Left: | ||
Right: |
(Empty) | |
1 class web::server($vhost, $repository) { | |
2 File { | |
3 owner => 'root', | |
4 group => 'root', | |
5 mode => 0644, | |
6 } | |
7 | |
8 Cron { | |
9 environment => ['MAILTO=admin@adblockplus.org', 'PYTHONPATH=/opt/sitescripts '], | |
10 } | |
11 | |
12 include nginx | |
13 | |
14 package {['python-jinja2', 'python-markdown']:} | |
15 | |
16 file {'/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default': | |
Felix Dahlke
2013/12/05 06:06:44
The nginx module already has this.
| |
17 ensure => absent, | |
18 require => Package['nginx'], | |
19 } | |
20 | |
21 file {"/etc/nginx/sites-available/${vhost}": | |
Felix Dahlke
2013/12/05 06:06:44
Why not use nginx::hostconfig?
| |
22 content => template('web/site.erb'), | |
23 require => Package['nginx'], | |
24 notify => Service['nginx'], | |
25 } | |
26 | |
27 file {"/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/${vhost}": | |
28 ensure => link, | |
29 target => "/etc/nginx/sites-available/${vhost}", | |
30 notify => Service['nginx'], | |
31 } | |
32 | |
33 file {'/etc/nginx/sites-available/adblockplus.org_sslcert.key': | |
Felix Dahlke
2013/12/05 06:06:44
Shouldn't especially the key have mode 0400?
| |
34 ensure => file, | |
35 require => Package['nginx'], | |
36 source => 'puppet:///modules/private/adblockplus.org_sslcert.key', | |
37 } | |
38 | |
39 file {'/etc/nginx/sites-available/adblockplus.org_sslcert.pem': | |
40 ensure => file, | |
41 mode => 0400, | |
42 require => Package['nginx'], | |
43 source => 'puppet:///modules/private/adblockplus.org_sslcert.pem', | |
44 } | |
45 | |
46 class {'sitescripts': | |
47 sitescriptsini_source => 'puppet:///modules/web/sitescripts', | |
48 } | |
49 | |
50 user {'wwwuser': | |
Felix Dahlke
2013/12/05 06:06:44
I'd vote for just 'www' here, that's in line with
| |
51 ensure => present, | |
52 comment => 'Web content owner', | |
53 home => '/home/wwwuser', | |
54 managehome => true, | |
55 } | |
56 | |
57 exec {"fetch_repo": | |
58 command => "hg clone -U https://hg.adblockplus.org/${repository} /home/wwwus er/${repository}", | |
59 path => ["/usr/bin/", "/bin/"], | |
60 require => Package['mercurial'], | |
61 user => wwwuser, | |
62 timeout => 0, | |
63 onlyif => "test ! -d /home/wwwuser/${repository}", | |
64 } | |
65 | |
66 file {'/var/www': | |
67 ensure => directory, | |
68 mode => 755, | |
69 } | |
70 | |
71 file {"/var/www/${vhost}": | |
72 ensure => directory, | |
73 owner => wwwuser, | |
74 mode => 755, | |
75 } | |
76 | |
77 cron {'update_repo': | |
78 ensure => present, | |
79 command => "hg pull -q -R /home/wwwuser/${repository} && python -m sitescrip ts.cms.bin.generate_static_pages /home/wwwuser/${repository} /var/www/${vhost}", | |
80 user => wwwuser, | |
81 minute => '*/10', | |
82 } | |
83 } | |