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Unified Diff: abb-build/build.py

Issue 29552627: Issue 4105 - [build] Make it possible to build arbitrary ABB revisions (Closed)
Patch Set: Created Sept. 22, 2017, 11:55 a.m.
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Index: abb-build/build.py
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abb-build/build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import glob
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import string
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+_BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+_ENSURE_DEPENDENCIES_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "ensure_dependencies.py")
+_GENERATED_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "generated")
+_GENERATED_MOZCONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(_GENERATED_PATH, "mozconfig")
+_MOZCONFIG_COMMON_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "mozconfig-common")
+_MOZCONFIG_ARM_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "mozconfig-arm")
+_MOZCONFIG_X86_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "mozconfig-x86")
+_MOZCONFIG_STORE_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "mozconfig-store")
+_MOZCONFIG_RELEASE_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "mozconfig-release")
+_MOZCONFIG_CUSTOM_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "mozconfig-custom")
+_MULTI_L10N_PATH = os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, "mozharness", "scripts",
+ "multil10n.py")
+_ABB_PATH = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_BASE_DIR, ".."))
René Jeschke 2017/09/22 11:57:40 This had to be changed.
+_CMD_BUILD = "build"
+_CMD_SIGN = "sign"
+_CMD_BUILD_SIGN = "build-and-sign"
+_ARCH_ARM = "arm"
+_ARCH_X86 = "x86"
+_ARCH_X86_I386 = "i386"
+_DIST_STANDALONE = "standalone"
+_DIST_STORE = "store"
+_BUILD_DEVBUILD = "devbuild"
+_BUILD_RELEASE = "release"
+_OBJDIR_ARM = "obj-arm-linux-androideabi"
+_OBJDIR_X86 = "obj-i386-linux-android"
+def print_usage():
+ print >>sys.stderr, string.Template("""\
+Usage: $name %s
+ $name %s APK_PATH
+ $name %s\
+""" % (_CMD_BUILD, _CMD_SIGN,
+ _CMD_BUILD_SIGN)).substitute({"name": os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])})
+def _generate_mozconfig(architecture, distribution_mode, build_mode):
+ if not os.path.exists(_GENERATED_PATH):
+ os.makedirs(_GENERATED_PATH)
+ with open(_GENERATED_MOZCONFIG_PATH, "w+") as mozconfig:
+ mozconfig.write(". \"%s\"\n" % _MOZCONFIG_COMMON_PATH)
+ if architecture == _ARCH_X86:
+ mozconfig.write(". \"%s\"\n" % _MOZCONFIG_X86_PATH)
+ else:
+ mozconfig.write(". \"%s\"\n" % _MOZCONFIG_ARM_PATH)
+ if distribution_mode == _DIST_STORE:
+ mozconfig.write(". \"%s\"\n" % _MOZCONFIG_STORE_PATH)
+ if build_mode == _BUILD_RELEASE:
+ mozconfig.write(". \"%s\"\n" % _MOZCONFIG_RELEASE_PATH)
+ mozconfig.write(". \"%s\"\n" % _MOZCONFIG_CUSTOM_PATH)
+def _build(architecture, distribution_mode, build_mode, sdk_path, ndk_path):
+ build_environment = os.environ.copy()
+ build_environment["ANDROID_SDK_PATH"] = sdk_path
+ build_environment["ANDROID_NDK_PATH"] = ndk_path
+ build_environment["MOZCONFIG"] = _generate_mozconfig(
+ architecture, distribution_mode, build_mode)
+ obj_dir = _OBJDIR_X86 if architecture == _ARCH_X86 else _OBJDIR_ARM
+ build_environment["OBJDIR"] = obj_dir
+ subprocess.check_call([os.path.join(_ABB_PATH, "mach"), "clobber"],
+ env=build_environment)
+ subprocess.check_call([_MULTI_L10N_PATH, "--cfg", "adblockbrowser-cfg.py"],
+ env=build_environment)
+ dist_path = os.path.join(_ABB_PATH, obj_dir, "dist")
+ arch_suffix = _ARCH_X86_I386 if architecture == _ARCH_X86 else _ARCH_ARM
+ [manifest_path] = glob.glob(os.path.join(
+ dist_path, "fennec-*.multi.android-%s.json" % arch_suffix))
+ with open(manifest_path) as manifest_file:
+ manifest = json.load(manifest_file)
+ apk_name = "fennec-%s.multi.android-%s-unsigned-unaligned.apk" % (
+ manifest["moz_app_version"], architecture)
+ apk_path = os.path.join(dist_path, apk_name)
+ if build_mode == _BUILD_RELEASE:
+ target_apk_name = "adblockbrowser-%s-%s.apk" % (
+ manifest["moz_app_version"], architecture)
+ else:
+ target_apk_name = "adblockbrowser-%s.%s-%s.apk" % (
+ manifest["moz_app_version"], manifest["buildid"], architecture)
+ target_apk_path = os.path.join(dist_path, target_apk_name)
+ shutil.copyfile(apk_path, target_apk_path)
+ target_manifest_path = re.sub(r".apk$", ".json", target_apk_path)
+ shutil.copyfile(manifest_path, target_manifest_path)
+ return target_apk_path
+def _sign(apk_path, key_store, key_name, sdk_path):
+ sys.path.append(os.path.join(_ABB_PATH, "python", "mozboot", "mozboot"))
+ from android import ANDROID_BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION
+ zipalign_path = os.path.join(sdk_path, "build-tools",
+ temp_apk_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+ shutil.copyfile(apk_path, temp_apk_path)
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_call(["jarsigner", "-verbose",
+ "-sigalg", "SHA1withRSA",
+ "-digestalg", "SHA1",
+ "-keystore", key_store,
+ temp_apk_path, key_name])
+ os.remove(apk_path)
+ subprocess.check_call([zipalign_path, "-v", "4", temp_apk_path,
+ apk_path])
+ finally:
+ os.remove(temp_apk_path)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print_usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ mode = sys.argv[1]
+ do_build = mode in (_CMD_BUILD, _CMD_BUILD_SIGN)
+ do_sign = mode in (_CMD_SIGN, _CMD_BUILD_SIGN)
+ if not do_build and not do_sign:
+ print_usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if do_sign:
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ print_usage()
+ sys.exit(3)
+ apk_path = sys.argv[2]
+ subprocess.check_call([_ENSURE_DEPENDENCIES_PATH])
+ import config
+ error_msg = "Invalid %s, check config.py. Supported %s: %s"
+ distribution_mode = config.DISTRIBUTION_MODE
+ if distribution_mode not in _DIST_MODES:
+ print >>sys.stderr, error_msg % (
+ "distribution mode", "distribution modes", _DIST_MODES)
+ sys.exit(4)
+ build_mode = config.BUILD_MODE
+ if build_mode not in _BUILD_MODES:
+ print >>sys.stderr, error_msg % (
+ "build mode", "build modes", _BUILD_MODES)
+ sys.exit(5)
+ architecture = config.ARCHITECTURE
+ if architecture not in _ARCHS:
+ print >>sys.stderr, error_msg % (
+ "architecture", "architectures", _ARCHS)
+ sys.exit(6)
+ if do_build:
+ apk_path = _build(architecture, distribution_mode, build_mode,
+ if do_sign:
+ _sign(apk_path, config.ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH, config.ANDROID_KEY_NAME,
+ else:
+ print apk_path

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