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Unified Diff: include.preload.js

Issue 5666188336037888: Issue 581 - Fixed element hiding/collapsing in anonymous frames on Chrome (Closed)
Patch Set: Fall back to parent frame's URL when processing requests from anonymous frames Created June 3, 2014, 6:59 a.m.
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Index: include.preload.js
--- a/include.preload.js
+++ b/include.preload.js
@@ -17,65 +17,6 @@
-// use Shadow DOM if available to don't mess with web pages that
-// rely on the order of their own <style> tags. However
-// the <shadow> element is broken in some Chrome 32 builds (#309)
-// also Chrome 31-33 crashes in some situations on some pages when using
-// ShadowDOM, e.g. when pressing tab key on Wikipedia and Facebook (#498)
-// also we must not create the shadow root in the response callback passed
-// to sendMessage(), otherwise Chrome breaks some websites (#450)
-var shadow = null;
-if ("webkitCreateShadowRoot" in document.documentElement && !/\bChrome\/3[1-3]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent))
- shadow = document.documentElement.webkitCreateShadowRoot();
- shadow.appendChild(document.createElement("shadow"));
-// Sets the currently used CSS rules for elemhide filters
-function setElemhideCSSRules(selectors)
- if (selectors.length == 0)
- return;
- var style = document.createElement("style");
- style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- if (shadow)
- {
- shadow.appendChild(style);
- try
- {
- document.querySelector("::content");
- for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++)
- selectors[i] = "::content " + selectors[i];
- }
- catch (e)
- {
- for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++)
- selectors[i] = "::-webkit-distributed(" + selectors[i] + ")";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Try to insert the style into the <head> tag, inserting directly under the
- // document root breaks dev tools functionality:
- // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=178109
- (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(style);
- }
- // WebKit apparently chokes when the selector list in a CSS rule is huge.
- // So we split the elemhide selectors into groups.
- for (var i = 0; selectors.length > 0; i++)
- {
- var selector = selectors.splice(0, SELECTOR_GROUP_SIZE).join(", ");
- style.sheet.insertRule(selector + " { display: none !important; }", i);
- }
var typeMap = {
"img": "IMAGE",
"input": "IMAGE",
@@ -85,15 +26,13 @@
"iframe": "SUBDOCUMENT"
-function checkCollapse(event)
+function checkCollapse(element)
- var target = event.target;
- var tag = target.localName;
- var expectedEvent = (tag == "iframe" || tag == "frame" ? "load" : "error");
- if (tag in typeMap && event.type == expectedEvent)
+ var tag = element.localName;
+ if (tag in typeMap)
// This element failed loading, did we block it?
- var url = target.src;
+ var url = element.src;
if (!url)
@@ -106,19 +45,45 @@
- if (response && target.parentNode)
+ if (response && element.parentNode)
// <frame> cannot be removed, doing that will mess up the frameset
if (tag == "frame")
- target.style.setProperty("visibility", "hidden", "important");
+ element.style.setProperty("visibility", "hidden", "important");
- target.style.setProperty("display", "none", "important");
+ element.style.setProperty("display", "none", "important");
+function checkExceptionKey()
+ var attr = document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-adblockkey");
+ if (attr)
+ ext.backgroundPage.sendMessage({type: "add-key-exception", token: attr});
+function getContentDocumentIfAboutBlank(frame)
+ try
+ {
+ var contentDocument = frame.contentDocument;
+ }
+ catch (e)
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (contentDocument.location.href == 'about:blank')
+ return contentDocument;
+ if (contentDocument.location.href == 'about:srcdoc')
+ return contentDocument;
+ return null;
// Converts relative to absolute URL
// e.g.: foo.swf on http://example.com/whatever/bar.html
// -> http://example.com/whatever/foo.swf
@@ -145,24 +110,125 @@
return base[0] + url;
-function init()
+function init(document)
- // Make sure this is really an HTML page, as Chrome runs these scripts on just about everything
- if (!(document.documentElement instanceof HTMLElement))
- return;
+ var canUseShadow = "webkitCreateShadowRoot" in document.documentElement;
+ var runsContentScriptsOnAboutBlank = true;
- document.addEventListener("error", checkCollapse, true);
- document.addEventListener("load", checkCollapse, true);
+ var match = navigator.userAgent.match(/\bChrome\/(\d+)/);
+ if (match)
+ {
+ var chromeVersion = parseInt(match[1]);
- var attr = document.documentElement.getAttribute("data-adblockkey");
- if (attr)
- ext.backgroundPage.sendMessage({type: "add-key-exception", token: attr});
+ // the <shadow> element is ignored in Chrome 32 (#309). Also Chrome 31-33
+ // crashes in some situations on some pages when using shadow DOM (#498).
