(Empty) | |
| 1 # == Class: adblockplus::web::mimeo |
| 2 # |
| 3 # Class adblockplus::web::mimeo registers the information received in a |
| 4 # http/s petition with an specified format in an specific output. |
| 5 # |
| 6 # === Parameters: |
| 7 # |
| 8 # [*format*] |
| 9 # A string containing the desired format for logging. |
| 10 # |
| 11 # '$remote_addr - - [$time_local] "$request" $status $bytes_sent "$http_refere
r"' |
| 12 # |
| 13 # [*port*] |
| 14 # An integer to setup the port where the script will be listening, defaults |
| 15 # to 8000. |
| 16 # |
| 17 # [*response*] |
| 18 # A string (like format parameter) representing the response sent to the |
| 19 # client. |
| 20 # |
| 21 # [*output*] |
| 22 # A string containg the path to the file where the logs will be written. |
| 23 # the special char `-` represents stdout. |
| 24 # |
| 25 class adblockplus::web::mimeo ( |
| 26 $format = '', |
| 27 $port = 8000, |
| 28 $response = '', |
| 29 $output = '-', |
| 30 ){ |
| 31 |
| 32 ensure_packages(['python3']) |
| 33 |
| 34 file {"/usr/local/bin/mimeo.py": |
| 35 ensure => 'present', |
| 36 owner => 'root', |
| 37 group => 'root', |
| 38 mode => 0755, |
| 39 source => 'puppet:///modules/adblockplus/mimeo.py', |
| 40 require => Package['python3'], |
| 41 } |
| 42 |
| 43 file {"/etc/systemd/system/mimeo.service": |
| 44 ensure => 'present', |
| 45 owner => 'root', |
| 46 group => 'root', |
| 47 mode => 0644, |
| 48 content => template('adblockplus/mimeo.service.erb'), |
| 49 require => File['/usr/local/bin/mimeo.py'], |
| 50 } |
| 51 |
| 52 Exec{ |
| 53 path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'], |
| 54 } |
| 55 |
| 56 exec {"enable-service-mimeo": |
| 57 command => 'systemctl enable mimeo.service', |
| 58 user => 'root', |
| 59 unless => 'systemctl is-enabled mimeo.service', |
| 60 require => File["/etc/systemd/system/mimeo.service"], |
| 61 } |
| 62 |
| 63 service {"mimeo": |
| 64 ensure => 'running', |
| 65 hasrestart => false, |
| 66 provider => 'systemd', |
| 67 require => Exec["enable-service-mimeo"], |
| 68 } |
| 69 |
| 70 exec {"reload-mimeo-daemon": |
| 71 notify => Service['mimeo'], |
| 72 command => 'systemctl daemon-reload', |
| 73 subscribe => File["/etc/systemd/system/mimeo.service"], |
| 74 refreshonly => true, |
| 75 } |
| 76 } |
| 77 |