(Empty) | |
| 1 #include <cassert> |
| 2 #include "NotificationWindow.h" |
| 3 #include "../shared/Utils.h" |
| 4 #include <algorithm> |
| 5 #include <fstream> |
| 6 #include "../shared/MsHTMLUtils.h" |
| 7 |
| 8 // it is taken from src/plugin/Resource.h |
| 9 #define IDI_ICON_ENABLED 301 |
| 10 |
| 11 namespace { |
| 12 // DIP = device independant pixels, as DPI is 96 |
| 13 const uint32_t kWindowWidth = 400 /*DIP*/; |
| 14 const uint32_t kWindowHeight = 120 /*DIP*/; |
| 15 const uint32_t kIconSize = 64 /*DIP*/; |
| 16 const uint32_t kIconPadding = 10 /*DIP*/; |
| 17 |
| 18 // offsets from boundaries of working area of screen |
| 19 const uint32_t kWindowMarginRight = 50 /*DIP*/; |
| 20 const uint32_t kWindowMarginBottom = 20 /*DIP*/; |
| 21 |
| 22 std::vector<uint16_t> iconSizes = []()->std::vector<uint16_t> |
| 23 { |
| 24 std::vector<uint16_t> iconSizes; |
| 25 iconSizes.emplace_back(16); |
| 26 iconSizes.emplace_back(19); |
| 27 iconSizes.emplace_back(48); |
| 28 iconSizes.emplace_back(128); |
| 29 iconSizes.emplace_back(256); |
| 30 return iconSizes; |
| 31 }(); |
| 32 |
| 33 class DCHandle |
| 34 { |
| 35 public: |
| 36 explicit DCHandle(HDC hDC = nullptr) : m_hDC(hDC) |
| 37 { |
| 38 } |
| 39 |
| 40 ~DCHandle() |
| 41 { |
| 42 if(m_hDC != nullptr) |
| 43 { |
| 44 ::DeleteDC(m_hDC); |
| 45 m_hDC = nullptr; |
| 46 } |
| 47 } |
| 48 |
| 49 operator HDC() |
| 50 { |
| 51 return m_hDC; |
| 52 } |
| 53 |
| 54 int GetDeviceCaps(int nIndex) const |
| 55 { |
| 56 ATLASSERT(m_hDC != nullptr); |
| 57 return ::GetDeviceCaps(m_hDC, nIndex); |
| 58 } |
| 59 |
| 60 HBITMAP SelectBitmap(HBITMAP value) |
| 61 { |
| 62 return static_cast<HBITMAP>(::SelectObject(m_hDC, value)); |
| 63 } |
| 64 private: |
| 65 DCHandle(const DCHandle&); |
| 66 DCHandle& operator=(const DCHandle&); |
| 67 private: |
| 68 HDC m_hDC; |
| 69 }; |
| 70 |
| 71 /// Case insensitive pattern replacing function. |
| 72 /// ReplaceMulti("Some TeXt <PlaceHolder>Some link</A> and text", "<placeholde
r>", ->"<a>")-> |
| 73 /// "Some TeXt <a>Some link</A> and text". |
| 74 std::wstring ReplaceMulti(const std::wstring& src, std::wstring placeholder, c
onst std::function<std::wstring()>& replacementGenerator) |
| 75 { |
| 76 std::transform(placeholder.begin(), placeholder.end(), placeholder.begin(),
::towlower); |
| 77 std::wstring srcLowerCase = src; |
| 78 std::transform(srcLowerCase.begin(), srcLowerCase.end(), srcLowerCase.begin(
), ::towlower); |
| 79 std::wstring retValue; |
| 80 std::wstring::size_type placeHolderOffset = 0; |
| 81 std::wstring::size_type nextStringChunkOffset = 0; |
| 82 while ((placeHolderOffset = srcLowerCase.find(placeholder, nextStringChunkOf
fset)) != std::wstring::npos) |
| 83 { |
| 84 retValue.append(src.substr(nextStringChunkOffset, placeHolderOffset - next
StringChunkOffset)); |
| 85 retValue.append(replacementGenerator()); |
| 86 nextStringChunkOffset = placeHolderOffset + placeholder.length(); |
| 87 } |
| 88 retValue.append(src.substr(nextStringChunkOffset)); |
| 89 return retValue; |
| 90 } |
| 91 std::wstring ReplaceMulti(const std::wstring& workingString, const std::wstrin
g& templ, const std::wstring& replacement) |
| 92 { |
| 93 return ReplaceMulti(workingString, templ, [&replacement]()->std::wstring |
| 94 { |
| 95 return replacement; |
| 96 }); |
| 97 } |
| 98 } |
| 99 |
| 100 NotificationWindow::NotificationWindow(const AdblockPlus::Notification& notifica
