styles.push(property + ": " + value + (priority ? " !" + priority : "") + ";");
+ }
+ styles.sort();
+ return styles.join(" ");
+// matcher for the pseudo CSS4 class :has
+// For those browser that don't have it yet.
+function PseudoHasMatcher(selector)
+ this.hasSelector = selector;
+ this.parsed = parsePattern({ selector: this.hasSelector });
+ if (this.parsed && this.parsed.type == "has")
+ {
+ console.log("unsupported :has() pattern", this.hasSelector);
+ }
+PseudoHasMatcher.prototype = {
+ match: function(elem, stylesheets, firstOnly)
+ {
+ var matches = [];
+ var selectors = [];
+ if (this.parsed)
+ {
+ if (this.parsed.type == "has")
+ return [];
+ if (this.parsed.type == "props")
+ {
+ var filters = []; // don't need this
+ for (var i = 0; i < stylesheets.length; i++)
+ findPropsSelectors(stylesheets[i], [this.parsed], selectors, filters);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ selectors = [this.hasSelector];
+ }
+ // look up for all elements that match the :has().
+ for (var k = 0; k < selectors.length; k++)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ console.log("querying", selectors[k]);
+ var hasElem = elem.querySelector(selectors[k]);
+ if (hasElem)
+ {
+ matches.push(hasElem);
+ if (firstOnly)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ catch(e)
+ {
+ console.log("Exception with querySelector()", selectors[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ return matches;
+ }
+function ElemHideEmulation(window, getFiltersFunc, addSelectorsFunc, hideElementsFunc)
this.window = window;
this.getFiltersFunc = getFiltersFunc;
this.addSelectorsFunc = addSelectorsFunc;
+ this.hideElementsFunc = hideElementsFunc;
ElemHideEmulation.prototype = {
- stringifyStyle: function(style)
- {
- var styles = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < style.length; i++)
- {
- var property = style.item(i);
- var value = style.getPropertyValue(property);
- var priority = style.getPropertyPriority(property);
- styles.push(property + ": " + value + (priority ? " !" + priority : "") + ";");
- }
- styles.sort();
- return styles.join(" ");
- },
isSameOrigin: function(stylesheet)
return new URL(stylesheet.href).origin == this.window.location.origin;
catch (e)
// Invalid URL, assume that it is first-party.
return true;
- findSelectors: function(stylesheet, selectors, filters)
+ findPseudoClassHasElements: function(stylesheets, elements, filters)
- // Explicitly ignore third-party stylesheets to ensure consistent behavior
- // between Firefox and Chrome.
- if (!this.isSameOrigin(stylesheet))
- return;
- var rules = stylesheet.cssRules;
- if (!rules)
- return;
- for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++)
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.pseudoHasPatterns.length; i++)
- var rule = rules[i];
- if (rule.type != rule.STYLE_RULE)
- continue;
+ var pattern = this.pseudoHasPatterns[i];
- var style = this.stringifyStyle(rule.style);
- for (var j = 0; j < this.patterns.length; j++)
+ var haveEl = document.querySelectorAll(pattern.prefix);
+ for (var j = 0; j < haveEl.length; j++)
- var pattern = this.patterns[j];
- if (pattern.regexp.test(style))
+ var matched = pattern.elementMatcher.match(haveEl[j], stylesheets, !pattern.suffix);
+ if (matched.length == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (pattern.suffix)
- var subSelectors = splitSelector(rule.selectorText);
- for (var k = 0; k < subSelectors.length; k++)
+ matched.forEach(function(e)
- var subSelector = subSelectors[k];
- selectors.push(pattern.prefix + subSelector + pattern.suffix);
- filters.push(pattern.text);
- }
+ var subElements = selectChildren(e, pattern.suffix);
+ if (subElements)
+ {
+ for (var k = 0; k < subElements.length; k++)
+ {
+ elements.push(subElements[i]);
+ filters.push(pattern.text);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ elements.push(haveEl[j]);
+ filters.push(pattern.text);
addSelectors: function(stylesheets)
var selectors = [];
var filters = [];
for (var i = 0; i < stylesheets.length; i++)
- this.findSelectors(stylesheets[i], selectors, filters);
+ {
+ // Explicitly ignore third-party stylesheets to ensure consistent behavior
+ // between Firefox and Chrome.
+ if (!this.isSameOrigin(stylesheets[i]))
+ continue;
+ findPropsSelectors(stylesheets[i], this.propSelPatterns, selectors, filters);
+ }
this.addSelectorsFunc(selectors, filters);
+ hideElements: function(stylesheets)
+ {
+ var elements = [];
+ var filters = [];
+ this.findPseudoClassHasElements(stylesheets, elements, filters);
+ this.hideElementsFunc(elements, filters);
+ },
onLoad: function(event)
var stylesheet = event.target.sheet;
if (stylesheet)
+ this.hideElements([stylesheet]);
apply: function()
- this.patterns = [];
+ this.propSelPatterns = [];
+ this.pseudoHasPatterns = [];
for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++)
var pattern = patterns[i];
- var match = propertySelectorRegExp.exec(pattern.selector);
- if (!match)
+ var parsed = parsePattern(pattern);
+ if (parsed == undefined)
- var propertyExpression = match[2];
- var regexpString;
- if (propertyExpression.length >= 2 && propertyExpression[0] == "/" &&
- propertyExpression[propertyExpression.length - 1] == "/")
- regexpString = propertyExpression.slice(1, -1)
- .replace("\\x7B ", "{").replace("\\x7D ", "}");
- else
- regexpString = filterToRegExp(propertyExpression);
- this.patterns.push({
- text: pattern.text,
- regexp: new RegExp(regexpString, "i"),
- prefix: pattern.selector.substr(0, match.index),
- suffix: pattern.selector.substr(match.index + match[0].length)
- });
+ if (parsed.type == "props")
+ {
+ this.propSelPatterns.push(parsed);
+ }
+ else if (parsed.type == "has")
+ {
+ this.pseudoHasPatterns.push(parsed);
+ }
- if (this.patterns.length > 0)
+ if (this.pseudoHasPatterns.length > 0 || this.propSelPatterns.length > 0)
var document = this.window.document;
+ this.hideElements(document.styleSheets);
document.addEventListener("load", this.onLoad.bind(this), true);
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