Descriptionfix calls where `BSTR` is expected but `wchar_t*` was used
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 8
Patch Set 2 : rebased #
MessagesTotal messages: 13
http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... File src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp (right): http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp:52: if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->getAttribute(ATL::CComBSTR(L"src"), 0, &vAttr)) && vAttr.vt == VT_BSTR && ::SysStringLen(vAttr.bstrVal) > 0) As I said in the previous review, I object to using CComBSTR here because it throws an ATL exception. In particular, it throws an ATL exception (CAtlException) that contains a result code that needs to be separately parsed which can direct the construction of the correct standard library exception. The upshot is that handling ATL errors in the context of handling standard library exception means that you (1) need a separate catch clause for each try-catch statement that contains (2) a call to a function that examines the ATL exception and rethrows a standard library exception. That's four extra lines of purely repeated code in every exception handler. It's a much better design to use a class here that simply throws std::bad_alloc. One possibility is to write a wrapper class around CComBSTR that catches the ATL exception and rethrows std::bad_alloc. Or even easier, just use the class I have already written for the specific purpose of passing BSTR to IE COM functions. It throws std::bad_alloc when it has an allocation error. See http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5140323101573120/
http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... File src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp (right): http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp:52: if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->getAttribute(ATL::CComBSTR(L"src"), 0, &vAttr)) && vAttr.vt == VT_BSTR && ::SysStringLen(vAttr.bstrVal) > 0) - I would say that speaking about maintainability I am completely sure that ATL is much better than our custom classes. There is a plenty of documentation and it's proved by huge usage. As well if I understood correctly we decided to stick with ATL. So, since we use ATL and we definitely cannot control all cases when it can throw an exception I would say that it should not be considered as something avoidable. Instead of counting lines of code we should think how to implement it in a good way. For example, we can make each entry method (see #1173) like HRESULT SomeClassImpl::SomeMethod(arg1, arg2, ...) { return catchExceptions([]()->HRESULT { // our current impl }); } I don't see a big problem in several lines of code to catch additional ATL exception inside `catchExceptions`. Even more, ATL exception allows to return the real HRESULT instead of manual mapping each exception to HRESULT. - I am also convinced that we should not pollute the code by try-catch statements, it would be better to have it centralized. - As well as I don't know how to compare what is worse right now, wrong usage of wchar_t* strings instead of BSTR or propagating of exceptions in case of there is no enough free memory. Conclusion: use ATL, implement exception handling as #1173. @Oleksandr, @Felix.
http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... File src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp (right): http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp:52: if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->getAttribute(ATL::CComBSTR(L"src"), 0, &vAttr)) && vAttr.vt == VT_BSTR && ::SysStringLen(vAttr.bstrVal) > 0) - I agree that using ATL's class is better then our custom class. We will need to catch that exception either way, so it's not like it would result in cleaner code. - I already admitted that I would be fine if we did not handle that exception at all for now (that is really a very extreme case when it would be thrown, IMHO, and crashing wouldn't be the worst option in that case), but if we do, Sergei's suggestion with catchExceptions makes sense to me. On 2014/10/16 08:53:25, sergei wrote: > - I would say that speaking about maintainability I am completely sure that ATL > is much better than our custom classes. There is a plenty of documentation and > it's proved by huge usage. As well if I understood correctly we decided to stick > with ATL. > So, since we use ATL and we definitely cannot control all cases when it can > throw an exception I would say that it should not be considered as something > avoidable. Instead of counting lines of code we should think how to implement it > in a good way. For example, we can make each entry method (see #1173) like > HRESULT SomeClassImpl::SomeMethod(arg1, arg2, ...) > { > return catchExceptions([]()->HRESULT > { > // our current impl > }); > } > > I don't see a big problem in several lines of code to catch additional ATL > exception inside `catchExceptions`. Even more, ATL exception allows to return > the real HRESULT instead of manual mapping each exception to HRESULT. > - I am also convinced that we should not pollute the code by try-catch > statements, it would be better to have it centralized. > - As well as I don't know how to compare what is worse right now, wrong usage of > wchar_t* strings instead of BSTR or propagating of exceptions in case of there > is no enough free memory. > > Conclusion: use ATL, implement exception handling as #1173. > @Oleksandr, @Felix.
