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Issue 29583568: Issue 5880 - Basic issue reporter implementation (Closed) Base URL: https://hg.adblockplus.org/adblockpluschrome
Patch Set: Fixed error handling Created Oct. 19, 2017, 1:59 p.m.
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new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/issue-reporter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+ * This file is part of Adblock Plus <https://adblockplus.org/>,
+ * Copyright (C) 2006-present eyeo GmbH
+ *
+ * Adblock Plus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * Adblock Plus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with Adblock Plus. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+"use strict";
+window.ext = {};
+let reportData = new DOMParser().parseFromString("<report></report>", "text/xml");
+let pages = {
+ "typeSelectorPage": [initTypeSelector, leaveTypeSelector],
+ "commentPage": [initCommentPage, leaveCommentPage],
+ "sendPage": [initSendPage, leaveSendPage]
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () =>
+ document.getElementById("cancel").addEventListener("click", () =>
+ {
+ window.close();
+ });
+ document.getElementById("continue").addEventListener("click", () =>
+ {
+ if (!document.getElementById("continue").disabled)
+ pages[getCurrentPage()][1]();
+ });
+ document.addEventListener("keydown", event =>
+ {
+ let blacklistedElements = new Set(["textarea", "button", "a"])
+ if (event.key == "Enter" && !blacklistedElements.has(event.target.localName))
+ document.getElementById("continue").click();
+ else if (event.key == "Escape")
+ document.getElementById("cancel").click();
+ });
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "app.get",
+ what: "doclink",
+ link: "reporter_privacy"
+ }).then(url =>
+ {
+ document.getElementById("privacyPolicy").href = url;
+ });
+ initDataCollector();
+function getCurrentPage()
+ return document.querySelector(".page:not([hidden])").id;
+function setCurrentPage(pageId)
+ if (!pages.hasOwnProperty(pageId))
+ return;
+ let previousPage = document.querySelector(".page:not([hidden])");
+ if (previousPage)
+ previousPage.hidden = true;
+ document.getElementById(pageId).hidden = false;
+ pages[pageId][0]();
+function censorURL(url)
+ return url.replace(/([?;&\/#][^?;&\/#]+?=)[^?;&\/#]+/g, "$1*");
+function encodeHTML(str)
+ return str.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;");
+function serializeReportData()
+ let result = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(reportData);
+ // Insert line breaks before each new tag
+ result = result.replace(/(<[^\/]([^"<>]*|"[^"]*")*>)/g, "\n$1");
+ result = result.replace(/^\n+/, "");
+ return result;
+function retrieveAddonInfo()
+ let element = reportData.createElement("adblock-plus");
+ return browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "app.get",
+ what: "addonVersion"
+ }).then(addonVersion =>
+ {
+ element.setAttribute("version", addonVersion);
+ return browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "app.get",
+ what: "localeInfo"
+ });
+ }).then(({locale}) =>
+ {
+ element.setAttribute("locale", locale);
+ reportData.documentElement.appendChild(element);
+ });
+function retrieveApplicationInfo()
+ let element = reportData.createElement("application");
+ return browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "app.get",
+ what: "application"
+ }).then(application =>
+ {
+ element.setAttribute("name", application);
+ return browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "app.get",
+ what: "applicationVersion"
+ });
+ }).then(applicationVersion =>
+ {
+ element.setAttribute("version", applicationVersion);
+ element.setAttribute("userAgent", navigator.userAgent);
+ reportData.documentElement.appendChild(element);
+ });
+function retrievePlatformInfo()
+ let element = reportData.createElement("platform");
+ return browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "app.get",
+ what: "platform"
+ }).then(platform =>
+ {
+ element.setAttribute("name", platform);
+ return browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "app.get",
+ what: "platformVersion"
