June 15, 2016, 1:52 p.m. by juliandoucette Modified:
Jan. 30, 2017, 10:49 a.m. CC:
Felix Dahlke, Sebastian Noack, martin, Wladimir Palant, ppastour Visibility:
Public. |
DescriptionI created this .csscomb.json
CSScomb is a coding style formatter for CSS. You can easily write your own configuration to make your style sheets beautiful and consistent.
The main feature is sorting properties in a specific order. It was inspired by @miripiruni's PHP-based tool of the same name. This is the new JavaScript version, based on the powerful CSS parser Gonzales PE.
Find more information about csscomb here:
- http://csscomb.com/
- https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js
- https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js/blob/dev/doc/options.md
I found this tool very useful because:
- I tend ignore sort-order
- I tend to put brackets on the same line
- I tend to copy/paste from the web and dev tools
And it was really annoying to fix resulting CSS formatting issues manually.
Using this tool, I simply ran `csscomb` from the cli, my editor (via atom plugin), or my build procedure (via gulp) whenever I:
- pasted code
- noticed errors
- uploaded a review
And saved myself (and my reviewer) a ton of time - allowing us to focus on the *real* CSS issues.
I'm not sure whether this tool can/should replace a CSS Linter. But I do think that it is worth sharing. And it **may** be all we need as far as CSS Linting goes (if we want to keep things simple).
Patch Set 1 #Patch Set 2 : Fixed extra spaces and display property in sort order #
Total comments: 14
Patch Set 3 : Added lines-between-rulesets, removed proprietary/unsupported css properties, grouped sort-order by… #
Total comments: 4
Patch Set 4 : Added 'flex' and removed 'box shadow' duplicates #MessagesTotal messages: 18
I will create an issue in Trac for this ASAP (Trac is down). For those of you who aren't familiar with csscomb: It's a tool that formats CSS. You can use it with your favorite editor via plugin or integrate it with your grunt/gulp/whatever build procedure. This config contains the default "sort-order" called "yandex". I chose to use this sort order because it is the most similar to ours and I did not think it would be a productive use of time to create a new one based on ours.
On 2016/06/15 14:05:58, juliandoucette wrote: > I will create an issue in Trac for this ASAP (Trac is down). > > For those of you who aren't familiar with csscomb: It's a tool that formats CSS. > You can use it with your favorite editor via plugin or integrate it with your > grunt/gulp/whatever build procedure. > > This config contains the default "sort-order" called "yandex". I chose to use > this sort order because it is the most similar to ours and I did not think it > would be a productive use of time to create a new one based on ours. Trac issue created: https://issues.adblockplus.org/ticket/4155
Updated reviewers based on discussion in last Frontend Developers meeting.
This config file is quite large, if I see it correctly csscomb doesn't support inheriting from a predefined configuration. Did you consider using stylelint? I am using it with a very minimal config, see https://github.com/palant/easypasswords/blob/67f1fa04b1e470851560e896c68dfa90.... You can see stylelint-config-standard under https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint-config-standard/blob/master/index.js, it seems to cover most of the things one would need. Personally, I also prefer issues to be pointed out rather than auto-corrected - I tend to distrust automated correction mechanisms.
Mind removing me as a reviewer for this one? I don't think I can offer much help, I'm not great at CSS.
On 2016/09/16 10:04:35, kzar wrote: > Mind removing me as a reviewer for this one? I don't think I can offer much > help, I'm not great at CSS. Done.
> This config file is quite large, if I see it correctly csscomb doesn't support > inheriting from a predefined configuration. Did you consider using stylelint? I > am using it with a very minimal config, see > https://github.com/palant/easypasswords/blob/67f1fa04b1e470851560e896c68dfa90.... > You can see stylelint-config-standard under > https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint-config-standard/blob/master/index.js, it > seems to cover most of the things one would need. Personally, I also prefer > issues to be pointed out rather than auto-corrected - I tend to distrust > automated correction mechanisms. - Yes, it is quite large (mostly because of the custom sort-order definition) - No, it does not support inheriting from a predefined configuration - No, I did not consider using stylelint (thanks for the tip) - But yes, I did consider using other CSSLinters I chose a code formatter instead of a code linter because: - I tend to ignore sort-order - I tend to put opening brackets on the same line - I often copy CSS from the web and dev tools And I found it really annoying to fix resulting format issues manually. So: - I used it to auto-format after copy/pasting - I used it to auto-format after making mistakes repeatedly - I used it to auto-format before uploading my CSS for review And I found that it saved me (and my reviewer) a ton of time - allowing us to focus on *real* CSS issues. I thought that this tool covered our CSS styleguide effectively, and was worth sharing, even if we decide to define a linter config later.