http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... File src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp (right): http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp:52: if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->getAttribute(ATL::CComBSTR(L"src"), 0, &vAttr)) && vAttr.vt == VT_BSTR && ::SysStringLen(vAttr.bstrVal) > 0) On 2014/10/17 07:38:02, Oleksandr wrote: > - I agree that using ATL's class is better then our custom class. We will need > to catch that exception either way, so it's not like it would result in cleaner > code. The main way that the code becomes cleaner by using our own class is that we can define a conversion function to std::wstring. http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp:52: if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->getAttribute(ATL::CComBSTR(L"src"), 0, &vAttr)) && vAttr.vt == VT_BSTR && ::SysStringLen(vAttr.bstrVal) > 0) On 2014/10/16 08:53:25, sergei wrote: > As well if I understood correctly we decided to stick > with ATL. What we decided was that there was little rush to continue the process of removing ATL. That is not at all the same thing as sticking with it. What we really do not need is to use _more_ ATL. http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp:52: if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->getAttribute(ATL::CComBSTR(L"src"), 0, &vAttr)) && vAttr.vt == VT_BSTR && ::SysStringLen(vAttr.bstrVal) > 0) On 2014/10/16 08:53:25, sergei wrote: > - I would say that speaking about maintainability I am completely sure that ATL > is much better than our custom classes. From what I can tell, I don't think you spent any significant time even reading the code I posted for them, neither the first iteration nor the second. I certainly have seen little indication that you know or appreciate the range of issues I've been concerned with in these classes. > So, since we use ATL and we definitely cannot control all cases when it can > throw an exception I would say that it should not be considered as something > avoidable. I've studied the issue, and we can control the cases where ATL might throw. In the following, I'm excluding PassthroughAPP. Even though it has numerous occurrences of ATLEXCEPTION and ATLTRACE, its code calls ours, not vice-versa, so it's not our primary concern. For the vast majority of our own code, the only ATL we're using is the two classes CComBSTR and CComVariant. I've studied the source code to CComBSTR and also audited the context of how we use it. I am reasonably certain that the only exception that CComBSTR can throw from within our code is for a failure to allocate memory. Similarly, the only ones that CComVariant could throw are out-of-memory and some outlier cases where an IE defect would return an incorrect type. Most all of the uses of CComPtr don't throw (unless for some bizarre reason AddRef throws). There are a few simple uses of CComQIPtr; these would only throw in practice if IE returned an object of invalid type. Other than these value-classes, the only other cases I know of that can throw ATL exceptions are the places we're using default ATL implementations of certain interfaces. These are 'IObjectWithSiteImpl' and 'IDispatchImpl'. There is only one possible occurrence where we'd ever see an ATL exception, and it's in a call to 'IObjectWithSiteImpl<CPluginClass>::SetSite'. This is not an insurmountable problem. > Instead of counting lines of code we should think how to implement it > in a good way. For example, we can make each entry method (see #1173) like > HRESULT SomeClassImpl::SomeMethod(arg1, arg2, ...) > { > return catchExceptions([]()->HRESULT > { > // our current impl > }); > } This implementation pattern requires that all exceptions are handled identically in all cases. There is an assumption here that all exceptions _should_ be handled identically. I am very certain I am not ready to make that assumption at the current time. I suspect we may only need a handful of exception patterns, but that number is in my present opinion very likely to be greater than one. I'm not opposed to considering the use of such a pattern once we understand better what the commonalities are. We don't understand them yet. > Even more, ATL exception allows to return > the real HRESULT instead of manual mapping each exception to HRESULT. This claim has false assumptions. For exceptions thrown by the standard library, there is no such thing as a "real HRESULT". For exceptions thrown by systems calls, we can define a subclass of 'std::runtime_exception' that not only captures the HRESULT but also always calls 'GetLastError' for good measure. > - I am also convinced that we should not pollute the code by try-catch > statements, it would be better to have it centralized. Centralization is acceptable if you know you need common behavior. We do not yet know that. I have to say that I have a distaste for the idea that try-catch statements are somehow a pollution. It's possible to overuse them, to be sure. There are plenty of places in the code where error handling is non-existent or rather crude. Whether such error handling gets expressed in a try-catch block or by explicit checking of return values is less important than that the code handle the error correctly. As an example, the current code does a poor job dealing with mutex failures. http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp:52: if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->getAttribute(ATL::CComBSTR(L"src"), 0, &vAttr)) && vAttr.vt == VT_BSTR && ::SysStringLen(vAttr.bstrVal) > 0) On 2014/10/16 08:53:25, sergei wrote: > - As well as I don't know how to compare what is worse right now, wrong usage of > wchar_t* strings instead of BSTR or propagating of exceptions in case of there > is no enough free memory. It is possible to define a class for the kind of effectively-constant BSTR arguments we're using here. There's no such thing as an actually-constant BSTR, since they're all required to be system-allocated. Among other things, it means you can't take advantage of 'constexpr' to define the BSTR memory layout at compile time. (It probably even works today, but there's no guarantee it will work tomorrow.) Nevertheless, there are ways of dealing with it. One way is to use a global static variable. This moves the exception from run-time to load-time. This is an improvement, since there's more likely to be free memory when IE starts up than after there are two dozen tabs open. The problem with this is that an exception during static initialization doesn't have a handler. Better is to use local variable for a singleton class that allocates on first use but not thereafter. It means checking a flag each time the value is referenced, but that's faster than allocating and copying the constant string each time. You still a low-memory exception to handle. At the cost of almost-certainly-too-much code overhead, you could do all your allocations on the first call to DllMain. That gets rid of the exception, but I doubt it's worth it. The upshot is that I don't see a practical way to eliminate dealing with the memory exception. This is, however, not really a problem that's unique here. We've got a number of dynamic memory structures that could throw the same exception as a result of processing pages. We're going to have to deal with it anyway. My main concern with respect to this particular change set is that we not put ourselves in a position of need to deal with multiple kinds of memory allocation exceptions.