+ });
+ }).then(platformVersion =>
+ {
+ element.setAttribute("version", platformVersion);
+ reportData.documentElement.appendChild(element);
+ });
+function retrieveTabURL(tabId)
+ return browser.tabs.get(tabId).then(tab =>
+ {
+ let element = reportData.createElement("window");
+ if (tab.url)
+ element.setAttribute("url", censorURL(tab.url));
+ reportData.documentElement.appendChild(element);
+ });
+function retrieveSubscriptions()
+ return browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "subscriptions.get",
+ ignoreDisabled: true,
+ downloadable: true
+ }).then(subscriptions =>
+ {
+ let element = reportData.createElement("subscriptions");
+ for (let subscription of subscriptions)
+ {
+ if (!/^(http|https|ftp):/.test(subscription.url))
+ continue;
+ let now = Math.round(Date.now() / 1000);
+ let subscriptionElement = reportData.createElement("subscription");
+ subscriptionElement.setAttribute("id", subscription.url);
+ if (subscription.lastDownload)
+ subscriptionElement.setAttribute("lastDownloadAttempt", subscription.lastDownload - now);
+ subscriptionElement.setAttribute("downloadStatus", subscription.downloadStatus);
+ element.appendChild(subscriptionElement);
+ }
+ reportData.documentElement.appendChild(element);
+ });
+function initDataCollector()
+ Promise.resolve().then(() =>
+ {
+ let tabId = parseInt(location.search.replace(/^\?/, ""), 10) || 0;
+ let handlers = [
+ retrieveAddonInfo(),
+ retrieveApplicationInfo(),
+ retrievePlatformInfo(),
+ retrieveTabURL(tabId),
+ retrieveSubscriptions()
+ ];
+ return Promise.all(handlers);
+ }).then(() =>
+ {
+ setCurrentPage("typeSelectorPage");
+ }).catch(e =>
+ {
+ if (!e.name && e.message)
+ e = e.message;
+ alert(e);
+ window.close();
+ });
+function initTypeSelector()
+ document.getElementById("typeFalsePositive").focus();
+ for (let checkbox of document.querySelectorAll("input[name='type']"))
+ {
+ checkbox.addEventListener("click", () =>
+ {
+ if (document.querySelector("input[name='type']:checked"))
+ document.getElementById("continue").disabled = false;
+ });
+ }
+function leaveTypeSelector()
+ let checkbox = document.querySelector("input[name='type']:checked");
+ reportData.documentElement.setAttribute("type", checkbox.value);
+ setCurrentPage("commentPage");
+function initCommentPage()
+ let continueButton = document.getElementById("continue");
+ continueButton.disabled = true;
+ continueButton.textContent = browser.i18n.getMessage("issueReporter_sendButton_label");
+ let emailElement = reportData.createElement("email");
+ let emailField = document.getElementById("email");
+ let anonymousSubmissionField = document.getElementById("anonymousSubmission");
+ let validateEmail = () =>
+ {
+ document.getElementById("anonymousSubmissionWarning").setAttribute("data-invisible", !anonymousSubmissionField.checked);
+ if (anonymousSubmissionField.checked)
+ {
+ emailField.value = "";
+ emailField.disabled = true;
+ continueButton.disabled = false;
+ if (emailElement.parentNode)
+ emailElement.parentNode.removeChild(emailElement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ emailField.disabled = false;
+ let value = emailField.value.trim();
+ emailElement.textContent = value;
+ reportData.documentElement.appendChild(emailElement);
+ continueButton.disabled = value == "" || !emailField.validity.valid;
+ }
+ };
+ emailField.addEventListener("input", validateEmail);
+ anonymousSubmissionField.addEventListener("click", validateEmail);
+ let commentElement = reportData.createElement("comment");
+ document.getElementById("comment").addEventListener("input", event =>
+ {
+ if (commentElement.parentNode)
+ commentElement.parentNode.removeChild(commentElement);
+ let value = event.target.value.trim();
+ commentElement.textContent = value.substr(0, 1000);
+ if (value)
+ reportData.documentElement.appendChild(commentElement);
+ document.getElementById("commentLengthWarning").setAttribute("data-invisible", value.length <= 1000);
+ });
+ document.getElementById("showData").addEventListener("click", event =>
+ {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // window.open() won't open data: URIs in Chrome