tion, const std::wstring& htmlFileDir) |
| 101 { |
| 102 const std::wstring filePath = htmlFileDir + L"NotificationWindow.html"; |
| 103 std::wifstream ifs(filePath); |
| 104 assert(ifs.good() && "Cannot open NotificationWindow.html file"); |
| 105 if (!ifs.good()) |
| 106 { |
| 107 throw std::runtime_error("Cannot read NotificationWindow.html"); |
| 108 } |
| 109 m_htmlPage.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator<wchar_t>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_it
erator<wchar_t>()); |
| 110 |
| 111 m_links = ToUtf16Strings(notification.GetLinks()); |
| 112 auto body = ToUtf16String(notification.GetMessageString()); |
| 113 uint32_t linkIDCounter = 0; |
| 114 body = ReplaceMulti(body, L"<a>", [this, &linkIDCounter]()->std::wstring |
| 115 { |
| 116 return L"<a href=\"#\" data-linkID=\"" + std::to_wstring(linkIDCounter++) +
L"\">"; |
| 117 }); |
| 118 assert(linkIDCounter == m_links.size() && "The amount of links in the text is
different from the amount of provided links"); |
| 119 m_htmlPage = ReplaceMulti(m_htmlPage, L"<!--Title-->", ToUtf16String(notificat
ion.GetTitle())); |
| 120 m_htmlPage = ReplaceMulti(m_htmlPage, L"<!--Body-->", body); |
| 121 } |
| 122 |
| 123 NotificationWindow::~NotificationWindow() |
| 124 { |
| 125 } |
| 126 |
| 127 LRESULT NotificationWindow::OnCreate(const CREATESTRUCT* /*createStruct*/) { |
| 128 m_bgColor.CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 255)); |
| 129 |
| 130 CRect iconRect(CPoint(0, 0), CSize(kIconSize + 2 * kIconPadding, kIconSize + 2
* kIconPadding)); |
| 131 m_icon.Create(m_hWnd, DPIAware(iconRect), nullptr, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_
| 132 LoadABPIcon(); |
| 133 |
| 134 m_axIE.Create(m_hWnd, DPIAware(CRect(CPoint(iconRect.right, 0), CSize(kWindowW
idth - iconRect.right, kWindowHeight))), |
| 135 L"", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, kHTMLDocumentCtrlID); |
| 136 m_axIE.CreateControl((L"mshtml:" + m_htmlPage).c_str()); |
| 137 ATL::CComPtr<IAxWinAmbientDispatch> axWinAmbient; |
| 138 if (SUCCEEDED(m_axIE.QueryHost(&axWinAmbient))) { |
| 139 // disable web browser context menu |
| 140 axWinAmbient->put_AllowContextMenu(VARIANT_FALSE); |
| 141 // make web browser DPI aware, so the browser itself sets zoom level and |
| 142 // cares about rendering (not zooming) in the proper size. |
| 143 DWORD docFlags; |
| 144 axWinAmbient->get_DocHostFlags(&docFlags); |
| 145 docFlags |= DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DPI_AWARE; |
| 146 // remove DOCHOSTUIFLAG_SCROLL_NO, so it's scrollable |
| 147 docFlags &= ~DOCHOSTUIFLAG_SCROLL_NO; |
| 148 axWinAmbient->put_DocHostFlags(docFlags); |
| 149 } |
| 150 // kHTMLDocumentCtrlID works here |
| 151 AtlAdviseSinkMap(this, true); |
| 152 |
| 153 SetMsgHandled(false); |
| 154 return 0; |
| 155 } |
| 156 |
| 157 LRESULT NotificationWindow::OnCtlColor(UINT /*msg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM l
Param, BOOL& handled) |
| 158 { |
| 159 if (reinterpret_cast<HWND>(lParam) != m_icon) |
| 160 { |
| 161 handled = FALSE; |
| 162 } |
| 163 return reinterpret_cast<LRESULT>(static_cast<HBRUSH>(m_bgColor)); |
| 164 } |
| 165 |
| 166 LRESULT NotificationWindow::OnClick(UINT /*msg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lP
aram*/, BOOL& /*handled*/) |
| 167 { |
| 168 if(m_onClickCallback) |
| 169 m_onClickCallback(); |
| 170 return 0; |
| 171 } |
| 172 |