http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... File src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp (right): http://codereview.adblockplus.org/5698769010032640/diff/5629499534213120/src/... src/plugin/AdblockPlusDomTraverser.cpp:52: if (SUCCEEDED(pEl->getAttribute(ATL::CComBSTR(L"src"), 0, &vAttr)) && vAttr.vt == VT_BSTR && ::SysStringLen(vAttr.bstrVal) > 0) I really don't think we should be having prolonged discussions about this. As I understand Eric is only concerned that CComBSTR will throw an ATL exception, and that would require extra 'catch' blocks. If that's the only concern, then can't we just override AtlThrow as discribed here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z325eyx0.aspx and then throw whatever we want from there? We can add that whenever we figure out what to actually do with those exceptions. And to iterate again, I really don't think we should go out of our way to minimize the chances of memory allocation exception, seeing there's no way around it anyway. Those chances are already extremely slim. And even if situation like that ever occurs on user's machine I wouldn't be too sure IE itself wouldn't just crash before we even get to allocate anything. On 2014/10/20 04:06:24, Eric wrote: > On 2014/10/16 08:53:25, sergei wrote: > > As well if I understood correctly we decided to stick > > with ATL. > > What we decided was that there was little rush to continue the process of > removing ATL. That is not at all the same thing as sticking with it. What we > really do not need is to use _more_ ATL. We have in fact decided that we will stick with CComBSTR. So we shouldn't be shy of actually using it.
LGTM. I really don't like to have to allocate BSTR each time for what could be a constant expression, but we don't have 'constexpr' support in our current compiler version. So, maybe we change that later.
On 2015/02/02 15:17:55, Eric wrote: > LGTM. > > I really don't like to have to allocate BSTR each time for what could be a > constant expression, but we don't have 'constexpr' support in our current > compiler version. So, maybe we change that later. Yes, I also don't like it but it's better than passing pointer to the plain string. I would say we could define them as const objects in the anonymous namespace. How can 'constexpr' help here?
On 2015/02/02 15:22:03, sergei wrote: > Yes, I also don't like it but it's better than passing pointer to the plain > string. I would say we could define them as const objects in the anonymous > namespace. How can 'constexpr' help here? 'constexpr' enables a fully constant BSTR memory layout without having to allocate or make a system call during static initialization. Declaring them as 'const CComBSTR' means that there are system calls to SysAllocString() at the time of static initialization that have no (good) way of checking for errors. CComBSTR will throw an ATL exception if the underlying call to SysAllocString() returns null.
On 2015/02/02 16:09:41, Eric wrote: > On 2015/02/02 15:22:03, sergei wrote: > > Yes, I also don't like it but it's better than passing pointer to the plain > > string. I would say we could define them as const objects in the anonymous > > namespace. How can 'constexpr' help here? > > 'constexpr' enables a fully constant BSTR memory layout without having to > allocate or make a system call during static initialization. > > Declaring them as 'const CComBSTR' means that there are system calls to > SysAllocString() at the time of static initialization that have no (good) way of > checking for errors. CComBSTR will throw an ATL exception if the underlying call > to SysAllocString() returns null. I guess, I see your point now. You propose to prepare at the compile time the memory layout for such BSTR strings, thus initialize the structure { const uint32_t length; const wchar_t value[];}; at the compile time, don't you? That looks actually very attractive, feel free to create the ticket for it. BTW, I would say it could be very interesting task as GFB.
On 2015/02/04 11:52:57, sergei wrote: > You propose to prepare at the compile time the > memory layout for such BSTR strings, thus initialize the structure { const > uint32_t length; const wchar_t value[];}; at the compile time, don't you? Yes, that's exactly the idea. It should also be possible to do something similar at static initialization time, to set up the correct memory layout just once, and to do it in a way that always succeeds and never throws. If that were working, then adding the declaration 'constexpr' would simply cause it to be initialized at compile time. The key would be to use a template function that grabs the length of a wide-character array, and then to use that length as a template argument to declare the memory-layout structure. > That looks actually very attractive, feel free to create the ticket for it. Repeating the allocations with each call is hardly the worst of our inefficiencies. And while it looks attractive, there remains one problem with it. There's a stated requirement (although not stated very explicitly or even frequently) that all BSTR that goes through COM be allocated with SysAllocString(). Perhaps this only really means "we require the BSTR memory layout", but it might also mean "COM needs to interact with the allocator in mysterious ways". It's possible this requirement arose at the time "for future development" and that future development never happened. If that's the case, then compile-time initialization should be fine, because COM is basically finished and done at this point. The fully correct way of getting the effect of static initialization and also uses SysAllocString() is to write an explicit initialization routine that runs when the DLL is loaded. It would need a matching routine that runs when the DLL is unloaded to deallocate. ![]() |