Left: | ||
Right: |
(Empty) | |
1 class notificationserver { | |
2 class {'nginx': | |
3 worker_processes => 2, | |
4 worker_connections => 4000, | |
5 ssl_session_cache => off, | |
6 } | |
7 | |
8 file {'/var/www': | |
9 ensure => directory, | |
10 owner => nginx, | |
11 mode => 0755, | |
12 require => Package['nginx'] | |
13 } | |
14 | |
15 file {'/var/www/notification': | |
16 ensure => directory, | |
17 owner => nginx, | |
18 mode => 0755, | |
19 require => Package['nginx'] | |
20 } | |
21 | |
22 file {'/var/www/notification/notification.json': | |
Felix Dahlke
2013/07/22 15:19:30
We should set replace => "no" here, otherwise our
Wladimir Palant
2013/07/23 07:27:53
Replacing the file was actually the idea - we can
| |
23 ensure => file, | |
24 owner => nginx, | |
25 mode => 644, | |
26 require => Package['nginx'], | |
27 source => 'puppet:///modules/notificationserver/notification.json' | |
28 } | |
29 | |
30 File { | |
31 owner => root, | |
32 group => root, | |
33 mode => 0644, | |
34 } | |
35 | |
36 file {'/etc/nginx/sites-available/adblockplus.org_sslcert.key': | |
37 ensure => file, | |
38 notify => Service['nginx'], | |
39 before => Nginx::Hostconfig['notification.adblockplus.org'], | |
40 mode => 0400, | |
41 source => 'puppet:///modules/private/adblockplus.org_sslcert.key' | |
42 } | |
43 | |
44 file {'/etc/nginx/sites-available/adblockplus.org_sslcert.pem': | |
45 ensure => file, | |
46 notify => Service['nginx'], | |
47 before => Nginx::Hostconfig['notification.adblockplus.org'], | |
48 mode => 0400, | |
49 source => 'puppet:///modules/private/adblockplus.org_sslcert.pem' | |
50 } | |
51 | |
52 nginx::hostconfig{'notification.adblockplus.org': | |
53 source => 'puppet:///modules/notificationserver/notification.adblockplus.org ', | |
54 enabled => true | |
55 } | |
56 | |
57 file {'/etc/logrotate.d/nginx_notification.adblockplus.org': | |
58 ensure => file, | |
59 mode => 0444, | |
60 require => Nginx::Hostconfig['notification.adblockplus.org'], | |
61 source => 'puppet:///modules/notificationserver/logrotate' | |
62 } | |
63 } | |