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Unified Diff: lib/csp.js

Issue 29680696: [$csp4 adblockpluschrome] Issue 5241 - Add support for Content Security Policy filters (Closed)
Patch Set: Addressed some final nits Created March 20, 2018, 9:01 a.m.
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Index: lib/csp.js
diff --git a/lib/csp.js b/lib/csp.js
index 6e7656d1b552a99a74279fefe5fe037a13a89840..4a425e6b7ba5f196157122a440869d93e36100f1 100644
--- a/lib/csp.js
+++ b/lib/csp.js
@@ -17,53 +17,62 @@
"use strict";
-// The webRequest API doesn't support WebSocket connection blocking in Microsoft
-// Edge and versions of Chrome before 58. Therefore for those we inject CSP
-// headers below as a workaround. See https://crbug.com/129353 and
-// https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/10297376/
-if (!browser.webRequest.ResourceType ||
- !("WEBSOCKET" in browser.webRequest.ResourceType))
+const {defaultMatcher} = require("matcher");
+const {RegExpFilter, WhitelistFilter} = require("filterClasses");
+const {extractHostFromFrame, getDecodedHostname,
+ isThirdParty, stringifyURL} = require("url");
+const {checkWhitelisted} = require("whitelisting");
+const {FilterNotifier} = require("filterNotifier");
+const devtools = require("devtools");
+const {typeMap} = RegExpFilter;
+browser.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(details =>
- const {defaultMatcher} = require("matcher");
- const {BlockingFilter, RegExpFilter} = require("filterClasses");
- const {getDecodedHostname} = require("url");
- const {checkWhitelisted} = require("whitelisting");
+ let url = new URL(details.url);
+ let urlString = stringifyURL(url);
+ let parentFrame = ext.getFrame(details.tabId, details.parentFrameId);
+ let hostname = extractHostFromFrame(parentFrame) || getDecodedHostname(url);
+ let thirdParty = isThirdParty(url, hostname);
- browser.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener(details =>
+ let cspMatch = defaultMatcher.matchesAny(urlString, typeMap.CSP, hostname,
+ thirdParty, null, false);
+ if (cspMatch)
- let hostname = getDecodedHostname(new URL(details.url));
- let match = defaultMatcher.matchesAny("", RegExpFilter.typeMap.WEBSOCKET,
- hostname, false, null, true);
- if (match instanceof BlockingFilter &&
- !checkWhitelisted(new ext.Page({id: details.tabId}),
- ext.getFrame(details.tabId, details.frameId)))
+ let page = new ext.Page({id: details.tabId, url: details.url});
+ let frame = ext.getFrame(details.tabId, details.frameId);
+ if (checkWhitelisted(page, frame))
+ return;
+ // To avoid an extra matchesAny for the common case we assumed no
+ // $genericblock filters applied when searching for a matching $csp filter.
+ // We must now pay the price by first checking for a $genericblock filter
+ // and if necessary that our $csp filter is specific.
+ let specificOnly = !!checkWhitelisted(page, frame, typeMap.GENERICBLOCK);
+ if (specificOnly)
- details.responseHeaders.push({
- name: "Content-Security-Policy",
- // We're blocking WebSockets here by adding a connect-src restriction
- // since the Chrome extension API does not allow us to intercept them.
- // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=129353
- //
- // We also need the frame-src and object-src restrictions since CSPs
- // are not inherited from the parent for documents with data: and blob:
- // URLs, see https://crbug.com/513860.
- //
- // We must use the deprecated child-src directive instead of worker-src
- // since that's not supported yet (as of Chrome 56.)
- //
- // "http:" also includes "https:" implictly.
- // https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/6653486812889088
- value: "connect-src http:; child-src http:; " +
- "frame-src http:; object-src http:"
- });
- return {responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders};
+ cspMatch = defaultMatcher.matchesAny(urlString, typeMap.CSP, hostname,
+ thirdParty, null, specificOnly);
+ if (!cspMatch)
+ return;
- }, {
- urls: ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
- // We must also intercept script requests since otherwise Web Workers can
- // be abused to execute scripts for which our Content Security Policy
- // won't be injected.
- // https://github.com/gorhill/uBO-Extra/issues/19
- types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame", "script"]
- }, ["blocking", "responseHeaders"]);
+ devtools.logRequest(page, urlString, "CSP", hostname, thirdParty, null,
+ specificOnly, cspMatch);
+ FilterNotifier.emit("filter.hitCount", cspMatch, 0, 0, page);
+ if (cspMatch instanceof WhitelistFilter)
+ return;
+ details.responseHeaders.push({
+ name: "Content-Security-Policy",
+ value: cspMatch.csp
+ });
+ return {responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders};
+ }
+}, {
+ urls: ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
+ types: ["main_frame", "sub_frame"]
+}, ["blocking", "responseHeaders"]);
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