(Empty) | |
| 1 @echo off |
| 2 setlocal |
| 3 set FLAG=%1 |
| 4 shift |
| 5 set LOCALE_ID=%1 |
| 6 shift |
| 7 set LOCALE_NAME=%1 |
| 8 shift |
| 9 set LOCALE_FILE=%1 |
| 10 shift |
| 11 set MSI_LOCALE=%1 |
| 12 shift |
| 13 set MST=%1 |
| 14 shift |
| 15 set MSI_BASE=%1 |
| 16 shift |
| 17 set MSI_INTERIM=%1 |
| 18 shift |
| 19 set WIXOBJ=%1 |
| 20 shift |
| 21 set WIXOBJ=%WIXOBJ% %1 |
| 22 shift |
| 23 set WIXOBJ=%WIXOBJ% %1 |
| 24 shift |
| 25 set WIXOBJ=%WIXOBJ% %1 |
| 26 if "%WIXOBJ%"=="" goto Help |
| 27 if "%FLAG%"=="initial" ( |
| 28 set CULTURES= |
| 29 goto Light |
| 30 ) |
| 31 if "%FLAG%"=="additional" ( |
| 32 set CULTURES=-cultures:%LOCALE_NAME% |
| 33 goto Light |
| 34 ) |
| 35 echo First argument must be either 'initial' or 'additional' |
| 36 exit /b 1 |
| 37 goto End |
| 38 :Light |
| 39 echo on |
| 40 light -notidy -nologo -ext WixUIExtension -sval %CULTURES% -loc %LOCALE_FILE% -o
| 41 if errorlevel 1 GOTO :Error |
| 42 @echo off |
| 43 if "%FLAG%"=="additional" goto Additional |
| 44 :Initial |
| 45 echo on |
| 46 copy %MSI_LOCALE% %MSI_INTERIM% |
| 47 copy %MSI_LOCALE% %MSI_BASE% |
| 48 @echo off |
| 49 goto End |
| 50 :Additional |
| 51 echo on |
| 52 msitran -g %MSI_BASE% %MSI_LOCALE% %MST% |
| 53 if errorlevel 1 GOTO :Error |
| 54 cscript ..\..\emb.vbs %LOCALE_ID% %MSI_INTERIM% %MST% |
| 55 if errorlevel 1 GOTO :Error |
| 56 @echo off |
| 57 goto End |
| 58 |
| 59 :Help |
| 60 echo msibuild - A single-language step to create a multi-language MSI |
| 61 echo Must be run from an architecture-specific build directory, such as instal
ler/build/ia32 |
| 62 echo. |
| 63 echo usage: msibuild ^<flag^> ^<locale_id^> ^<locale_file^> ^<msi_locale^> ^<mst
^> ^<msi_base^> ^<msi_interim^> ^<wix_objects^> |
| 64 echo flag - either 'initial' or 'additional' |
| 65 echo locale_id - a Microsoft LCID (e.g. 1033) |
| 66 echo locale_file - a WiX localization file (e.g. en-us.wxl) |
| 67 echo msi_locale - an MSI file as compiled with the given locale_file |
| 68 echo mst - an MST file generated by comparing msi_locale against msi_base |
| 69 echo msi_base - an MSI file against which to generate a transform |
| 70 echo msi_interim - an MSI file into which to embed the MST |
| 71 echo wix_objects - a list of WiX object files from which to build the MSI |
| 72 echo. |
| 73 echo Initial build |
| 74 echo - Create ^<msi_locale^> |
| 75 echo - Copy it to ^<msi_base^> |
| 76 echo - Copy it to ^<msi_interim^> |
| 77 echo - Ignores arguments ^<locale_id^> (only needed for embedding) and ^<mst^>
(since no transform is needed), |
| 78 echo but they must be present on the command line nonetheless |
| 79 echo. |
| 80 echo Additional build |
| 81 echo - Create ^<msi_locale^> |
| 82 echo - Generate ^<mst^> by comparing ^<msi_locale^> against ^<msi_base^> |
| 83 echo - Embed ^<mst^> into ^<msi_interim^> with storage identifier ^<locale_id^
> |
| 84 echo. |
| 85 |
| 86 :Error |
| 87 exit /b 1 |
| 88 |
| 89 :End |