https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json File .csscomb.json (right): https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newcode1 .csscomb.json:1: { I'd suggest adding "lines-between-rulesets". https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:24: "sort-order": [ Our coding style only cares about the order of groups of properties, not of each individual property (see https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/coding-standards/css/...). We agreed on that to keep the ordering of properties simple but still somewhat organized. Therefore let's use CSScomb's other accepted value instead: "{Array} of arrays of rules for groups separation" (see https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js/blob/dev/doc/options.md#sort-order). https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:38: "-ms-overflow-x", Vendor-prefixed properties should be overridden by their standardized versions, not the other way around. This is consistent with how we've been doing it so far and allows us to remove them later on without breaking anything. Note that I'm not even sure whether we should include vendor-prefixed properties in here. There might be situtations where changing the order could be necessary due to differing behaviors. But I'll leave that up to you. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:208: "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity", Isn't the property name just "filter"? https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:208: "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity", I noticed that those IE-specific properties are spread all over while I didn't find the to-be-standardized "filter" property anywhere (see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/filter) with which we could group them together.
Thank you Thomas! See comments below. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json File .csscomb.json (right): https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newcode1 .csscomb.json:1: { On 2016/09/16 12:47:03, Thomas Greiner wrote: > I'd suggest adding "lines-between-rulesets". This property was added after this config was created. I agree. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:24: "sort-order": [ On 2016/09/16 12:47:02, Thomas Greiner wrote: > Our coding style only cares about the order of groups of properties, not of each > individual property (see > https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/coding-standards/css/...). > We agreed on that to keep the ordering of properties simple but still somewhat > organized. > > Therefore let's use CSScomb's other accepted value instead: "{Array} of arrays > of rules for groups separation" (see > https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js/blob/dev/doc/options.md#sort-order). I think you or I may be misinterpreting what {Array} of array does here. The **only** thing that {Array} of arrays seems to do is automatically add newlines between the properties that are separated by array. (That is why I changed the value from Array:array to Array:string in my last changeset.) https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:38: "-ms-overflow-x", On 2016/09/16 12:47:02, Thomas Greiner wrote: > Vendor-prefixed properties should be overridden by their standardized versions, > not the other way around. This is consistent with how we've been doing it so far > and allows us to remove them later on without breaking anything. > > Note that I'm not even sure whether we should include vendor-prefixed properties > in here. There might be situtations where changing the order could be necessary > due to differing behaviors. But I'll leave that up to you. I agree. PS: Like I said, this is the default "yandex" config. I chose this config because it was the closest to ours. I did not change it until my last changeset where I removed the Array:arrays and display order. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:208: "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity", On 2016/09/16 12:47:02, Thomas Greiner wrote: > I noticed that those IE-specific properties are spread all over while I didn't > find the to-be-standardized "filter" property anywhere (see > https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/filter) with which we could > group them together. See the "PS:" from my comment above. I think that we should probably remove all proprietary properties from this list - Since we generally discourage their use - In favour of graceful degradation, by design
See a correction and a clarification of my previous comments below. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json File .csscomb.json (right): https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:38: "-ms-overflow-x", On 2016/09/16 16:32:27, juliandoucette wrote: > On 2016/09/16 12:47:02, Thomas Greiner wrote: > > Vendor-prefixed properties should be overridden by their standardized > versions, > > not the other way around. This is consistent with how we've been doing it so > far > > and allows us to remove them later on without breaking anything. > > > > Note that I'm not even sure whether we should include vendor-prefixed > properties > > in here. There might be situtations where changing the order could be > necessary > > due to differing behaviors. But I'll leave that up to you. > > I agree. > > PS: Like I said, this is the default "yandex" config. I chose this config > because it was the closest to ours. I did not change it until my last changeset > where I removed the Array:arrays and display order. To clarify: I'm talking about the sort-order value. Not the whole config. See: https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js/tree/dev/config https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:208: "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity", On 2016/09/16 16:32:27, juliandoucette wrote: > On 2016/09/16 12:47:02, Thomas Greiner wrote: > > I noticed that those IE-specific properties are spread all over while I didn't > > find the to-be-standardized "filter" property anywhere (see > > https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/filter) with which we could > > group them together. > > See the "PS:" from my comment above. > > I think that we should probably remove all proprietary properties from this list > - Since we generally discourage their use > - In favour of graceful degradation, by design In favour of progressive enhancement, by design*
