(Empty) | |
| 1 title=Download and install Adblock Plus | eyeo Help |
| 2 description=Adblock Plus is available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Ma
xthon, Opera, Safari and Yandex.Browser desktop browsers, as well as a content b
locker on iOS and Samsung Internet. |
| 3 |
| 4 ## Download and install Adblock Plus |
| 5 |
| 6 **Chrome** |
| 7 |
| 8 There are two ways to install Adblock Plus for Chrome. |
| 9 |
| 10 **From the Adblock Plus website...** |
| 11 |
| 12 1. Open Chrome and go to [AdblockPlus.org](https://adblockplus.org). |
| 13 2. Click the **Install for Chrome** button. |
| 14 <br>A dialog box opens. |
| 15 4. Click **Add extension**. |
| 16 <br>Adblock Plus is installed. You can now browse the web without annoying ads! |
| 17 |
| 18 **From the Chrome Web Store...** |
| 19 |
| 20 1. Click [here](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-plus/cfhdojbkj
hnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb) to open Adblock Plus in the Chrome Web Store. |
| 21 2. Click the **Add to Chrome** button in the upper-right corner of the window. |
| 22 <br>A dialog box opens. |
| 23 3. Click **Add extension**. |
| 24 <br>Adblock Plus is installed. You can now browse the web without annoying ads! |
| 25 |
| 26 **Firefox** |
| 27 |
| 28 1. Open Firefox and go to [AdblockPlus.org](https://adblockplus.org). |
| 29 2. Click the **Install for Firefox** button. |
| 30 <br>A dialog box opens. |
| 31 3. Click **Allow**. |
| 32 <br>A dialog box opens. |
| 33 4. Click **Install**. |
| 34 <br>Adblock Plus is installed. You can now browse the web without annoying ads! |
| 35 |
| 36 **Internet Explorer** |
| 37 |
| 38 1. Open Internet Explorer and go to [AdblockPlus.org](https://adblockplus.org). |
| 39 2. Click the **Install for Internet Explorer** button. |
| 40 <br>A dialog box opens at the bottom of the browser. |
| 41 3. Click the arrow and select **Save and run**. |
| 42 <br>A Windows dialog box opens asking for permission to install Adblock Plus. |
| 43 4. Click **Yes**. |
| 44 <br>The Install Wizard opens. |
| 45 <br>A dialog box opens asking to close Internet Explorer. |
| 46 5. Click **Yes**. |
| 47 <br>A dialog box opens asking if the Install Wizard can close Internet Explorer. |
| 48 6. Click **Yes**. |
| 49 7. Click **Next**. |
| 50 8. Click **Install**. |
| 51 9. After installation is complete, click **Finish**. |
| 52 10. Open your browser. |
| 53 <br>A dialog box opens prompting you to enable Adblock Plus. |
| 54 11. Click **Enable**. |
| 55 12. Close and reopen Internet Explorer. |
| 56 <br>Adblock Plus is installed. You can now browse the web without annoying ads! |
| 57 |
| 58 **Adblock Plus for iOS** |
| 59 |
| 60 1. Go to the [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/adblock-plus-abp-remove
-ads/id1028871868?mt=8). |
| 61 2. Tap **Install**. |
| 62 <br>**Important**: After you install Adblock Plus for iOS, you are prompted to e
nable ad blocking. To do this: |
| 63 1. Open the app. |
| 64 2. Open **iOS Settings**. |
| 65 3. Tap **Safari**. |
| 66 4. Tap **Content Blockers**. |
| 67 5. Turn on **Adblock Plus**. |
| 68 6. Wait 10 seconds. |
| 69 7. Exit iOS Settings. |
| 70 <br>Adblock Plus is installed. You can now browse the web without annoying ads
! |
| 71 |
| 72 **Opera** |
| 73 |
| 74 Adblock Plus for Opera must be installed via Opera add-ons. |
| 75 |
| 76 1. Open Opera and go to [AdblockPlus.org](https://adblockplus.org). |
| 77 2. Click the **Install for Opera** button. |
| 78 <br>The *Opera add-ons* page opens. |
| 79 3. Click the **Add to Opera** button. |
| 80 <br>Adblock Plus is installed. You can now browse the web without annoying ads! |
| 81 |
| 82 **Safari** |
| 83 |
| 84 1. Open Safari and go to [AdblockPlus.org](https://adblockplus.org). |
| 85 2. Click the **Install for Safari** button. |
| 86 <br>The install file is moved to the *Downloads* folder. |
| 87 3. From the Dock, click the **Downloads icon** and then click the **application
icon** next to the application file. |
| 88 <br>A dialog box opens. |
| 89 4. Click **Install from Developer**. |
| 90 5. Click **Trust**. |
| 91 <br>Adblock Plus is installed. You can now browse the web without annoying ads! |
| 92 |
| 93 **Alternatively, after the application has been downloaded...** |
| 94 |
| 95 1. Open the **Finder**. |
| 96 2. Click **Downloads**. |
| 97 3. Drag and drop the **application file** into the *Applications* folder. |
| 98 4. Double-click the **application file**. |
| 99 5. Click **Install from Developer**. |
| 100 6. Click **Trust**. |
| 101 |
| 102 **Adblock Plus for Samsung Internet** |
| 103 |
| 104 1. Go to the [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=o
rg.adblockplus.adblockplussbrowser&hl=en). |
| 105 2. Tap **Install**. |
| 106 <br>**Important**: After you install Adblock Plus for Samsung Browser, you are p
rompted to enable Adblock Plus. To do this manually: |
| 107 |
| 108 <br>Samsung Internet 4.0 |
| 109 1. Open Samsung Internet. |
| 110 2. Tap the **menu icon** and select **Settings**. |
| 111 3. Tap **Advanced**. |
| 112 4. Tap **Block content**. |
| 113 5. Enable the **Block content** option and tap **Adblock Plus for Samsung In
ternet**. |
| 114 6. Exit Settings. |
| 115 |
| 116 <br>Samsung Internet 5.0 |
| 117 1. Open Samsung Internet. |
| 118 2. Tap the **menu icon** and select **Extensions**. |
| 119 4. Tap **Block content**. |
| 120 5. Enable the **Content Blocking** option and tap **Adblock Plus for Samsung
Internet**. |
| 121 6. Exit Settings. |
| 122 |
| 123 **Yandex.Browser** |
| 124 |
| 125 1. Open Yandex.Browser and go to [AdblockPlus.org](https://adblockplus.org). |
| 126 2. Click the **Install for Yandex.Browser** button. |
| 127 <br>A dialog box opens. |
| 128 3. Click **Add extension**. |
| 129 <br>Adblock Plus is installed. You can now browse the web without annoying ads! |