+ browser.tabs.getCurrent().then(tab =>
+ {
+ browser.tabs.create({
+ url: "data:text/xml;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(serializeReportData()),
+ openerTabId: tab.id
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ emailField.focus();
+function leaveCommentPage()
+ setCurrentPage("sendPage");
+function initSendPage()
+ document.getElementById("cancel").hidden = true;
+ let continueButton = document.getElementById("continue");
+ continueButton.textContent = browser.i18n.getMessage("issueReporter_doneButton_label");
+ continueButton.disabled = true;
+ let uuid = new Uint16Array(8);
+ window.crypto.getRandomValues(uuid);
+ uuid[3] = uuid[3] & 0x0FFF | 0x4000; // version 4
+ uuid[4] = uuid[4] & 0x3FFF | 0x8000; // variant 1
+ let uuidString = "";
+ for (let i = 0; i < uuid.length; i++)
+ {
+ let component = uuid[i].toString(16);
+ while (component.length < 4)
+ component = "0" + component;
+ uuidString += component;
+ if (i >= 1 && i<= 4)
+ uuidString += "-";
+ }
+ let params = new URLSearchParams({
+ version: 1,
+ guid: uuidString,
+ lang: reportData.getElementsByTagName("adblock-plus")[0].getAttribute("locale")
+ });
+ let url = "https://reports.adblockplus.org/submitReport?" + params;
+ let reportSent = event =>
+ {
+ let success = false;
+ let errorMessage = browser.i18n.getMessage("filters_subscription_lastDownload_connectionError");
+ try
+ {
+ success = request.status == 200;
+ if (request.status != 0)
+ errorMessage = request.status + " " + request.statusText;
+ }
+ catch (e)
+ {
+ // Getting request status might throw if no connection was established
+ }
+ let result;
+ try
+ {
+ result = request.responseText;
+ }
+ catch (e)
+ {
+ result = "";
+ }
+ if (!success)
+ {
+ let errorElement = document.getElementById("error");
+ let template = browser.i18n.getMessage("issueReporter_errorMessage").replace(/[\r\n\s]+/g, " ");
+ let [, beforeLink, linkText, afterLink] = /(.*)\[link\](.*)\[\/link\](.*)/.exec(template) || [null, "", template, ""];
+ beforeLink = beforeLink.replace(/\?1\?/g, errorMessage);
+ afterLink = afterLink.replace(/\?1\?/g, errorMessage);
+ while (errorElement.firstChild)
+ errorElement.removeChild(errorElement.firstChild);
+ let link = document.createElement("a");
+ link.textContent = linkText;
+ browser.runtime.sendMessage({
+ type: "app.get",
+ what: "doclink",
+ link: "reporter_connect_issue"
+ }).then(url =>
+ {
+ link.href = url;
+ });
+ errorElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(beforeLink));
+ errorElement.appendChild(link);
+ errorElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(afterLink));
+ errorElement.hidden = false;
+ }
+ result = result.replace(/%CONFIRMATION%/g, encodeHTML(browser.i18n.getMessage("issueReporter_confirmationMessage")));
+ result = result.replace(/%KNOWNISSUE%/g, encodeHTML(browser.i18n.getMessage("issueReporter_knownIssueMessage")));
+ result = result.replace(/(<html)\b/, '$1 dir="' + encodeHTML(window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, "").direction + '"'));
+ document.getElementById("sendReportMessage").hidden = true;
+ document.getElementById("sendingProgressContainer").hidden = true;
+ let resultFrame = document.getElementById("result");
+ resultFrame.setAttribute("src", "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(result));
+ resultFrame.hidden = false;
+ document.getElementById("continue").disabled = false;
+ };
+ let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ request.open("POST", url);
+ request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
+ request.setRequestHeader("X-Adblock-Plus", "1");
+ request.addEventListener("load", reportSent);
+ request.addEventListener("error", reportSent);
+ request.upload.addEventListener("progress", event =>
+ {
+ if (!event.lengthComputable)
+ return;
+ let progress = Math.round(event.loaded / event.total * 100);
+ if (event.loaded > 0)
+ {
+ let progress = document.getElementById("sendingProgress");
+ progress.max = event.total;
+ progress.value = event.loaded;
+ }
+ });
+ request.send(serializeReportData());
+function leaveSendPage()
+ window.close();
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