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Unified Diff: modules/sitescripts/manifests/formmail.pp

Issue 29438564: #301 - Provision formmail templates with absolute paths (Closed)
Patch Set: New approach based on previous comments Created March 7, 2018, 3:57 a.m.
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Index: modules/sitescripts/manifests/formmail.pp
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/sitescripts/manifests/formmail.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# == Class: sitescripts::formmail
+# Manage formmail templates resources.
+# === Parameters:
+# [*directory*]
+# Custom parameter for formmail templates' directory.
+# [*ensure*]
+# General target policy for Puppet resources, supported values include
+# "present", "latest", "absent" and "purged"
+# === Examples:
+# filtermaster::repo_download {'exceptionrules':
mathias 2018/03/07 17:44:17 The example section should either vanish or contai
f.lopez 2018/03/07 23:01:48 Acknowledged.
+# alias => 'exceptions',
+# }
+class sitescripts::formmail(
+ $directory = {},
+ $ensure = 'present',
+) {
+ include sitescripts
+ include stdlib
+ include spawn_fcgi
+ ensure_resource('file', $title, merge({
+ 'ensure' => ensure_directory_state($ensure),
+ 'path' => "${::sitescripts::directory_path}/formmail",
+ }, $directory))
+ $directory_path = getparam(File[$title], 'path')
+ $templates_raw = hiera_hash('sitescripts::formmail::templates', {})
+ $templates = parsejson(inline_template('<%= require "json";
mathias 2018/03/07 17:44:17 I will be so happy when the 4.x / future parser re
f.lopez 2018/03/07 23:01:48 Well I'm working on http://hub.eyeo.com/issues/125
+ @templates_raw.map do |key, value|
+ value["path"] ||= "#{@directory_path}/#{key}"
+ ["#{@title}##{key}", value]
+ end.to_h.to_json
+ %>'))
+ create_resources('file', $templates, {
+ ensure => ensure_file_state($ensure),
+ tag => 'formmail_template',
+ notify => Service['spawn-fcgi'],
+ })
+ File[$title] -> File<|tag == 'formmail_template' |>
+ File[$title] <- File[$::sitescripts::title]

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