+ // So we must not use Shadow DOM on those versions of Chrome.
+ if (chromeVersion >= 31 && chromeVersion <= 33)
+ canUseShadow = false;
+ // prior to Chrome 37, content scripts don't run on about:blank
+ // and about:srcdoc. So we have to apply element hiding and collapsing
+ // from the parent frame, when in-line frames are loaded.
+ if (chromeVersion < 37)
+ runsContentScriptsOnAboutBlank = false;
+ }
+ // use Shadow DOM if available to don't mess with web pages that
+ // rely on the order of their own <style> tags (#309). However we
+ // must not create the shadow root in the response callback passed
+ // to sendMessage(), otherwise Chrome breaks some websites (#450).
+ if (canUseShadow)
+ {
+ var shadow = document.documentElement.webkitCreateShadowRoot();
+ shadow.appendChild(document.createElement("shadow"));
+ }
+ // Sets the currently used CSS rules for elemhide filters
+ var setElemhideCSSRules = function(selectors)
+ {
+ if (selectors.length == 0)
+ return;
+ var style = document.createElement("style");
+ style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
+ if (canUseShadow)
+ {
+ shadow.appendChild(style);
+ try
+ {
+ document.querySelector("::content");
+ for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++)
+ selectors[i] = "::content " + selectors[i];
+ }
+ catch (e)
+ {
+ for (var i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++)
+ selectors[i] = "::-webkit-distributed(" + selectors[i] + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Try to insert the style into the <head> tag, inserting directly under the
+ // document root breaks dev tools functionality:
+ // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=178109
+ (document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(style);
+ }
+ var setRules = function()
+ {
+ // The sheet property might not exist yet if the
+ // <style> element was created for a sub frame
+ if (!style.sheet)
+ {
+ setTimeout(setRules, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ // WebKit apparently chokes when the selector list in a CSS rule is huge.
+ // So we split the elemhide selectors into groups.
+ for (var i = 0; selectors.length > 0; i++)
+ {
+ var selector = selectors.splice(0, SELECTOR_GROUP_SIZE).join(", ");
+ style.sheet.insertRule(selector + " { display: none !important; }", i);
+ }
+ };
+ setRules();
+ };
+ document.addEventListener("error", function(event)
+ {
+ checkCollapse(event.target);
+ }, true);
+ document.addEventListener("load", function(event)
+ {
+ if (/^i?frame$/.test(event.target.localName))
+ {
+ checkCollapse(event.target);
+ if (!runsContentScriptsOnAboutBlank)
+ {
+ var contentDocument = getContentDocumentIfAboutBlank(event.target);
+ if (contentDocument)
+ {
+ init(contentDocument);
+ for (var tagName in typeMap)
+ Array.prototype.forEach.call(contentDocument.getElementsByTagName(tagName), checkCollapse);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, true);
ext.backgroundPage.sendMessage({type: "get-selectors"}, setElemhideCSSRules);
-// In Chrome 18 the document might not be initialized yet
-if (document.documentElement)
- init();
- window.setTimeout(init, 0);
+if (document.documentElement instanceof HTMLElement)
+ checkExceptionKey();
+ init(document);
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