2 {{what-are-acceptable-ads-p1[What are Acceptable Ads? paragraph 1] Due to fallin
g ad prices, click-through rates for ad views continues to decline. As a result,
many publishers have been forced to stuff their websites with intrusive ads. Us
ers have responded by the hundreds of millions by installing ad blockers. The vi
cious cycle worsens.}} | 2 {{what-are-acceptable-ads-p1[What are Acceptable Ads? paragraph 1] Due to fallin
g ad prices, click-through rates for ad views continues to decline. As a result,
many publishers have been forced to stuff their websites with intrusive [ads](h
html). Users have responded by the hundreds of millions by installing ad blocker
s. The vicious cycle worsens.}} |
4 {{what-are-acceptable-ads-p2[What are Acceptable Ads? paragraph 2] We want to re
verse the cycle. We don't hate advertising per se, but nobody wants intrusive bl
inking ads and content-obscuring rollovers running amok on their computers and m
obile phones. So we have a good compromise; we call it the Acceptable Ads initia
tive. Acceptable Ads seeks to create sustainable middle ground between the user’
s choice to use ad blockers and the continued need to support free online conten
t with advertisements.}} | 4 {{what-are-acceptable-ads-p2[What are Acceptable Ads? paragraph 2] We want to re
verse the cycle. We don't hate advertising per se, but nobody wants intrusive bl
inking ads and content-obscuring rollovers running amok on their computers and m
obile phones. So we have a good compromise; we call it the Acceptable Ads initia
tive. Acceptable Ads seeks to create sustainable middle ground between the user’
s choice to use ad blockers and the continued need to support free online conten
t with advertisements.}} |