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Issue 8627097: Moved Chrome extension scripts to buildtools repository (Closed)

Oct. 19, 2012, 10:42 a.m. by Wladimir Palant
Nov. 5, 2013, 11:48 a.m.
Felix Dahlke


Note: This is a very low-priority review, more of FYI actually. For historical reasons we had a set of scripts in the adblockpluschrome repository instead of using buildtools. This functionality was now moved to buildtools and is accessible as build.py build, build.py synclocales and build.py updatepsl commands. In addition, the Crowdin integration was made to work for Chrome extensions as well (mostly, build.py gettranslations command still needs adapting) and extended with a new build.py uploadtrans command to upload existing translations. Architectural change: Originally, only entire build.py commands could be limited to particular extension types - now the same can be done for command options as well (some build.py build command options are relevant only for Firefox while --experimentalAPI is Chrome-only).

Patch Set 1 #

Patch Set 2 : Added build.py gettranslations support for Chrome #

Total comments: 17
Unified diffs Side-by-side diffs Delta from patch set Stats (+713 lines, -103 lines) Patch
M build.py View 1 7 chunks +137 lines, -37 lines 7 comments Download
A localeSyncChrome.py View 1 chunk +124 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M localeTools.py View 1 3 chunks +200 lines, -39 lines 4 comments Download
A packagerChrome.py View 1 chunk +166 lines, -0 lines 6 comments Download
M packagerGecko.py View 0 chunks +-1 lines, --1 lines 0 comments Download
M packagerKMeleon.py View 2 chunks +21 lines, -21 lines 0 comments Download
A publicSuffixListUpdater.py View 1 chunk +59 lines, -0 lines 0 comments Download
M releaseAutomationGecko.py View 1 chunk +1 line, -1 line 0 comments Download
M releaseAutomationKMeleon.py View 1 chunk +6 lines, -6 lines 0 comments Download


Total messages: 4
Wladimir Palant
Oct. 19, 2012, 10:42 a.m. (2012-10-19 10:42:27 UTC) #1
Wladimir Palant
Oct. 22, 2012, 11:26 a.m. (2012-10-22 11:26:28 UTC) #2
Felix Dahlke
http://codereview.adblockplus.org/8627097/diff/3001/build.py File build.py (right): http://codereview.adblockplus.org/8627097/diff/3001/build.py#newcode192 build.py:192: elif type == 'kmeleon': Shouldn't we get rid of ...
Jan. 10, 2013, 4:36 p.m. (2013-01-10 16:36:20 UTC) #3
Wladimir Palant
Jan. 16, 2013, 2:20 p.m. (2013-01-16 14:20:14 UTC) #4
File build.py (right):

build.py:192: elif type == 'kmeleon':
On 2013/01/10 16:36:20, Felix H. Dahlke wrote:
> Shouldn't we get rid of this while we're at it?

This was done in a separate batch of changes.

build.py:230: else:
On 2013/01/10 16:36:20, Felix H. Dahlke wrote:
> Shouldn't we check for the type here as well and have an else clause with an
> error for unknown types? Or did we already make sure that the type is either
> "chrome" or "gecko"?

Yes, that command is only available for the chrome and gecko build types - so we
can assume that it won't be called for anything else. My general approach was to
keep the Gecko packager as the default and only add the Chrome packager as the
special case wherever necessary. I can change it of course if you think it's
worth it.

File localeTools.py (right):

localeTools.py:245: key = re.sub(r'\..*', '', file) + '_' + re.sub(r'\W', '_',
On 2013/01/10 16:36:20, Felix H. Dahlke wrote:
> We have pretty much the same line in localeSyncChrome.py:82, can we avoid

Yes, the idea is to make locale syncing part of the build process rather than a
separate manual step. Then we wouldn't have to keep duplicates of Firefox
translations in the repository and this entire pre-processing step would become

localeTools.py:312: boundary = '----------ThIs_Is_tHe_bouNdaRY_$'
On 2013/01/10 16:36:20, Felix H. Dahlke wrote:
> Would it make sense to generate this randomly?

I'm not sure where this boundary string originates from but at the very least it
is the default boundary for Ruby's Net::HTTP class. Given that our payload is
known to be translations - it's a safe bet that we won't ever have issues using
that static boundary string.

If we want to implement this properly then we need to check the payload to
verify that it doesn't contain instances of our boundary string - and choose a
different boundary if it does. That's complicated enough that I didn't consider
it worth the effort in this case.

File packagerChrome.py (right):

packagerChrome.py:44: return json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
On 2013/01/10 16:36:20, Felix H. Dahlke wrote:
> Pretty much the same line is repeated a few times below. Maybe it makes sense
> put this in a function?

Actually, it's four occasions and only two are really identical (both change
locale files).

There is nothing special about these JSON parameters - I merely chose them
because they are readable. In fact, the parameters are slightly different in all
other cases (e.g. localeTools use ensure_ascii=False which isn't important here
and after downloading we remove the space after commas which also isn't
important in all the other scenarios). Frankly, I don't really see much value in
unifying this.

packagerChrome.py:89: file == 'buildtools' or file == 'qunit' or file ==
'metadata' or
On 2013/01/10 16:36:20, Felix H. Dahlke wrote:
> How about this instead?
> file in ['buildtools', 'qunit', 'metadata']

This code has been replaced by a whitelist approach by now, it's much more
concise now. You can see it in function getPackageFiles().

packagerChrome.py:90: filelc.endswith('.py') or filelc.endswith('.pyc') or
On 2013/01/10 16:36:20, Felix H. Dahlke wrote:
> How about using a regex here? Definitely more concise:
> re.match(r".*\.(py|pyc|crx|zip|sh|bat|txt)$", filelc)

See above.

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