| 173 void NotificationWindow::OnSize(uint32_t wParam, CSize size) |
| 174 { |
| 175 if (m_icon) |
| 176 { |
| 177 CRect rect(CPoint(0, 0), DPIAware(CSize(kIconSize + 2 * kIconPadding, kIconS
ize + 2 * kIconPadding))); |
| 178 m_icon.SetWindowPos(0, &rect, SWP_NOMOVE); |
| 179 } |
| 180 if (m_axIE) |
| 181 { |
| 182 size.cx -= DPIAware(kIconSize + 2 * kIconPadding); |
| 183 CRect rect(CPoint(0, 0), size); |
| 184 m_axIE.SetWindowPos(0, &rect, SWP_NOMOVE); |
| 185 } |
| 186 SetMsgHandled(false); |
| 187 } |
| 188 |
| 189 void NotificationWindow::OnDestroy() |
| 190 { |
| 191 AtlAdviseSinkMap(this, false); |
| 192 // and proceed as usual |
| 193 SetMsgHandled(false); |
| 194 } |
| 195 |
| 196 void __stdcall NotificationWindow::OnHTMLDocumentClick(IHTMLEventObj* eventObjec
t) |
| 197 { |
| 198 // stop propagating the event since it's handled by us and should not cause an
y other actions. |
| 199 if (!eventObject) |
| 200 return; |
| 201 eventObject->put_cancelBubble(VARIANT_TRUE); |
| 202 eventObject->put_returnValue(ATL::CComVariant(false)); |
| 203 ATL::CComPtr<IHTMLElement> htmlElement; |
| 204 if (FAILED(eventObject->get_srcElement(&htmlElement)) || !htmlElement) { |
| 205 return; |
| 206 } |
| 207 ATL::CComBSTR tag; |
| 208 htmlElement->get_tagName(&tag); |
| 209 const wchar_t expectedTag[] = { L"a" }; |
| 210 if (_wcsnicmp(tag, expectedTag, min(sizeof(expectedTag), tag.Length())) != 0)
{ |
| 211 return; |
| 212 } |
| 213 auto classAttr = GetHtmlElementAttribute(*htmlElement, ATL::CComBSTR(L"class")
); |
| 214 if (classAttr.attributeValue == L"closeButton") |
| 215 { |
| 216 if (m_onCloseCallback) |
| 217 m_onCloseCallback(); |
| 218 return; |
| 219 } |
| 220 if (!m_onLinkClickedCallback) |
| 221 { |
| 222 return; |
| 223 } |
| 224 auto linkIDAttr = GetHtmlElementAttribute(*htmlElement, ATL::CComBSTR(L"data-l
inkID")); |
| 225 uint32_t linkID = 0; |
| 226 if (!linkIDAttr.attributeValue.empty() && (linkID = std::stoi(linkIDAttr.attri
buteValue)) < m_links.size()) |
| 227 { |
| 228 m_onLinkClickedCallback(m_links[linkID]); |
| 229 if (m_onCloseCallback) |
| 230 m_onCloseCallback(); |
| 231 } |
| 232 } |
| 233 |
| 234 void __stdcall NotificationWindow::OnHTMLDocumentSelectStart(IHTMLEventObj* even
tObject) |
| 235 { |
| 236 if (!eventObject) |
| 237 return; |
| 238 // disable selecting |
| 239 eventObject->put_cancelBubble(VARIANT_TRUE); |
| 240 eventObject->put_returnValue(ATL::CComVariant(false)); |
| 241 } |
| 242 |
| 243 void NotificationWindow::LoadABPIcon() |
| 244 { |
| 245 ScopedModule m_adblockPlusDLL; |
| 246 if (!(m_adblockPlusDLL.Open(L"AdblockPlus32.dll", LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE) || |
| 247 m_adblockPlusDLL.Open(L"AdblockPlus64.dll", LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE) || |
| 248 // for debug |
| 249 m_adblockPlusDLL.Open(L"AdblockPlus.dll", LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE))) |
| 250 { |
| 251 return; |
| 252 } |
| 253 auto iconSizeIterator = lower_bound(iconSizes.begin(), iconSizes.end(), DPIAwa
re(kIconSize)); |
| 254 if (iconSizeIterator == iconSizes.end()) |
| 255 { |
| 256 iconSizeIterator = iconSizes.rbegin().base(); |
| 257 } |
| 258 |
| 259 auto hIcon = static_cast<HICON>(::LoadImageW(m_adblockPlusDLL, (L"#" + std::to
_wstring(IDI_ICON_ENABLED)).c_str(), |
| 260 IMAGE_ICON, *iconSizeIterator, *iconSizeIterator, LR_SHARED)); |
| 261 if (hIcon == nullptr) |