https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json File .csscomb.json (right): https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:24: "sort-order": [ On 2016/09/16 16:32:27, juliandoucette wrote: > On 2016/09/16 12:47:02, Thomas Greiner wrote: > > Our coding style only cares about the order of groups of properties, not of > each > > individual property (see > > > https://make.wordpress.org/core/handbook/best-practices/coding-standards/css/...). > > We agreed on that to keep the ordering of properties simple but still somewhat > > organized. > > > > Therefore let's use CSScomb's other accepted value instead: "{Array} of arrays > > of rules for groups separation" (see > > https://github.com/csscomb/csscomb.js/blob/dev/doc/options.md#sort-order). > > I think you or I may be misinterpreting what {Array} of array does here. The > **only** thing that {Array} of arrays seems to do is automatically add newlines > between the properties that are separated by array. (That is why I changed the > value from Array:array to Array:string in my last changeset.) Ah, I see, my bad. Regarding using a linter or a beautifier, I'd prefer educating the developer on how code should look like with the help of a linter to avoid dependence on specific tools. This might especially be useful if you want to contribute to other projects where you don't have such tools in place. Anyway, if you still think that a beautifier provides enough value, maybe best to open a separate discussion since such a decision might affect other developers as well in the future. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:38: "-ms-overflow-x", On 2016/09/16 16:32:27, juliandoucette wrote: > On 2016/09/16 12:47:02, Thomas Greiner wrote: > > Vendor-prefixed properties should be overridden by their standardized > versions, > > not the other way around. This is consistent with how we've been doing it so > far > > and allows us to remove them later on without breaking anything. > > > > Note that I'm not even sure whether we should include vendor-prefixed > properties > > in here. There might be situtations where changing the order could be > necessary > > due to differing behaviors. But I'll leave that up to you. > > I agree. > > PS: Like I said, this is the default "yandex" config. I chose this config > because it was the closest to ours. I did not change it until my last changeset > where I removed the Array:arrays and display order. Yes, but I don't think we should enforce something yet that doesn't match our coding style. That could easily lead to confusion and inconsistencies. So thanks for making the changes. Generally, if you want to tackle it quickly and iterate on it over time, I guess starting from nothing and building it up piece by piece appears more reliable than doing it the other way around. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353262/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:208: "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity", On 2016/09/16 16:43:01, juliandoucette wrote: > On 2016/09/16 16:32:27, juliandoucette wrote: > > On 2016/09/16 12:47:02, Thomas Greiner wrote: > > > I noticed that those IE-specific properties are spread all over while I > didn't > > > find the to-be-standardized "filter" property anywhere (see > > > https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/filter) with which we could > > > group them together. > > > > See the "PS:" from my comment above. > > > > I think that we should probably remove all proprietary properties from this > list > > - Since we generally discourage their use > > - In favour of graceful degradation, by design > > In favour of progressive enhancement, by design* Agreed.
> Regarding using a linter or a beautifier, I'd prefer educating the developer on > how code should look like with the help of a linter to avoid dependence on > specific tools. Yes, this is one reason why a linter is a good idea. > This might especially be useful if you want to contribute to > other projects where you don't have such tools in place. (If we added this config to codingtools then we would always have this tool in place.) > Anyway, if you still think that a beautifier provides enough value, maybe best > to open a separate discussion since such a decision might affect other > developers as well in the future. I'm confused about where you want me to open a separate discussion and why?
- I updated the description to describe what CSSComb is and why I decided to share my config - I removed all of the proprietary and unsupported CSS properties from sort-order (draft) - I re-ordered and re-grouped (separated by newlines) sort-order properties according to our style guide (draft) - I added lines-between-rules
> If we added this config to codingtools then we would always have this tool in place. No, we'd only have it for our own projects. However, there are also other projects you might be working on that we don't own (e.g. open source projects) or projects you are/will be working on for other/future employers. On 2016/09/16 21:15:32, juliandoucette wrote: > - I updated the description to describe what CSSComb is and why I decided to > share my config > - I removed all of the proprietary and unsupported CSS properties from > sort-order (draft) > - I re-ordered and re-grouped (separated by newlines) sort-order properties > according to our style guide (draft) > - I added lines-between-rules Just two minor things I noticed but apart from that LGTM if we decide to go with this approach instead of a linter. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353362/.csscomb.json File .csscomb.json (right): https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353362/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:38: "flex-direction", Detail: What about the "flex" shorthand property? https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353362/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:106: "box-shadow", Detail: Duplicated values.
Thanks Thomas. Let's finish this review. Please comment LGTM if you want this in coding tools and Not LGTM if you don't. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353362/.csscomb.json File .csscomb.json (right): https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353362/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:38: "flex-direction", On 2016/09/19 11:57:11, Thomas Greiner wrote: > Detail: What about the "flex" shorthand property? Done. https://codereview.adblockplus.org/29346536/diff/29353362/.csscomb.json#newco... .csscomb.json:106: "box-shadow", On 2016/09/19 11:57:11, Thomas Greiner wrote: > Detail: Duplicated values. Done.
Worth pointing out: - [stylelint](https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint) covers more CSS rules - [stylefmt](https://github.com/morishitter/stylefmt) supports stylelint config
Message was sent while issue was closed.
I closed this ticket/review because: - stylelint covers more relevant rules - stylelint handles sass/scss better (which was not a requirement when this ticket was created) - csscomb seems less configurable as a linter (which is useful for CI) - stylefmt covers formatting for stylelint - stylelint is more actively maintained - stylelint seems to have better editor plugins ![]() |