| 262 { |
| 263 return; |
| 264 } |
| 265 |
| 266 HDC screenDC = m_icon.GetDC(); |
| 267 DCHandle tmpDC(::CreateCompatibleDC(screenDC)); |
| 268 ScopedObjectHandle<HBITMAP> bitmap; |
| 269 bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(screenDC, DPIAware(kIconSize), DPIAware(kIconS
ize)); |
| 270 HBITMAP prevBitmap = tmpDC.SelectBitmap(bitmap); |
| 271 CRect tmpRect(CPoint(0, 0), DPIAware(CSize(kIconSize, kIconSize))); |
| 272 FillRect(tmpDC, &tmpRect, m_bgColor); |
| 273 ::DrawIconEx(tmpDC, 0, 0, hIcon, tmpRect.Width(), tmpRect.Height(), 0, nullptr
| 274 m_iconImg.Attach(bitmap.Detach()); |
| 275 tmpDC.SelectBitmap(prevBitmap); |
| 276 m_icon.SetBitmap(m_iconImg); |
| 277 } |
| 278 |
| 279 POINT NotificationBorderWindow::GetWindowCoordinates() { |
| 280 HMONITOR primaryMonitor = MonitorFromWindow(m_hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); |
| 281 { |
| 282 DCHandle hdc(GetDC()); |
| 283 m_dpi = hdc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX); |
| 284 } |
| 285 MONITORINFO monitorInfo = {}; |
| 286 monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(monitorInfo); |
| 287 GetMonitorInfo(primaryMonitor, &monitorInfo); |
| 288 int windowX = monitorInfo.rcWork.right - DPIAware(kWindowWidth + kWindowMargin
Right); |
| 289 int windowY = monitorInfo.rcWork.bottom - DPIAware(kWindowHeight + kWindowMarg
inBottom); |
| 290 POINT coords = {windowX, windowY}; |
| 291 return coords; |
| 292 } |
| 293 |
| 294 NotificationBorderWindow::NotificationBorderWindow(const AdblockPlus::Notificati
on& notification, const std::wstring& htmlFileDir) |
| 295 : m_content(notification, htmlFileDir) |
| 296 { |
| 297 m_content.SetOnClick([this] |
| 298 { |
| 299 PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); |
| 300 }); |
| 301 m_content.SetOnClose([this] |
| 302 { |
| 303 PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); |
| 304 }); |
| 305 } |
| 306 |
| 307 LRESULT NotificationBorderWindow::OnCreate(const CREATESTRUCT* createStruct) |
| 308 { |
| 309 auto windowCoords = GetWindowCoordinates(); |
| 310 MoveWindow(windowCoords.x, windowCoords.y, DPIAware(kWindowWidth), DPIAware(kW
indowHeight)); |
| 311 |
| 312 RECT clientRect; |
| 313 GetClientRect(&clientRect); |
| 314 // make one pixel border |
| 315 clientRect.top += 1; |
| 316 clientRect.left += 1; |
| 317 clientRect.bottom -= 1; |
| 318 clientRect.right -= 1; |
| 319 m_content.Create(m_hWnd, clientRect, nullptr, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE); |
| 320 auto err = GetLastError(); |
| 321 SetMsgHandled(false); |
| 322 return 0; |
| 323 } |
| 324 |
| 325 void NotificationBorderWindow::OnSize(uint32_t wParam, CSize size) |
| 326 { |
| 327 if (m_content.IsWindow()) |
| 328 { |
| 329 RECT clientRect; |
| 330 GetClientRect(&clientRect); |
| 331 clientRect.top += 1; |
| 332 clientRect.left += 1; |
| 333 clientRect.bottom -= 1; |
| 334 clientRect.right -= 1; |
| 335 m_content.MoveWindow(&clientRect); |
| 336 } |
| 337 SetMsgHandled(false); |
| 338 } |
| 339 |
| 340 LRESULT NotificationBorderWindow::OnClick(UINT /*msg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARA
M /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*handled*/) |
| 341 { |
| 342 DestroyWindow(); |
| 343 return 0; |
| 344 } |
| 345 |
| 346 void NotificationBorderWindow::OnFinalMessage(HWND) { |
| 347 if (!!m_onDestroyedCallback) { |
| 348 m_onDestroyedCallback(); |
| 349 } |
| 350 } |